The ace agent starts with the girl group

Chapter 52 Xu Qing is an old silver coin

Chapter 52 Xu Qing is an old silver coin

"You and Lin Qiao's meal is a hot search." Xu Qing said casually while driving the car.


"Let me tell you, the thing about your dinner with Lin Qiao just now was trending on the Internet. You can go to Weibo to see it yourself." Seeing that Hu Xin didn't understand, Xu Qing said it again, and reminded Hu Xin to go to Weibo to have a look. Look.

Now, Hu Xin finally knew what Xu Qing was talking about, so she quickly turned on her phone and checked Weibo's trending searches.

After reading it, Hu Xin asked in surprise: "Can we both be on the hot search about eating?"

"Do you feel that you are actually very popular?" Xu Qing teased.

"Stop making trouble. If I'm considered popular, wouldn't Tutu be an international superstar now?" Although Hu Xin has little experience in the entertainment industry, she is definitely not a fool. A little famous, but definitely not so popular that it will be on the hot search after a reunion.

Thinking of this, Hu Xin quickly asked: "Brother Qing, is this hype?"

"What do you think?"

"Did Qiaoqiao and the others do it? I said that when we first met, there was more than one person holding a lamp to shoot us." Now Hu Xin fully realized it.

"I thought you didn't see it?"

"Why didn't Qiaoqiao notify me in advance?" Hu Xin suddenly realized that she seemed to be being used.

"What do you want to tell me? Tell you to have a wave of CP marketing together today? What if you don't agree?"

"If she discusses with me, I may not refuse."

"Who knows, it may be that when you gave Lin Qiao the resurrection armor, Lin Qiao felt that you were too upright, and would definitely not agree with this marketing method."

"How could they do this? How could they do this without my consent? Isn't this a lie?" When Hu Xin said this, the excitement of the day disappeared immediately.

"It's said that I lied to you to play, and I still need your consent? Hu Xin, there is a saying that I can't say when there are outsiders just now. From now on, you'd better be cautious in your words and deeds, understand what can be said and what can't be said, don't When you encounter something good, you get overly complacent." Having said this, Xu Qing's tone was already very blunt.

Hu Xin was indeed a bit carried away today. When she was having dinner with Lin Qiao just now, she almost told Lin Qiao that the song "Love You" was written by Xu Qing. Is this okay to say?Have the folds of your brain unfolded?
Leaving aside Lin Qiao's insincerity towards Hu Xin, even if she was sincere, she couldn't say it, and she didn't have any sense of secrecy. How could she cause trouble for herself?

Hu Xin seldom heard Xu Qing talking to herself so seriously, she was at a loss for a while, and stuttered: "Qing...Brother Qing, I...I didn't, I...I was wrong , not next time."

"I'm not blaming you, but I'm trying to reason with you. It's not just the entertainment industry. You work in any industry. You can't hide things in your heart. If you look at the problem too simply, you will suffer a big loss one day." If it wasn't necessary, Xu Qing didn't want to speak in such a paternalistic tone, but Hu Xin's state today is similar to his state for a while back then.

At the beginning, he was also a little transparent, until he met that noble man, after that for a period of time his grades were outstanding, and the people around him became more flattering, so Xu Qing drifted away, and once he drifted away, he would suffer losses, Xu Qing could It was a big loss.

Since then, Xu Qing has learned to hide things and speculate.

Xu Qing is too familiar with Hu Xin's state today. He has read the script.

Compared to Xu Qing who is still just an employee of a company and basically deals with clients and colleagues, Hu Xin will deal with the public in the future. As a public figure, she should pay more attention to her own words and deeds. Like the ability, it is better not to say.

"Brother Qing...I..." Before Hu Xin could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a phone ringing.

Xu Qing glanced at the mobile phone on the bracket. It was a call to himself, so he reached out and pressed the speakerphone.

The phone connected, and a young woman's voice came over the speaker.

"Hello, is this Teacher Xu Qing?"

"Hello, I'm Xu Qing, may I ask who you are?" Xu Qing responded politely.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I am the casting assistant of the Secret History of Shendu, you can call me Jessica (Jessica), today your artist Hu Xin came to participate in the audition, the director is quite satisfied with her performance, so I want to talk to you Let’s talk about the role cooperation.”

"Oh, yes, you can tell me." Xu Qing said quickly after hearing this.

"Mr. Xu, I sent the contract and the script of the role to your email. You can take a look first. If you have any questions, you can call me, and I will give your thoughts back to our leader."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free."

"You're welcome, don't bother me for now, you can read the contract first."


After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone over there, and Xu Qing glanced at his mobile phone again, then focused his gaze on the traffic ahead and said, "Congratulations, there will be a project on your resume for auditions in the future." .”

Hu Xin felt no sense of complacency after the beating just now, and she said weakly: "It's all thanks to Brother Qing, if you hadn't given me lessons and taken me to try out plays, how could I have had the chance Be an actor."

"You're pretty good at what you say, remember to tell the teachers in the circle more in the future."

"Brother Qing, I really mean it." Hearing Xu Qing's words, Hu Xin became anxious all of a sudden. She could swear by her conscience that what she just said was definitely not flattery.

"I didn't say you didn't mean it. In the future, no matter which group you enter to film or participate in any other activities, you must maintain a humble heart. I hope you just said similar things to me, yes Others can say it, regardless of the other party's identity and status, even if you don't want to, you have to act as a humble person, don't play big names, it will be difficult to walk like this."

"I see." Hu Xin nodded obediently.

"Of course, if someone bullies you, don't be afraid. I'm your manager and I'll help you out."

"Understood." Hu Xin was confused by Xu Qing's repeated words, and now she can only answer passively.

"Remember, it doesn't matter if you lose your mouth. Let's find it from other places. It's much more enjoyable to use IQ to slander others than to quarrel." Speaking of this, Xu Qing thought of his opponents before. , The corners of the mouth couldn't help but go up.

Xu Qing's words obviously exceeded Hu Xin's cognition. Since she was a child, no one had conveyed this kind of value to her. She unconsciously set her eyes on Xu Qing's face, which looked like In fact, he is quite harmless to humans and animals. He has a student spirit, his eyes are quite big, and his eyes are somewhat innocent. No matter how he looks, he doesn't look like a person who can say such things.

Xu Qing naturally didn't care about the impact his words would have on Hu Xin. In fact, he never minded that people in his team like to stir up trouble, and he even wished that everyone in his team was old silver coins.

Xu Qing summed up the period when he was the fastest growing.

The final answer is just one. The period of his fastest growth was precisely the time when he fought with others the most. During that time, it can be said that Xu Qing spent designing others and preventing being designed by others.

Of course, the above mentality does not mean that Xu Qing never treats others with sincerity, but sincerity is a luxury, and he thinks he cannot be sincere to everyone.

Objectively speaking, as a leader, if you want to live comfortably, the people under you should not be too smart, which is easier to manage. A team that likes to play games, the loyalty must be questionable, including the leader being overturned by the subordinates is also very likely.

But Xu Qing thinks that he can tolerate all these, since they are all out to work anyway, as long as the performance of the team members can be achieved, everything is negotiable.

What he can't tolerate is that there are idiots in his team. Idiots are not stupid. Stupid people still have the advantage of being obedient. Idiots are just stupid players who don't know it. They have to think they are smart even though they are stupid. The thing that can be done well by being obedient is that you have to play your own hand, and then mess up things and wait for Xu Qing to wipe your ass, which will finally affect the income of the entire team.

Apart from stupidity, there is another kind of person that Xu Qing will never hand over to, and that is the Bitch of the Virgin.

This kind of person is more terrifying than idiots. Idiots may only affect a little income, and the Holy Mother may lead the whole team to overturn in unexpected places.

Speaking of this, Xu Qing remembered that a colleague bought a legally farmed wild goose for everyone to eat teeth. This colleague really put his heart into it. He spent several hours on the big weekend without rest and prepared a big table for everyone. .

However, during this process, a girlfriend brought by a colleague happily ate the legally farmed wild goose, and then reported the person who bought the wild goose to treat everyone to dinner.

The reason for the report is that wild geese are second-class protected animals, and it is illegal to eat them, and she is afraid that these people will ruin her boyfriend, so she chooses to stand up for justice.

At that time, everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the news. What kind of thing can a cow and horse do?
This report had a huge impact, but fortunately, the merchants had completed the formalities, which proved that the geese were really legally bred commodities, and thus avoided an unjust case.

However, the company still issued a circular to criticize this matter, and the colleague who bought Dayan lost his chance of being promoted.

The people who ate that day were all expected to be promoted, including the girl's boyfriend. Everyone belonged to the new middle-level of the company and belonged to different departments. They originally wanted to use the opportunity of the dinner to connect and connect with each other, so that they could hug each other to keep warm in the future.

This group hugging to keep warm became yellow, and everyone never had dinner together again, and they tried to avoid too much communication in the company.

As for the girl's boyfriend, he couldn't stay in the company at all, so he resigned in desperation.

The fact that the woman's boyfriend resigned and lost his chance of promotion is not a big deal, the key is that his reputation in the circle is bad, but if he knows this, no one will dare to have a close relationship with him again, and they are afraid that it will happen again.

This is the power of a virgin whore, who harmed her boyfriend and others.

Such people are not stupid, they are simply bad.

When Xu Qing was conveying his thoughts to Hu Xin, he was also constantly recalling what he had experienced in these years. People cannot heal their scars and forget the pain, especially now that they want to make a living in the entertainment industry, such as vanity fairs, so they must be careful. Be careful.

Half an hour later, Xu Qing brought Hu Xin back to the company. The contract from Huaqing had just been sent, so I had to check it out quickly. Most workers in the entertainment industry didn't have the concept of [-] to [-].

If you have work, you have to do it, no matter whether it is morning or evening. Of course, you can rest if you don’t have work, and you don’t need to clock in to work. Xu Qing was not familiar with this rhythm when he first crossed, but now he is completely used to it.

As soon as he entered the company door, he heard a familiar voice.

"Brother Qing, you are back."

 Brothers, in my heart, the growth of a character is inseparable from the promotion of the plot. Only when a person grows can he have more possibilities and greater development.

  I will try my best to write each main character in a more three-dimensional way. If you have any opinions during this process, you can also leave a message in the comment area. I will usually read it.

  Finally, thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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