Chapter 21
For Luo Su's summons, these officials of Wang Ji felt a little strange. If Luo Su's father was mentioned, they were familiar with him.

When Luohou assisted the emperor in the previous generation, some of them were on duty, and some were ministers in the same palace.

When Luo Su came to power, it happened that they also started the replacement of the next generation one after another. There is no contact between the two sides, but not much.


As the night fell, Luo Su's mansion was brightly lit, and all the officials of the dynasty who had assisted the emperor gathered here.

Because Luo Su hadn't come yet, everyone knelt down and whispered.

"Why did Duke Luo suddenly summon me to wait? He also said that he was discussing important matters."

"There are quite a lot of people here, all of them from the great clan of Shiqing Shilu in Jinnei. It seems that the matter is not trivial."

"There is an ominous premonition that this person is now the second most powerful after King Su, and he has to summon us so solemnly. I'm afraid this banquet will not go well."

"Don't worry, there are so many families, there are people in the clan who walk under Luo Gong's hands once said that this person has a tough style, but he does things in a safe way, and he never rushes for success, so everything can be achieved. Even today If something happens, I won't ask me to wait for a statement on the spot."

"Luo Gong summoned me to discuss important matters. What does this mean? It means that he values ​​us, or our clan, the summoning of the chief of the Council of Regents. Isn't this an honor?"

As soon as these words were spoken, they were immediately approved by the entire hall, and the atmosphere improved. The Zhou clan chief who said this, the Shen clan and the Ying clan, looked at each other and smiled, looking at the nose and heart.

Luo Su finally arrived late. Seeing that everyone had already arrived, he said with an apology on his face: "My lords, I'm really sorry. The Queen Mother summoned the princes of the Regency Council, so I'm late."

Zhou Yun, the patriarch of the Zhou clan, stood up and saluted and said with a smile: "Luo Gong, you are the head of the three princes, and you are also the chief of the Regency Council, and the Heavenly Official's Office is in charge of the five officials. What an important task this is.

Bang Zhou's destiny depends on you to maintain, and the lives of millions of people in the world are tied to you alone. We are just some humble tools living under the protection of your wings. How many of us are you coming to see? "

Luo Su hurriedly greeted everyone to sit down, and a group of maids removed the melon points and put on the cauldrons of the princes. The thick voice of the chime bell sounded, and Luo Su said: "What the Duke of East Zhou said just now is not right, the princes are not. A humble tool, but a person of great sage as the ancestor King Su said.

Gu has received a lot of letters from three generations of kings, and now he has been appointed as the chief of the regency council to govern the country. Today, I am summoning the princes. It is precisely to report to the emperor that the princes and others have left out the great sages in the countryside, so that they can be reused. "

This sentence directly confuses the patriarchs who don't know the inside story. They are just modest, and they are not really country people. These nobles of Shiqing Shilu need Luo Su to recommend them.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Luo Su suddenly said: "The dukes must know that a few days ago, Xi Rong was in chaos, and Qi Hou led the army west to pacify the chaos. Some news came back a few days ago, which made Gu very worried."

Fei Lai, the patriarch of the Fei clan, asked curiously: "Luo Gong, you have the ability to travel through the sky and the earth, and you can control the destiny of the state and Zhou. The rebellious Xiong Dun can withdraw from the army in a word, what else in this world can make you Are you worried?"

Luo Su withdrew from the army in one word, and also asked Xiong Dun to spit out what he ate in his mouth, which shocked everyone and was one of the sources of his semi-regent's prestige and merit.

Otherwise, just relying on the prestige of the previous ruling, even if this is just a fake regent whose sacred legitimacy is far less than that of the Su Wang period, it is not enough to take over the power so smoothly.

"Don't want to slaughter Gu, Xiong Dun is the soldier in the sky, but he is an invincible god in the world, and he is no more than a mortal, how can he defeat him?
When Xiong Dun retreated, he was just worshipping his ancestors when he came alone, and borrowed a ray of destiny from King Su. Xiong Dun's soldier went down to earth, and he naturally respected the sky and knew his destiny, so he retreated, and it had nothing to do with Gu.

King Su is in charge of the destiny of the state and Zhou, and has a great relationship. It is not a last resort and should not be disturbed lightly. If it wasn't for Xiong Dun, a mortal person would not be able to stop him, and Gu would not have disturbed King Su. "

There are too many legends about King Su, and everyone will be suspicious, so they can only hold the awe-inspiring in their hearts, a smile flashed in Luo Su's eyes, with a hint of worry on his face: "After all, only people in the world can solve the problem. , this is what the lone worries about.

How vast is the wilderness in the northwest, and it has always been the chariot that determines the outcome of the war.

The so-called chariot is nothing but a good horse and a good chariot. In the past, our country was able to cast bronze every week, so it was invincible.

Now the Quan Rong also has chariots, and they have also captured high-headed horses from the far west.The western princes said that those horses with tall heads, strong sprints, fat and strong.

The horses of our Zhou Army were not as good as the opponents in terms of impact, endurance, or weight. The Western Army was defeated because there were no good horses. "

This paragraph can be called talking nonsense with eyes open. Is there any reason for this in horses?

There must be, and no one dares to say no.

But in this era when cavalry has not yet become mainstream, the role of horses has not been so great.

Ma Zheng has not been promoted to the level of national policy, but any political purpose needs a reason.

Horses are the reason Luosu found.

As soon as Luo Su said these words, everyone's eyes fell on the three families surnamed Ying.

Fei Lai, who had secretly passed his anger, immediately bowed his head and said: "Luo Gong, the surname Ying has always been in charge of the affairs of Wang Ji's horse administration.

The ancestors of the surname Ying are nothing more than the people who hold the whip in Xiqi. To have today's status is all the benevolence of the emperor. Now that Bangzhou needs a good horse, I am naturally the third clan with the surname Ying.

The surname Ying can provide good horses for the western princes, but..."

Having said this, Fei Lai seemed to be hesitant to speak, and Luo Su hurriedly asked: "Gong Fei has something to say, but it doesn't matter, is there anything you can do?"

So Fei Lai said solemnly: "Wang Ji sits between Yiluo, it is indeed the place where the king's industry is prosperous, but when it comes to raising horses, it is far inferior to Haojing.

It is recorded in the ancient books of the ministers that since they migrated to Luoyi, the horses raised by the ministers no longer have the appearance of heavenly horses!
If you want to cultivate a good horse that is comparable to a dog in this Luoyi, the minister has the feeling that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The minister invites Duke Luo, and allows the minister to lead the tribe back to the ancestral land. If the minister can be vassalized between Feng and Gao, the minister will definitely be able to enrich the horse government, resist the Xirong, serve as a national barrier, and strengthen our country and Zhou. "

Luo Su froze on the spot, as if shocked by Fei Lai's sudden request, and said, "The princes in Ji Nei asked for the outer seal, how can Gu refuse?"

After saying two sentences, he woke up from the shock and said with joy: "For the sake of state affairs, I asked for an external title, Duke Fei is really a loyal minister of state!

King Su once said that if there are loyal elders, there must be loyal descendants. If Duke Fei is like this, the clan must be full of such people who are loyal to the king. "

Fei Lai's face was full of pride, and he said loudly: "Luo Gong, King Su has a modest gentleman, but the son of the clan is really worth boasting about.

Not only my descendants of the Fei clan, but also the three clans with the surname Ying, all of whom are loyal and righteous.

The sons and daughters of the clan are familiar with the classics written by King Su, and they are willing to contribute to the great cause of Xia Jun and barbarians, turning barbarians into Xia. "

The two patriarchs of the Xu and Jiang clans had expressions of pride on their faces.

As for the other people who have been fooled by Fei Lai's words, how are you talking about raising horses, and the third family with the surname Ying is suddenly going out of town?
Is it a loyal minister and a righteous person outside the town?

Xia Junyimin is the king of destiny?

What about those of us who are still in the country?With just a few words, he became disloyal to the king?
"it is good!"

Luo Su cheered excitedly, raised the wine lord in front of him high, and said loudly: "Xia Jun Yimin, turning the barbarians into Xia, the great cause of kingship.

This is the greatest achievement made by the lonely ancestors for my summers.

Masters, I should be the third master of the surname Ying, such a high righteousness, and it is a big white! "

Zhou Yun and Shen You, who had already been secretly listening to the song, laughed secretly in their hearts, and some of them had not recovered yet, they raised the wine bar numbly, and drank it half in one go.

Luo Su still had an excited look on his face, and said sanely: "In recent years, with the move of the capital to Luoyi, the actions of Xia Jun and the barbarians are quite unsatisfactory compared to the time of King Su.

The root of it is that the nobles like me lie on the merits of their ancestors, and they have long forgotten the hardships they experienced in the past.

Gu has always been distressed by this. I did not expect that today there are Duke Fei, Duke Xu, and Duke Jiang, who are willing to return to their ancestral land and work hard to start a business. Gu is really happy.

Gu Ming reported to the Queen Regent the Queen Mother, saying that Ying's surname was three justices, and asked Fei Gong to make a high marquis.

Xu and Jiang Ergong can also get the position of earl.

Gu also wants to protect you. In the land of Qinchuan, I will seal a hundred miles of land for you, and give you goods, slaves, weapons, and armor.

In the future, Sangong will lead his family to move westward. Don’t forget that there are people in Luoyi who will protect him. We hope that Sangong will report the victory to Gu as soon as possible. At that time, Gu will be congratulated as Sangong! "

When the three surnamed Ying thanked Luosu, everyone came back to their senses. The three surnamed Ying had negotiated with Luosu.

Ma Zheng is just a pretense, Luo Su's real purpose is to make the feudal lords move out!
The surname Ying is in Wang Ji, there are many people and few people, and they think that there is no future in Wang Ji, and there are indeed many people who want to be sealed outside, and they have communicated in private.

At the same time, after being the King of Su, Luo Su was really dissatisfied with the stagnant Xia Jun Yimin process in these years, so he thought of them.

A large number of clansmen who are not engaged in production and have undergone military training have a lot of wealth to ensure the needs of the founding of the country. They also have the honorary titles of ministers in the country, and can evenly adjust the counts and barons outside the country.

What was a little strange to everyone was that, looking at Luo Su's attitude of inviting all of his people, he wanted to move most of the officials and nobles in the country to the outside.

So many people get numb just thinking about it.

A careless, even with Luosu's prestige, will cause irreparable failure, such a major event that will even affect the state of the week, in Luosu's style, how can he do such a radical thing?
At this time, another Tuo, who had been arranged for a long time, appeared, and Shen You, the head of the Shen clan, asked Luo Su a question that everyone cared about: "Luo Gong, the surname Ying is Tianzi Muma, if you move westward, in Luoyi, What about the horse farm?"

On the surface, this question is asking, who will be the emperor's horse when the surname Ying leaves, but in fact, it is asking how to fill the power vacuum in Ji.

This is the question that everyone is most concerned about. They instantly mobilized their spirits and pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Luo Su said.

Our families have served the emperor from generation to generation. We knew everything about Wang Ji and transferred us all. Wouldn't Wang Ji not govern?

That's what's on their minds.

But Luosu's purpose is not to completely deprive them of their power. In this era when Shiqing Shilu is taken for granted, structural contradictions cannot be solved.

A generation does what a generation does.

What he has to do is to delay the political disasters that will occur in Wangji within a few decades, and to let the power and scale of these clans in Wangji be restored to the level they just moved to Luoyi. time status.

These can not only solve the financial problems of Wang Ji, but also solve the problem of the gradual erosion of the power of the emperor by the nobles and nobles.

So Luo Su waved his hand and said with a smile: "The things that Duke Shen is worried about, Gu just thought about it, but they don't actually exist.

After a hundred years of reproduction, the Ying surname clan is such a behemoth.

Among them, there are more than three branches of the small clan. The children of the three clans go west to the land of Qinchuan, which does not mean that the whole clan has to migrate. Even elderly people like Fei Gong can still stay in Luoyi. .

Gu is the monarch of the Luo Kingdom, and he is not here to have a feast with the public. For decades, when he stayed in the Luo Kingdom, he could count.

In the state and Zhou Dynasty, how many feudal feudal lords and feudal feudal feudal feudal lords came from the same source?
Don't talk about others, let's talk about Gongyun of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. At its root, it is also the descendant of King Su, and it is the same family as Gu.It's just that when King Su established another sect family.

When I think back to the beginning of the country, when was there such a clear boundary between inside and outside the country? "

Zhou Yun covered his face and said: "Luo Gong has promoted someone, Luo's family is the heir of King Su's clan, and the incense has been incessant year after year, and the minister has changed his clan to stand separately, and he has not even offered a single incense, how dare he be called a descendant of Su Wang, only You can be called Queen Su."

Zhou Yun is right, Xiao Zong can only worship his ancestors.

In Ji Zhao's system, they don't even count as descendants, only the Luo family who haven't split up are counted as his descendants.

Luo Su's remarks dispelled a large part of the people's resistance, especially the fact that Duke Fei actually made a marquis directly!

This is equivalent to the third prince of the Son of Heaven, and they are only equivalent to uncles.

"Luo Gong's remarks, the minister can only bow his head and bow to show his gratitude."

Shen You's expression was a little serious, and he slowly said: "Luo Gong, my Shen clan was born from the origin of Jiang's surname, and it was alongside your uncle Lu clan a hundred years ago, regardless of Xuanlin.

In the time of King Wu, Taigongwang made great contributions to the state and Zhou, and when King Su was regent, he followed the army to the east.

This kind of great deeds was achieved in Bangzhou and Zhou, and the Shen family was far behind. Since then, the Lü family was awarded the state of Qi, and the Shen family stayed in the territory.

To this day, Qi is already a big eastern country with [-] armors, and it has been married to the Son of Heaven for generations. How noble?

Not to mention the princes surnamed Jiang, it means that all the princes in the state and Zhou, regardless of whether they are princes or not, except for Xiong Dun, who was the master of the army that day, which other princely country can have such military power?
Brothers of the same clan who once lived hard in Xiqi, can have today's prosperity, and the ministers know that they are all blessed by the destiny of the state.

But King Su once said that when the sky is strong, the gentleman is self-improvement.

The minister sometimes thought that if the Shen family hadn't stayed in Wangji at the beginning, and had been in the outer town of Wangsu, he would have participated in the royal business of Xiajun and Yimin.

The Shen family will certainly not have the embarrassment it is today, and even the children of the right age in the clan cannot get the fief from the separated family.

If the ancestors knew about this, the ministers would be shameless to face the ancestors. "

Shen You actually choked up, looking very sad, seemingly true but false, who can say that there is not a bit of sincerity in these words?
As soon as Shen You's voice fell, Zhou Yun came over with a slightly crying voice, "Luo Gong, what Shen Gong just said cut into the heart of this minister.

When Xiong Dun came north, it was fortunate that Duke Luo and Duke Qi were the military diligent kings from outside the country. As a descendant of King Su, this minister was incompetent, and he was really ashamed.

If you can feudal the state and establish a country, if the emperor is in danger again in the future, the minister will not be helpless.

I also hope that Duke Luo agrees to the feudal request for the sake of his family. "


Luosu is one of the most outstanding historical figures in Chinese history. He solved the financial crisis and political crisis that gradually appeared in the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and greatly eased the land annexation activities of the big aristocracy to the small aristocracy in Wangji. He also restarted the operation. He started the second large-scale armed colonial operation of the Western Zhou Dynasty and was one of the founders of the unification of China.

In fact, such an outstanding statesman never appeared after the Western Zhou Dynasty until its sudden demise. ——"Global History Western Zhou Dynasty Volume II"

 I see that the authors of the new book are all looking to read, and I am also asking for it here. I don’t know much about these. It is all up to everyone’s support. I hope the results will be better, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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