Chapter 22 Feudalism Again, Twelve Princes

Before Luo Su could help Shen You and Zhou Yun up, a few more people bowed down loudly and asked for the outer town.

Luo Su and everyone in the banquet turned their heads and saw that they were the patriarchs of the Ji family, the Zhang family, the Jiang family, and the Xu family.

Luo Su didn't expect the effect to be so good, so he quickly picked up a few people and said, "Gu has already known the thoughts of the princes, and as the descendant of King Su, Gu is naturally willing.

It's just that Gu is not the chief regent's political affairs after all. Tomorrow Gu will propose it at the regent meeting and let the other princes vote.

This is such a major event that strengthens our country and week, the problem is not big, and the princes can feel at ease. "

The patriarch surnamed Jiang Ji was going to think about it, but Shen's words just poked his lung tube directly.

The Shen clan only had some competition with the Lu clan a hundred years ago, and the Ji clan was a direct branch from the Lu clan!

How about which branch has no intention of turning over the main house?

In the real history, the Qin family, who was separated from the Ying family name Zhao family, killed the Zhao royal family, but they were not soft at all.

Not every main family is like Rockwell, and has a better attitude towards branches.

The patriarchal system divides people into high and low from birth, and these branches can only say it is very difficult to face the arrogant master family.

For the Ji family, staying in Wang Ji will never compare to the Lu family who has been married to the emperor for generations.

The Ji clan has a large number of people and a huge power, and can fully transfer a large amount of manpower and material resources to the kingdom while maintaining a certain influence in Wang Ji.

To exchange part of Wang Ji's power for a free feudal state, Ji thinks this is a very good deal and worth a try.

The Xu Clan was at the point of losing power among Wang Ji. Due to the lack of family talents, the previous fine-tuning of the official system gradually deprived the Xu Clan of the power.

Now there is finally a talent worth cultivating in the direct line of the clan, but Xu's strength is no longer enough to push him to the position of Shangqing.

The position of the feudal lords in Ji is indeed precious. Although the upper limit is locked, under the system of Shiqing Shilu, even a family like the Xu family, which lacks talents, can hold the power for so many years.

The feudal feudal lords outside the borders are different. It is unfavorable to conquer the barbarians, and the country may be destroyed, but they have stayed in Luoyi all these years, and the eastern feudal feudal lords are the ones they have seen the most.

Under the strong attack of Qi, Luo, Song, and Wei, the power of Dongyi has been weakened to the extreme. As long as the eastern vassal states do not deliberately seek trouble, there is no danger at all.

Under the influence of Xu shi's ears and eyes, coupled with the expansion of the state and Zhou's strength over the years, he probably had some misunderstanding about the difficulty of Xia Jun and barbarians in the early Zhou period.

The Zhang family with the surname Ji is the most different one. Zhang Shao, the patriarch of the Zhang family, is a very politically intelligent person.

From the long list of titles that Qihou Lu Bai went to Haojing, he vaguely judged that Luo Su was going to revive Haojing, and what happened at the banquet today confirmed his guess.

If you want to revitalize Haojing, you must completely open up the passage between the two capitals, at least to the extent of the east, instead of the current situation where there are countless Rong and Di tribes living in large tracts of land.

In Zhang Shao's view, in the next ten years, Luosu will gradually divide the great nobles in the province into the land between Haojing and Luoyi, just like the pixel king built Luoyi Wangji in the past. Land is run as the core of the state.

The geographical location of the land over there is relatively superior. If you go north, you can border the land that Jin and other lords surnamed Ji have already developed, and there is an infinitely vast space in the south.

According to historical records, King Su wanted to implement this plan during the time of King Su, but the expansion of the east was too successful. Countless lands and wealth flowed into Luoyi and various vassal states, attracting the resources of the entire state and Zhou, resulting in no redundant manpower. Material resources to carry out the development of other places.

As a result, after the death of King Su, the plan of the two capitals system was shelved for decades, and it was only now that Luosu, his direct descendant, initiated it again.

Luo Su coincidentally picked a stage where Luoyi Wangji's power was excessive, and the contradictions would explode if they were not transferred outwards.

The most important thing is that Luosu, who is trying to promote the plan, happens to have enough prestige, enough power and good political credibility, to some extent, it can be called the right time and place.

If Luosu could know his analysis, he would also like him.

Although Luosu's main purpose was, firstly, to delay the involuntary flow of land in Wangji to the princes and nobles, and to improve Wangji's financial problems, and secondly, to alleviate the political problems caused by the merger of land between the major and minor nobles.

But building a real two-capital system, strengthening power projection to the Midwest, and finally rebuilding Haojing's defense, and even the emperor's westward migration, are all in his plan.

He wants to finish the hardest things in his limited life, so that his son can take over a relatively stable position of the third prince.

No matter what these people think, Luo Su himself is very satisfied with the results of this evening. The seventeen noble families he invited, eight of them expressed their support, and half of the number means that the initiative in this matter has completely come to him. hands.

Now the Jiujia feels a little embarrassed. On the surface, Luosu never said that he asked them to leave the town since the banquet.

This is all made by the other eight families, begging Luosu, hoping that in the name of the regent council, they can issue a golden edict and give them the golden book of the princes.

It's embarrassing all by itself.

Some, such as Ji surnamed Wang, are descendants of the royal family and have the closest relationship with the royal family. The emperors of all dynasties also trusted them, and were really unwilling to leave Wang Ji.

There are others such as the Qi family with the surname Si. There is already a Qi country outside the country, and it is still a duke country. When they go out to establish a country, when the princes meet and make alliances, they have to bow to Duke Qi, and even when they go to the country as the main clan, they will definitely be beaten by the autumn wind. make them feel bad.

Moreover, their power in Wang Ji is indeed very large, they are stable and high officials, and even occasionally rank among the third princes.

Although Luo Su said it nicely, even if he left the town, he would retain his status as a prince in the country, but politics needed balance.

Even if Luosu agrees, the other clans will not agree. Once a large number of clansmen leave the town and seal the country, Wang Jinnei's power must be surrendered.

Those who do not have the ability and prestige, still cling to the power and are unwilling to let go, will only become the target of public criticism, will be attacked by the crowd, and finally die without a place to be buried.

Luo Su didn't seem to see the embarrassment in the atmosphere, and smiled happily: "Gu Tian has not long been a prince of the Regency Council. I saw the princes today because I hope that all the sages can serve the country. Sure enough, the princes gave Gu a big surprise today.

Gu's ancestor was Xuansheng Su Wang, who could communicate with the heavens and manage human affairs. When he was a child, he read Su Wang's political books. Su Wang called himself a sincere person. The so-called 'sincere way can be known beforehand'. Governing, governing the army, governing the people, there is no disadvantage and nothing can be achieved.

Gu also has a sense of sincerity today. King Su has carried out feudalism and opened up Dongyi, and Bangzhou has been able to prosper. Now Gu is feudal again, and developed Xirong, Bangzhou must be destined to be forever prosperous. "

The maid poured wine for everyone, and accompanied Luo Su to drink it, but everyone keenly caught the word "opening up Xirong".

Everyone was immediately excited!
"As expected." Zhang Shao calmly looked around the crowd at the banquet, secretly proud of his previous knowledge, "Today Luohou's purpose is to wait for twelve families, and now three companies have agreed, Mrs. Zhang It is the strongest among them, and it seems that this time to develop Xirong, my Zhang family is going to take the lead."

The last large-scale military operation was the Eastern Expedition and the subsequent feudalism. The dividends from the development of the east have not been exhausted until now, and they are still supplying blood to the King of Luoyi, such as Qi State, Song State, Luo State, these big countries. Every time the princes will give gifts to the alliance is the central focus.

At the beginning, the strength of the state was not as strong as it is now. Every prince who was sealed was fighting alone. If the seventeen families were together now, they would be sealed if they could go out on a large scale. The newly established states could still help each other. , the difficulty has been greatly reduced.

This time, in addition to a few more determined clans, four more people have made up their minds to go out and fight, anyway, the status of Ji Nei is at most lowered.

Luo Su's eyes swept across the faces of the other people, with a smile on their faces, but their eyes were cold and cold. When the twelve great nobles left the town, there would definitely be a vacuum in Wang Ji's power. He didn't make wedding gowns for others. Great man.

The reason why I politely invite you to drink and discuss is because you are really strong together, but now your allies are my allies, so you guys can do it without leaving the town!


At the regent meeting the next day, Marquis Qi was absent, and everyone else including the regent queen mother was present. Luosu spoke out about what could be called the biggest event in 30 years.

"The current situation is that the twelve major clans are willing to send at least half of their clansmen out of Luo. Among them, the three families with the surname Ying and the Xu clan are even willing to send the clansmen above the seventh floor. They sent the clan's direct son, and the Fei clan even sent the direct descendant. The eldest son was sent out because he was determined to return to his ancestral land."

The Queen Regent was the most pleasantly surprised, her voice involuntarily raised her voice: "Luo Gong really deserves to be the first official of the state, the land in Wangji has become less and less in recent years, and this palace has been holding down many fiefs without dividing them. Over the years, I have occasionally known that there are many words of resentment, and it is a piece of my heart that Luo Gong can solve this problem.

It is worthy of being after King Su, who is capable of what people can't. In the past, King Wu said that King Su was the most talented person in the state and Zhou, and it was only with his assistance that the world could be stable.

Now that the emperor is young, he can only sit on the throne with the help of important officials like Duke Luo. "

Luo Su smiled slightly and said, "The queen dowager is wrong. King Su is a transformation of heaven and man. How can this minister be compared? These things are just picking up people's teeth and wisdom, and it's just a matter of duty."

The Queen Regent waved his hand and said, "Don't be humble, Duke Luo, there are many nobles involved in this matter, and the relationship is complicated. This palace knows that he has no ability to govern the country, so he gave it to Duke Luo, the seal of the regent meeting, It's up to you to decide."

Several other people in attendance said in unison: "I will obey orders."

Now theoretically the most powerful person in the whole state is here, and Wang Ji's huge power begins to show in front of this political force.

The golden seal edict of the meeting of the princes soon announced this matter among Wang Ji, and then sent messengers from all over the world to all the princes and states to announce it to the world.

"The widow once asked the Taishi of Zheng, and the master said that King Su once said that the key to the prosperity of the state and Zhou is to appoint virtuous talents and formulate a beneficial system. Now the widow is assisted by the princes of the Regency Council, and the descendant of King Su, Luo Shisu, has the style of the ancestors. , with the talent of the sky and the earth in mind, is the great sage who can entrust the world.

King Su set the enfeoffment, patriarchal law, ritual and music for Bangzhou, so there is prosperity of Bangzhou. For decades, the enfeoffment and patriarchal laws have been lax, and the widow is distressed. This is a symbol of the decline of Bangzhou's destiny.

King Su once said before his death that when the rituals collapsed and the music broke down, the destiny of the state and Zhou would come to an end. "

After the four marquis canonized in the south, Wang Ji canonized twelve princes at one time. Such a large-scale canonization attracted the attention of the entire state.

Ying surnamed Fei came, and he was named Feihou, and he gave Qinchuan a hundred and fifty li of fertile soil. The eldest son went to Fengguo to seal it, and he also gave some money, grain, cloth and silk.

Ji's surname was Zhou's rhyme, and he was named Marquis of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Jiang's surname was Shen's You, and he was named Marquis of Shen.

In order to distinguish Shenhouyou from the previously canonized Shenhoubo, Shenhouyou is called Xishenhou, and Shenhoubo is called Nanshenhou.

Ji's surname was Zhang Shishao, and he was named Zhanghou. He was sealed in the west of Jin State and north of Haojing, and he was granted land for [-] miles.

Ying surnamed Xu and Jiang, and was named an earl, but he was specially granted a land of [-] li, allowing the use of the marquis' musical instruments and tripods, but not the marquis's ritual vessels. Watch out for help.

Jiang's surname was Ji, and he was also named an earl. He was granted a land of [-] li by Jiaen, and only the musical instruments of the marquis were allowed to be used.

Si surnamed Chen, Jiang surnamed Xu, Xie, Gao, Ji surnamed Li, all of them were named earls, and they were granted land for seventy miles according to the old rules.

These twelve feudal kingdoms are basically located in the key positions between Haojing and Luoyi, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and are important military places.

[Your family has left a lot of traces in history, your family has accelerated the process of history again, the system will gradually strengthen the existence of historical correction power, and your luck point increase speed will be accelerated. 】


The sudden news shocked Ji Zhao.


The last time the division of the four princes was completed was very simple, because the personnel relations between the three princes and Yu Xiu were very simple, as long as they took away their cronies and property.

But this time, the twelve families are all great nobles in the country, not to mention their influence in politics, just the economic relationship is extremely complicated.

The patriarchal system established by Ji Zhao stipulated that the concubines should split their families and change their clans when they became adults, and set up a small clan to become the ancestor of their own lineage, and it was not allowed to sacrifice to the ancestors of the main clan.

The direct son does not need to change the clan, but the fourth generation needs to change the clan, which proves that the blood relationship between the two parties is very far away, and the next generation is no longer a public family, but only a public clan.

In the current state and week, in order to strengthen the power of the public office, many do not strictly implement the second rule, but even so, there are still many clans divided by those concubines.

Most of them survive by working for the Lord and following the Lord to serve the Son of God.

Take the three clans with the surname Ying as an example. The Fei clan, the Xu clan, and the Jiang clan are all major clans. These nobles have no pressure to survive and are quite able to have children. ten.

People with the same surname do not marry, and because of the marriage, the economic connection between the small clans is very complicated.


The Council of Regents, which existed for a short time in the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, was the first ruling institution with the nature of an aristocratic republic in the era of the Chinese monarchy. During its five years of existence, a group of slave aristocrats with advanced ideas and outstanding abilities promoted a series of influences. far-reaching reforms.

The prosperity of this era proved that it is feasible for a group of experienced professional bureaucrats to control the country, which had a profound impact on later history. ——"Global History Western Zhou Dynasty Volume II"

(End of this chapter)

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