Chapter 85 83 Hundred ghosts walk at night

Family meetings like Zhuludie happen every night, and everyone's discussions have their own results.

But no matter what, no one has the ability to change, the strength of the small family is far worse than that of the Sarutobi family.

Sarutobi compiled a big network, everyone on the network has their own experience, but no matter what they see, they can't change the final result.

They are just a group of prey who have fun with the Sarutobi clan during the day, and have their own calculations at night.

The sacrificial activities continued.

Tea offering ceremony, hand-washing Ido opening, shrine sword wearing, Iwami shrine, Mikoshi Watari departure ceremony.

At the same time, Sarutobi is carrying out his own economic policy in a leisurely manner.

From economics to political correctness, the Uchiha clan is caught in the net. I don't believe they can make any waves.

Sarutobi is very confident.

But there was no movement at Nanhe Shrine.

The Uchihas don't care about the actions of the third generation, and they don't care about those who can understand or not.

Human beings have limits, the more scheming they are, the more they will fall into unexpected situations and waste all their previous efforts.

No matter how the three generations toss, time will always be on Uchiha's side.

It's not that Uchiha wants three generations to die, but that the Four Great Nations can no longer bear Konoha's superiority.

The strength of the first super ninja village is no longer worthy of its current status.

Everyone is going to share this piece of fat.

This is the inevitability of history, regardless of the arrival of Uchiha Kai or not, Konoha will face a war.

The Uchihas of Nanga Shrine feel that it is better to worry about why your own family, Mr. Qi, is unwilling to get up even though the operation is successful, if you have to worry about what the third generation has done.

Hey~ But it doesn't matter, Mr. Qi is a child after all, it's rare for him to be self-willed, so let him be.

Both sides became less anxious.

But the world is so strange, getting what you want is not life, but making mistakes is life.

At the junction of Nanhe Shrine and Konoha's sphere of influence, a woman is farming with her two older children.

Five young children are playing ninja pretend games with Konoha's children.

This is the current state of the Fire Nation.

Nanhe and Konoha, the adults above wished to crush each other, but the civilians at the bottom, although they also hated each other, did not act aggressively.

Those ignorant children are even more happy to play with each other.

The reason is also very funny. Konoha's children dream of being Hokage. In their ninja game, they want to be the Hokage faction. I am Hokage and you are the elder.

As for the villain, it is naturally the evil Uchiha.

The children on the side of the Nanga Shrine have the opposite dream, and their dream is to become Uchiha.

This game was played a few months ago, but it has come and gone.

But as the lives of Nan He's children got better and better, the game became one-sided.

A dozen Konoha children in ragged clothes held wooden shurikens in their hands.

The unbearable appearance of the shuriken, the frizzy barbs, one can tell that it was handmade by oneself.

"You group of evil Uchihas, you are still captured without a fight."

The yelling of a dozen five or six-year-old children is still very imposing, and it will be more perfect if they wipe the snot off their noses.

On the other hand, the children surrounded by them are quite different.

Five children, about the same age, are dressed in Shinsengumi imitation uniforms and are full of energy.

He held a wooden knife in his hand, and the blade was wrapped with a thin layer of iron.

At first glance, it looks like a store-bought high-precision product.

This attire is in stark contrast to those who consider themselves future Hokage.

It is roughly the difference between the regular army and the bandits.

Even the Muye villagers who were doing farm work in the distance were full of praise when they saw the appearance of these children.

"Whose child is this? Wearing such good clothes and playing around, is there an adult who is a ninja?"

"You don't know, those are the adopted sons of the pharmacist No Naoyu."

If Uchiha Kai's arrival could not change the fate of the Three Wars, it unexpectedly changed the fate of Nonoyu.

The dean of the Konoha Orphanage has worked hard to maintain the operation of the Konoha Orphanage, but the economic policy of the third generation has opened a bad hole for Konoha.

Everything is based on economic growth, and everything has to make way for the economy. A large amount of coins have been distributed, and the Sarutobi family has begun to divide the cheese that Konoha has saved over the years.

With such credit for economic growth, the cult of money was born.

Under Sarutobi's indulgence, the Sarutobi people who control the economy have formed a culture where they can accept bribes but not embezzle.

Between them, let me embezzle the capital chain you control, and I will use a wave of economic growth, and then I will transfer my money to you.

Who doesn't get some oil and water in their hands after coming and going.

Why bother to divide public money and private money so clearly.

Acting in this way, it has long been said that where the money is made, the money will flow.

Those public welfare undertakings that do not make money but need money will completely cut off the source of income.

According to the past historical trajectory, the pharmacist No Naoyu who is in urgent need of money at this moment will naturally turn to Danzo for help, and then get financial support to prop up the orphanage.

But she will also lose her memory because of this, leaving Konoha and becoming an undercover under the hands of Danzo, waiting to be awakened one day.

But now Danzo has been beaten and has no ambitions. Now he just wants to be a salty fish stirrer, constantly pulling three generations and Kai, to satisfy his own evil taste.

In this way, naturally, there will be no leisurely management of the life and death of the orphanage.

So the villagers of Konoha saw the director of Konoha's orphanage at first sight.

"Ah, isn't she the director of the orphanage in the village? Why did she go to Nan He's side!"

"I don't know, but I heard that he embezzled the Konoha Orphanage's public funds and was expelled from the village. He couldn't survive, so he got mixed up with those annoying Uchihas."

Konoha is so legendary.

But the real situation is that the dean who can't support Konoha's hundreds of orphans has been questioned by the orphanage from top to bottom about Konoha's allocation of funds.

No Naoyu himself has always been the main source of the economy, and the "walking witch" who has been relying on funding to maintain the operation of the Konoha Orphanage has the nerve to explain clearly how the money came from.

In this way, the children she worked so hard to raise drove her out of the orphanage as a corrupt criminal, and then elected a new director.

Out of hundreds of children, only seven children were willing to believe that their dean was not one of those people.

No Naoyu, who couldn't survive in Konoha, was reduced to Nanhe, got a household registration, and became a member of Nanhe's rule.

But these villagers don't know, all the villagers know is that she has been corrupted, and they are willing to believe that she is a corrupt criminal.

Isn't the joy of the unhappy people just to see those lofty figures falling into the cloud and mud!

"Hey, how did this happen? What a good person he was back then, how did he do such a thing as embezzlement of public funds. Doesn't this ruin his future?"

The woman looked regretful.

The dean of the orphanage sounds like a big official, so it should be very lucrative.

The other women also took up the conversation.

"Yeah, now that the price of goods is soaring, it's not easy to live in Konoha, and those red-eyed people in Nanhe are still squandering recklessly, sending money and odd jobs to the people there, and the pay is very high! Then Women can't live with red eyes!"

"Yeah, yeah, my family used to work secretly for a while before, and they made a lot of money. It's a pity that there is no household registration policy in place now, and no foreign workers are recruited."

"Hmph, it's just a moment of generosity. Sooner or later, there will be a day when they can't hold on, and they are the ones who are unlucky."

The woman ruthlessly grabbed the weeds in the field, as if uprooting the weeds, she also uprooted Nan He's red eyes.

"But No Naiyu has embezzled public funds, so no one will hold him accountable? How can he get in the eyes of those red eyes!"

"Haha, don't even think about what she does. The ability to serve men with her hands will naturally allow her to escape. I heard that she was caught by Nan He's red eyes, and she will take her with her in a few days. The sons are married to Nan He."

"Yo, there are still people who want this crap."

"I'm envious. Who told her to look beautiful?"

The women in the field joked with each other.He didn't take what he said seriously, so it didn't matter if it was true or not.

While playing around, I heard an "ah".

A child of Konoha was knocked to the ground, and five children with red eyes howled and beat him!
(End of this chapter)

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