Chapter 86 Chapter 84

The change of the environment on the mind is huge.

For example, in a country where more than 96% of the population is illiterate, it is easy to produce a "master of thought", "master of literature" and "public knowledge text".

Because such an environment respects educated people, everyone believes and listens to what educated people say.

But when people with less than 1% of the population are illiterate, it is not so easy to want to be the home of "everyone". Without any real skills, it is easy to be scolded.

So is ninja.

Konoha's ninjas are a rare resource, and it would be great for ordinary people to have a chance to attend a ninja school.It belongs to the level that if the ancestral grave does not emit smoke, you have to light the fire yourself.

Therefore, the ninja of Konoha is the authority.

Authority cannot be offended.

Nanga is different. Although Nanga ninjas are rare, attending the ninja school "Iga 49" is a nine-year ninja obligation that every Nanga citizen must participate in.

So ninja is still a career that is yearned for, but it has no authority.

After all, who hasn't grown up to be a ninja anyway?You have no real skills, why should I listen to you.Why live according to your ideas.

This is Nan He's thinking.

So, at the very beginning, Konoha and Nanhe's children had a good time playing.

You love to play Hokage, we play Uchiha, everyone fights back and forth, and it doesn't hurt the peace.

The script also satisfies everyone. Konoha has many children. Although Nanhe's population is similar to Konoha's, there are fewer children and fewer newborns.

Therefore, Konoha will win in the end, but those children who have finally settled down in Nanhe with their families from all over the world will also show their heroic blood to the fullest.

But after a few months of this situation, it was different.

Nan He's children became more and more dissatisfied.

In an environment, once the ascending channel is clear, it is impossible not to involve.

Students who attend "Iga 49 Institute" will unconsciously teach the knowledge they have learned in school to their younger siblings when they return home from vacation.

Gradually, even uncertified preschools and tutoring have sprung up.

Disabled ninjas who lost parts of their body parts can no longer go to battle, but teaching is fine.

At the same time, Konoha is flooding the economy, and Nanhe is no exception.

Moreover, Nanhe controls Konoha's commercial arteries, as well as a large amount of supplies provided by Uchiha Kai.

As a result, here in Nanhe, every household running for a well-off life is not a slogan at all, but an actual behavior.

I dare not say that she is very rich, but even a woman named Ye Naiyu, the pharmacist, can live well with seven children, and still have money to buy new clothes and new toys for the children.

This already explains a lot of problems.

At least Nan He's new generation of force has grown visible to the naked eye.

Good nutrition, rich materials, and a relaxed environment are easy for people who have experienced hardships to cherish and grow for them.

Today at the pharmacist's house, the two eldest sons who are in school are on vacation.Yakushi Inari and Yakushi Tsukido Hachiman are helping Nonoyu with his work.

And the five younger sons, Yaoshi Kai, Yaoshi Kanda Ming, Yaoshi Wuyue, Yaoshi Jiangmen, and Yaoshi Dou, naturally couldn't stay idle when they were full.

Their lives are no longer tight, and their entertainment is naturally enriched.

Picking up the new toy bought by mother, the little pharmacists are going to have an intimate collision with Konoha's children.

Propaganda is always effective on the basis of the actual living environment.

The third generation who occasionally goes to the orphanage to give a speech, was also the idol of the seven little ones of the Yakushi family.

But as their beloved mother was kicked out of Konoha, and after they changed their living environment with their mother, the former idol became the object they would trample on for 1 years.

The lives of people and the lives of dogs cannot be smoothed out with just one or two slogans.

The little pharmacists became Uchiha's staunch defenders and Konoha's staunch opponents.

Those who try to turn Uchiha into a villain are all heretics.To be hung on a street lamp and burned alive.

Today is the day when Uchiha crusade against Konoha.

The five well-dressed little ones did not hide their disdain in the face of the Konoha crowd who kept gathering their numbers, and secretly vowed to show the glory of Uchiha Shinsengumi.

Five people faced a group of people, and the little pharmacists were rare and solemn, drawing their knives, slashing their knives, and stepping forward.






Facing the menacing Konoha children, the children from Yaoshi's family swung their knives well, and even mobilized the only chakra.

That is to say, they are young and their chakra is seriously insufficient.

Otherwise, the proper level of ninja cannon fodder.

It seems that these five little ones are just like their older brothers, Yakushi Rice Inari and Yakushi Tsukido Hachiman, they are all little geniuses.

"Heretics, accept Uchiha Masayoshi's group fight."

Several little pharmacists call themselves Uchiha, this is their dream.

The five little pharmacists played with the momentum of 50 people.

Konoha's children are also fearless.

Although they have always lost against Shang Nan He recently, their past victories and their numbers gave them the confidence to collide with the Nan He people.

"Evil Uchiha, accept the punishment of Konoha Ninja, my third generation."

"Me, the future fourth generation!"

"First generation!"

"Second generation!"

"You will be driven into the abyss!"

The children in Muye Village, not to mention their tattered clothes, shouted slogans. In a team of 30 people, there were only a dozen Hokages.

Then they rushed forward, stumbling towards the five members of the Yaoshi's family.

Then, it was a scene of a child with a knife.

The angle from which the children of the pharmacists swung their knives, the strength of their attacks, and the location of the blows all showed that the little pharmacists had put a lot of effort into their saber skills.

It also means that they have at least been exposed to a very basic set of knife skills.

Five future ninjas, fighting against a group of children who might stumble with their left foot and right foot even while running, the result is self-evident.

The battle that used to be mutual, suddenly turned to one side.

Such things have happened frequently at the junction of Nanhe and Konoha in recent days.

Adults are used to it, do children fight?What a big deal!
"Crack, snap, snap!"


In an instant, a group of Konoha's children fell to the ground crying.

The adults in the distance didn't feel anything.

But the children thought this time was different.

Children are sensitive and direct.

Children are innocent and romantic in the eyes of adults, but it is because children are not as hypocritical as adults, and they are not tactful enough.

Adults will worry about the consequences when doing things, but children generally don't think so much.

So the naive and romantic nature of this kind of emotion is not all a good thing.

In the past, when these children were beaten, they would go home after crying for a while.

Because they are sensitive, they know that Nan He's children also have parents, relatives and friends, and their incompetent parents cannot afford to offend them.

The adults in the family talked about Nan He's group behind their backs, with envy and jealousy in their mouths.

But Pharmacist's family is different. Her family has only one woman who adults say is "putting a pawn" with a few children, and there is no support.

Even her incompetent parents belittled her without any scruples, so what is there to be afraid of.

My parents can offend her, so they have to give in to me.

This is what a child thinks.

The Konoha child who was bullied began to cry.

Various curses also appeared.

"You bastards with a mother and no father, dare to bully me! Konoha's ninjas will not let you go! My parents will not let you go either."

After one child starts, all the terrible things that children have heard from adults blurt out.

These are what the adults said when discussing the newly moved Nanhe woman.

"Your mother is a ride of ten thousand people, and you are all a group of fathers who were born but not raised by fathers!"

It seems to be the nature of some children to not be able to play.

The shadows of Konoha Ninja Village Children's Ninja World War who lost the game fell down in the mud of Konoha Village, crying and rolling.

It seems that only by belittling the other party's background can the other party be subdued, which makes him look noble.

Children hope to use their grievances in exchange for adults' success.

Let those helpless little pharmacists know how wrong it was for them to fight back against Konoha.

"You bastards, don't even think about your identities. If you dare to defeat us, I will tell Mr. Ninja! You want to rebel. You want to rebel against Konoha."

All kinds of threatening and vicious words came out of Konoha's mouth, maybe they didn't understand what they were talking about.

That's what adults say.

Are the little pharmacists the ones who suffer?
Could it have been an orphan before!Without a backing, you naturally have to learn to suffer.

But not now, their elder brother has been recognized by the Uchiha clan, and will be admitted to the inner courtyard soon, and then become a real Uchiha.

This is why their mother was rumored to marry Uchiha.

No matter what it is, the fact is that the pharmacist's family now has a backer.

And once the bullied people have a backer, their tolerance for bullying is simply negative.

The little pharmacists didn't have any verbal arguments with Konoha's children.

Maybe that's what growing up is all about.It is the process of a child who has always argued three points without reason, and finally becomes an "adult" who is unwilling to speak out when he has reasons.

Hmm~ If you can do it, don't make any noise!

Pharmacist Dou Feiwu got up and was stabbed.

"Slash in the air"

The back of the knife aimed at the mouth of the child who was leading the wailing the loudest.

In the air, teeth and blood flew together.

The five little pharmacists rushed forward without saying a word, just punching and kicking the child.

It's not a slap in the face, it's a slap in the mouth.

This could be bullying.

But who can tell the difference between bullying with punches and bullying with words?

The game of restraint between the children was completely over and turned into a brawl.

Even though Konoha's child had been beaten so hard that he didn't dare to cry, he could only hold his head and beg.But the little pharmacists still didn't stop their actions.

They don't want to talk about it, but there is no end to apologizing for this matter today.

The children who tried to escape were carried back and thrown into the mud.

The grown-ups watching from a distance were shocked by the ferocity and didn't know what to do for a while.

until one sound.

"Stop it, what are you evil brats doing!"

The ninja of the Sarutobi family appeared like a savior.

(End of this chapter)

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