Chapter 53 Characters
When Xu Qing heard the greeting, he also saw two people who were still staying in the company, one Yuan Huhu and the other Qi Xi, so he said with a smile, "Why haven't you guys gone back yet?"

Qi Xi was also eliminated today. Originally Xu Qing was going to pick her up, but today she was going to accompany Hu Xin to the audition, so I asked Yuan Huhu to wait, otherwise it would be too much for Qi Xi to come back in despair. It hurts.

Qi Xi's mood after being eliminated seemed pretty good. As for what she was thinking, Xu Qing didn't know. He walked up to Qi Xi, looked it over carefully, and then jokingly said: "The food for the Creation Camp is also good." It’s not good, it’s starved you thin.”

Qi Xi was a little embarrassed to be sized up like this, especially when Xu Qing's eyes wandered to her legs, she shrank back unconsciously. After listening to Xu Qing's jokes, Qi Xi's state returned to normal Quite a few, she asked happily: "Have I lost weight? It's true or not, you didn't lie to me, right?"

"There's no need to lie to you."

"But I weighed myself every day and it didn't make me feel lighter. On the contrary, I got a little heavier." Qi Xi said while looking down at her body, wondering if she could see her instep from her perspective.

Qi Xi is different from Hu Xin. Hu Xin is an ordinary girl, while Qi Xi has big things in her heart, and with her legs, she has a really hot body.

It's no wonder that Wazi has always been obsessed with Qixi, and even his interest in Yang Tutu, who has a face value of 100, is not as high as that of Qixi.

If this girl Qi Xi could stand up and broadcast live, she would have been popular long ago. Unfortunately, she really has the opposite personality. During the live broadcast, she only shows her head, and the audience below the collarbone can't see it at all. For her The advantages are not taken advantage of at all.

Sometimes, I really don't know whether to say that she has principles or doesn't know how to be flexible.

Hearing Qi Xi say that her weight has not dropped but increased, Xu Qing looked at her again, and finally came to a conclusion: "It may be that there is more muscle, and the density of muscle is greater than that of fat."

"It makes sense." Yuan Huhu touched his round face to express his agreement.

"Xinxin, how was your audition today? Have you passed?" Qi Xi turned the topic to Hu Xin again.

"Just now they called and said they wanted to check the contract first. No, brother Qing and I are just going to come back and look at it."

"Can we watch it? I haven't seen an actor's contract yet." Yuan Huhu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Look, why can't you watch it? You have to be an agent in the future. If you get in touch early, you will have experience." Xu Qing said while patting Yuan Huhu on the shoulder encouragingly.

After finishing speaking, several people came to a computer, and Xu Qing logged into his mailbox.

There was an email from Hua Qing lying in the mailbox. There was nothing important in the email itself, the main thing was to read the attached document.

After downloading the document, Xu Qing couldn't wait to click on it. After all, it was the first time he saw this thing.

Unlike the agreement signed by the start-up group, the first page of this contract document is a confidentiality agreement.

The content of the confidentiality agreement is very detailed. Party A is labeled Nanpei Huaqing Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd., and Party B is Nanpei Xingtang Culture Co., Ltd.

The main content is that, as long as Party B (Xingtang Culture) receives and downloads this document, it is deemed to have agreed to the content of the confidentiality agreement.

Xingtang Culture is responsible for keeping confidential the content of the contract and the script in the contract appendix.

All the contents of the document must not be disclosed to any individual or organization other than Xingtang Culture. If it is disclosed, a certain liquidated damages will be borne, and the liquidated damages are not low.

This non-disclosure agreement taught Xu Qing first-hand that the agreement signed with the Chuangtuan before did not have such a download as an agreement.

Not only Xu Qing, but others also felt fresh about the content of this contract.

Behind the confidentiality contract is a serious performing arts contract.

However, when they saw the content of the contract, Xu Qing and Hu Xin were stunned at the same time.

Hu Xin asked with some uncertainty: "Brother Qing, did they send this contract to the wrong person?"

"I sent it to the wrong person, why did Party B write all the names of our company?"

"But, I didn't try this role."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Huhu and Qi Xi realized why Xu Qing and Hu Xin had such weird expressions just now.

Xu Qing didn't answer Hu Xin's question, in fact, he didn't know how to answer.

Of course he knew that Hu Xin didn't try for the role written in the contract, but now that Hua Qing has sent the contract, there is naturally another candidate for the role of Rong Qi that Hu Xin tried. Maybe it's a compensatory one.

Since it is of a compensatory nature, what Xu Qing needs to know now is how important this role is.

So, Xu Qing quickly scrolled down the file, found the script page in the file attachment, and flipped through it.

Time went back to this morning, in the rehearsal room after Hu Xin's audition.

Chen Kailin routinely asked other people's opinions on Hu Xin's role as Rong Qi. The producer, screenwriter, photographer, and even the actor's assistant director all felt that there was no problem.

But at this time, the representative of the producer smiled and said to Chen Kailin: "Director Chen, this girl is not from our company."

When Chen Kailin heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong. The representative of the producer asked nonsense. Most of the actresses who came to try the role of "Rong Qi" were not from their own company.

As long as the artists in his own company are qualified for such a role, why does Chen Kailin risk offending the head of the artist department to choose actors from outside?
However, the representative of the producer is the representative of the investor. Even though everyone belongs to the same company, the mountain they are in is different. The department to which the director belongs and the investment department are two systems.

Strictly speaking, the investment department is equivalent to the father of many departments in the company. Except for a limited number of big leaders and some specific departments that do not need to be in the investment department, everyone else has to take good care of them.

Therefore, even if Chen Kailin, who is not considered a great director, is unhappy, he still has to ask with a smile on his face, "Mr. Li, what are your thoughts?"

The representative of the producer, who was called Mr. Li, took a resume from the table and handed it to Chen Kailin.

After Chen Kailin took the resume, he looked at Mr. Li with some doubts.

Mr. Li didn't play charades, he still kept smiling and said to Chen Kailin: "This is Mr. Liu's friend, and she very much hopes to play the role of Rong Qi."

"Mr. Li, this matter is not very authentic, is it?" Chen Kailin couldn't hold back his temper when he heard this. What is Mr. Liu's friend or girlfriend?
Li, you are too deceitful. Liu is always the boss of the investment department, and he can't afford to offend him. Since he wants a role, he can just say hello to him in advance.

If you say hello in advance, you don't need to do the audition of Rong Qi's role. If you do this kind of thing now, isn't it a waste of time and play for everyone?
"Director Chen, don't get excited. I'm also acting for the leader for the things Mr. Liu ordered." Mr. Li still had that smile on his face.

But the more he laughed, Chen Kailin felt his veins twitch more fiercely, he couldn't help asking: "I understand doing things for the leader, so what about Hu Xin just now?"

Those who don't understand Chen Kailin heard what he said here, and thought he was speaking for Hu Xin.

But in fact, Chen Kailin didn't mean that at all. He was just using Hu Xin's excuse to fight for the right to choose actors. The roles of a drama were spread out, and the male and female protagonists had no right to decide. Then what right do I have to speak as a director?

Without the right to speak, life will not be easy in the future filming process. The producer who is supposed to be the boss of the production team in name should not take the opportunity to ride on his own head and shit.

Mr. Li obviously understands what Chen Kailin wants, everyone has been in this circle for so long, some things need not be said too clearly, so he said with a smile...
(End of this chapter)

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