Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 693 The troubled third brother Kong Yunlong! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 693 The troubled third brother Kong Yunlong! 【Please subscribe】

"Xiaosi, why do I feel so cold on my back?"

In the evening, Shaobing and Xiaosi were shopping in the supermarket. Unlike before, the former only knew how to play. Now he is getting married and about to have a baby. The baby is expected to be born in September.

"It's cold in the summer? Have you encountered a ghost? How about buying something? Didn't you say you prepared it for your future children and you asked me to come out with you?"

Xiao Si pushed up his glasses and began to talk, then looked at the products on the shelf.

He looked at the phone call coming from Shaobing's mobile phone. His expression became uncomfortable when the call came, "How could this be possible? Why have my performance tasks been increased? If I can't complete it by then, I will be fined?"

Luan Yunping nodded over there, "Of course, don't say that you alone will increase the performance tasks. In the second half of the year, all teams will increase the performance tasks, and they will be fined if they fail to complete it.

Especially you, the captain, so come over for a meeting tomorrow. "

"Ouch, why did it change so fast?" Shaobing really didn't expect it and began to complain incessantly.

Luan Yunping didn't hide it, "Master asked me to add it."

"Why did master suddenly take care of this?"

"How do I know, but it seems that you heard what Yuncheng said, are you just talking nonsense?"

"I...I seem to understand what's going on?"

Listening to the words, Shaobing couldn't help but feel happy while holding his cell phone. Yes, he was the first to tell Master that Brother Cheng might have three children. He couldn't help but have a child soon. He felt happy and resonated with her.

If you see rumors here, you will definitely go there and spread them as soon as possible.

"Stop talking, remember to have a meeting tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Si was curious, "What's wrong?"

"What else? You will be busy in the second half of the year."

Shaobing complained and continued to work on buying his own things.

As for Qi Yuncheng, it's not like he really cheated Shaobing. As the captain, Shaobing doesn't actually make much money. He's not as popular as Xiao Meng Gao. Plus, he's about to have a baby, so everything will cost a lot of money.

Giving him more performances and letting him earn more money are all considered.

Having lived in Master's house for so many years, we are not related by blood, but we are the best brothers.

Shaobing is not stupid, but he understands something, and then continues to buy it happily.

And came the next day.

Qi Yuncheng's family went to Master's house early.

They bought a lot of things, mainly Song's father and Song's mother bought a lot. They couldn't just do it in vain. They bought all kinds of delicious food and tea.

After arriving, the house was indescribably lively.

A huge wave of people.

Song's father, Song's mother, Qi Yuncheng, Song Yi, Jingjing, Xixi and Guo Fenyang's three children were also there. Dalin had a flight to leave in the afternoon and could play at home for a while in the morning and noon.

"Right." Suddenly thinking of something, Guo Degang picked up his phone and looked at Xixi who was eating a lot, "Xixi, do grandpa a favor!"

"What are you busy with?"

Xixi wiped her mouth with her little hand and looked at her grandfather.

"Record a cell phone ringtone for Grandpa, and I will refer to this later."

Xixi is good at recording cell phone ringtones because she recorded one for her father. She knew the process and took the initiative to teach her grandfather how to do it.

"This...this, click this, and then the recording will start."

"So that's it, Xixi is so smart." Guo Degang followed the child's words and started recording. The recording was nothing more than shouting a few words.

Jingjing also recorded one so that it can be switched back and forth.

Seeing him as a grown man playing this, Wang Hui didn't want to say anything and just chatted with the two in-laws for a while.

After chatting, we started preparing to take a family photo.

I bought a good camera specially, and the mistress didn’t care at all about the money spent.

"Come on, Andy."

Looking at Guo Fenyang playing there, Qi Yuncheng hugged him over. He felt so heavy when he hugged him that his stomach felt like he was getting up.

I will definitely not be able to hold it if I get a few years older.

Dalin looked on amused, "Brother, I use it as an exercise equipment at home. It takes no effort to carry him. Sometimes I can't even pull him back."

"In this case, let him sit here with Master."

The master, his wife, father and mother of Song were all sitting side by side on the sofa. Qi Yuncheng put the extremely heavy Guo Fenyang on the master's lap without saying a word. As soon as he felt the weight, Guo Degang said, "You have moved a stone." ."

"Andy, sit tight and don't move around. Your dad tells you to go down, so don't go down either."

"Okay." Guo Fenyang nodded.

After making arrangements for Guo Fenyang, Qi Yuncheng looked at the two children and decided that they would hold them by themselves, so he prepared to hug Jingjing, but just as he was about to hug them, his wife came and picked them up.

"What are you doing? Do you have to have him?"

"No! Xixi has gained weight recently, you know? My hands are sore after holding her for a while, so I'd better hold her respectfully."


He bent down and picked up his girl, who was over four and almost five years old.

Dalin was adjusting the camera over there.

"Are you equipped? If you are ready, I can adjust the delay here."



After setting up everything, Dalin quickly ran to the camera.

They're in a nice position at the moment.

Four old people were sitting neatly on the sofa. ,

One of the children was held by Guo Degang, and the other two were held by Qi Yuncheng and Song Yi.

Dalin stood on his brother's side and gave a nice smile.

Then there was a click and the photo was taken.

Dalin hurriedly went over to take a look at the photos he had taken. He smiled as soon as he saw them, "Andy blinked. Let's take a few more pictures. Xixi and Jingjing also be careful not to blink."

Hearing the words, Xixi, who was in her father's arms, opened her eyes decisively.

After another click, a perfect photo appeared, but it was impossible to get just one, and there were still a few left, so I took a few more photos.

After the photo was taken, it was great for the whole family to gather near the camera and watch.

Especially since there were three more children, just looking at Guo Qiling, Guo Degang and Wang Hui always felt uncomfortable. He looked weak. Qi Yuncheng and his daughter were holding their children, but he didn't have one.

"Qiling, how long will it take for me to have two children to play with?" Guo Degang looked at the camera and asked.

"What do you mean?" Guo Qiling was speechless. "Where are you asking me to get it? It's still early. Aren't Xixi, Jingjing, and Andy cute? Don't worry about me for now. I have to leave in the afternoon. Woolen cloth."

"Busy enough this is."

After taking the photos, the next step is the children's personal show.

Shoot as hard as you can, I bought a camera just to record them.

However, Master Niang and Song Yi were filming there.

Qi Yuncheng heard some news from his master, "Can you go and perform in Harbin in a few days?" "Harbin? Isn't that the third brother's? I agreed to follow him to perform for one day. I have already said pass."

"No!" Guo Degang was helpless immediately, "Open your phone yourself and see what little he sent last night."

Not knowing what the specific matter was, Qi Yuncheng took out his mobile phone and opened the third brother's memo. The memo was sent last night.

[Due to my health, Harbin Deyun Club will not be able to perform next week. I'm sorry everyone!Friends who have purchased tickets can choose to refund the tickets, and the venue will be subject to the information released by Deyunshe! 】


When Qi Yuncheng saw the news, he wanted to laugh more than he felt sad. He was definitely not gloating about his misfortune. How could the third brother be in so many troubles?

You must know that next week he will perform there every week, making money for several days in a row, and he can also accumulate a lot of local popularity.

"What's going on? Master?"

"What else could happen? I was playing on a child's skateboard and broke my hand."

"Oh my God." Qi Yuncheng's desire to laugh was gone. Even if his hand or foot was twisted, he still had a broken bone.

"So you want me to act as a replacement for a week? Then you can give it to other actors who need it more than me, or maybe Teacher Gao Feng?"

With the money earned per performance, other actors can take Kong Yunlong's place.

"If he can go to the show for a day or two, he won't be free for a week. Others have their own venues, such as Xiao Meng and Shaobing, who have their own city special shows. Not to mention Yue Yunpeng also has to run variety shows and performances. Only you are a little bit Take some time off.

But Luan Yunping can't leave, so you can choose someone to talk to you. "

Qi Yuncheng couldn't refute his master's words. Yes, he was much more leisurely than other brothers, except that he really couldn't replace this week's time.

"Okay, I'll go. No need to talk about my partner, I'll just speak solo."

"Okay, that's no problem. I'll call Xiao Luan and reissue the program. Kong Yunlong can't go, and we can't treat the audience badly.

But you have to hurry up, otherwise there will be too many refunds. "

Guo De just took out his mobile phone to call Xiao Luan, and he moved quickly.

Mainly I really don’t want viewers to refund their tickets.

Their famous actors pay a lot of money for a performance, but small theaters are the foundation of Deyun, even in Deyun branches in other cities.

It's just that the small theater of Deyun Branch is having a hard time.

Because it’s not like Yanjing where small actors often come to perform, not to mention that Teacher Feng is always stationed at the Yanjing Small Theater.

Branches in local cities can only perform performances by actors stationed there, and their popularity will be much less.

For this reason, Deyun Society sent some actors to perform for a week from time to time, but it was a pity that the third brother's life was so bad.

After the phone call, Guo Degang felt relieved, so Luan Yunping soon announced the program list through Weibo.

The announcement was made very quickly. It was just a matter of changing Kong Yunlong's last name to Qi Yuncheng. It could be solved in ten minutes.

This announcement was only one night away from the time when Kong Yunlong explained that he could not perform.

But even if it was only for one night, many viewers would cancel their tickets.

Most of the people who bought the tickets were local audiences. They usually listen to cross talk occasionally. This time, Kong Yunlong, the third brother of the Deyun Society Expendables, was going to perform. Why didn't he want to watch it?

I have always heard about his deeds.

As a result, he couldn't come. There must be people who canceled their tickets and didn't want to go. The cross talk was very familiar, and the unfamiliar actors might not have even thought of going.

However, when I saw that the final show was Qi Yuncheng, and he continued to save for five days, the audience was completely off guard.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have refunded the ticket. I didn't expect Deyunshe to be able to harm people like this. My ticket is no longer available."

"As expected, those who say cross talk are bad. The tickets I refunded for the first 10 minutes were for the first 10 minutes."

"What did I say? I just refunded the tickets. I want to buy them again when I see the program list. It's impossible."

"Oh, what a risk, what a risk! Fortunately, I'm lazy and thought I'd wait until later. Now I got the advantage. I still have tickets in the first three rows."

"Ah! Qi Yuncheng, I can't see it anymore. I can still see it from the first row! The first row!!"


One after another, they went crazy. Some of them liked the third brother very much, and they were all in front of the ticket, so it was easier to buy.

Tickets for Third Brother’s venue are slightly less difficult.

Now it's completely broken, and the competition is ridiculous, causing the program list to be broken one after another.

Guo Degang also saw the excitement and fun on Weibo, but he really didn't mean to let Qi Yuncheng go and then make them regret it. The main reason was that Qi Yuncheng's going would bring some popularity.

Besides, what happened yesterday, finding the child today is already a rush to discuss it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you will have more regrets if you cancel the ticket later.

"Look at what's going on down there. I couldn't sit still when I heard you go."

"I guess there will be crowds of spectators by then."

"Don't worry, not many people will refund their tickets. Besides, Harbin is not Yanjing. The audience in Yanjing is crazy."

Qi Yuncheng nodded and acknowledged what his master said. The little girl from Yanjing was indeed a little less reserved.

But while the master and apprentice were chatting, suddenly Guo Degang's cell phone rang.

"Answer the phone, someone called grandpa."

The ringtone on his cell phone was adjusted to Xixi's sound. Qi Yuncheng couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and subconsciously asked, "Who is the master?"

"Hey, your apprentice called here." Guo Degang looked at Lanlan's note and said.

"Then you really call me grandpa. Why is she calling you? If anything happens, you should call me first."

"Don't worry, I'll ask, maybe there's something big going on."

After slowly answering the phone, Guo Degang put the phone on speakerphone and said kindly, "Hey, what's wrong, kid?"

"Grandpa Guo, are you free? I want to discuss something with you!"

"whats the matter!"

"I saw the program just now. Can you arrange for me to go there with Master? I'm about to go on summer vacation. You must not let Master hear it. Can you just make this decision? Otherwise Master will be very upset. Probably won't let me go.

When the time comes, tell him directly that it was you who said it.

Please, Grandpa. "

Guo Degang glanced at Qi Yuncheng with his cell phone, as if he didn't care about his own affairs. Qi Yuncheng took a deep breath with a strange expression. Sure enough, after staying for a long time, Lanlan had changed, and he became more and more thief.

speak directly.

"Lanlan, have you ever thought that I am beside your Grandpa Guo?"

"Ah? Master!! Why are you here!!"

Zhou Gulan was so frightened that he almost dropped his phone. He could only apologize, "Master, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"What's wrong? Now that my wings are strong, I know how to collude with your grandpa to complete your ideas. Do you know that your grandpa Guo sometimes has to listen to me?"

Guo Degang sat next to him and deliberately said aggrievedly, "Yes, kid, I have to listen to your master. What do you do now? I can't help it."

"I was wrong, I won't go."

"Go, why don't you go?" Qi Yuncheng said, "If you want to go, we'll do rock-paper-scissors. If you win, you can go."

"Ah? How can you guess on the phone?"

(End of this chapter)

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