Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 681 The word "zuo" is well used! 【Subscribe】



One night passed and the next morning came.

Qi Yuncheng and Song Yi came over with their two children to visit their master and mistress.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, he shouted with enthusiasm, and rushed to Guo Degang who had been waiting for a long time.

Guo Degang was so happy that he couldn't even hold one in one hand. Especially Xixi became heavy and it was not easy to pick him up.

"Come here, here is something delicious, I bought it for you, do you like it?"


Guo De knew what his children loved so well that he had someone buy some things for them early in the morning, and now it was just time for them to eat.

I saw the two children happy.

The house gradually became lively.

Naturally, Guo Fenyang was also nearby. His body shape was among the fattest among the children. With this gene, he would gain weight no matter how much he ate.

But he is a little younger than Xixi, and girls develop faster in the early stage.

So when there are a group of children in a group, she is basically the king of the children and often plays with them here and there.

While they were playing, the adults also gathered together to chat and talk.

It's almost lunch time.

After a while, Song Yi followed his wife to work in the kitchen.

But when he saw his daughter going to the kitchen, Guo Degang was sitting at home looking most depressed.

Not many people came today, just a few of them had lunch together.

Yang Jiulang and Xiao Meng, who usually come here, are not here. They have a performance during the afternoon.

"I was worried about my daughter cooking yesterday, but I didn't expect it to happen today?"

Guo Degang spoke slowly, his voice very soft, for fear that a third person would hear him.

Qi Yuncheng was amused, "Master, are you still afraid?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, I'm afraid that it's too salty, and then I can't refute my daughter's face."

"Isn't that scary?"

Qi Yuncheng directly exposed the master, but immediately said, "Don't worry, Song Yi's cooking skills are much better and he won't make such elementary mistakes anymore.

You also know that if you’ve done it a lot, you’ll be able to do it without having to talk too much. "

"I hope so."

Guo Degang was still worried about the taste of his daughter's food. Wang Hui looked like that at first, so one can imagine how bad it would be.

But you can't keep looking at the kitchen, chatting with Yun Cheng and start diverting your attention.

What else can we talk about.

Theater, drum music club and so on.

Especially for the Drum Music Society, they don't need to worry too much.

When they went to record, the tickets were full.

In addition, there are some old gentlemen who specially take their children to study at their own homes. It is these children who are specially taken care of and have become good seedlings.

He is a bit of a rising star in the Drum Music Youth Team.

In fact, not only their students learn from the old man, but also Qi Yuncheng who likes drum music.

But his studies are different from those of students.

By learning cross talk on my own, I can play most drum songs. If I have some basic skills, I will ask for advice from time to time backstage.

But no matter how much I ask for advice, it’s impossible to practice every drum song I come into contact with to a certain extent.

If you really learn everything to a certain extent, you will never do anything else for the rest of your life.

I can only say that when I see my husband, I ask him a few words, and when he is not there, I listen to him on my own. I will be satisfied if I become more and more diligent.

Crosstalk is like this, you have to put in everything, but it's basically no better than a professional.

The energy is there.

At most, there are one or two top-notch ones.

This is also the reason why I didn't take Teacher Wen Aiyun's advice in the first place. I'd definitely like it if I liked it, but I have to be professional to take over.

For this reason, he knew that even if he was best at Jingyun Dagu, he didn't do too much, leaving everything to Lan Lan.

She will be professional in the future.

"How's it going? How do you plan to praise Lanlan in the future? If you want to praise Lanlan, it's time to do so. The students of the Drum Music Club are starting to get on the right track one by one."

The topic suddenly reached this point, and Guo De just asked.

Praising crosstalk actors is what Guo Degang does every year.

Even this year it was Zhang Jiuling and his pair.

As for the drummer, he couldn't do it and could only wait and see what Qi Yuncheng and Wang Hui planned to do.

But what else could Qi Yuncheng do? He was worried beside his master, "Singing drums with Lan Lan in his arms? That's right, right? She also wants to talk about cross talk, it's all because of your promise.

Or you can praise her cross talk.

This year's mandarin jacket is for her. "


Seeing the child helpless, Guo Degang was extremely happy and couldn't stop laughing, "Girls are fun, so why don't you show her a lesson?"

Which small theater is fun? It’s no big deal if you take her to play. "

"I'm afraid that every time there is a first time, there will be a second time. From now on, I'll talk about cross talk instead, and you still keep agreeing."

"No, children are actually very sensible and know what is important and what is light."

How could Qi Yuncheng not understand what the master said?

Lanlan is indeed a very good child, he does not understand the truth, but he loves to play very much.

But just when the two men were chatting.

A voice came from the kitchen.

"We're ready to eat. I've made several dishes."

Hearing her mother's voice, Xixi was the first to get excited, gave the toy to her brother, turned around and ran to the kitchen.

"Xixi, come and serve, Xixi, come and serve."

When it comes to serving dishes and eating, she is incredibly active.

It is precisely because of this that she is so cute. Guo Degang's heart almost melted when he saw her, what a cute little girl.

However, his expression changed in the next second.

"Good guy, how many dishes has my daughter cooked? Yuncheng, you can help me with the cooking. How about you go over and take a look."


Standing up helplessly, Qi Yuncheng went into the kitchen to find out how many dishes his wife had cooked.

When you go in, you will be stunned.

The master's wife said happily: "Today, in addition to the soup, the sweet and sour pork ribs were all made by my daughter."

"Ah? She did it all?"

Qi Yuncheng had to be shocked, knowing that he had made many of them.

Seeing her husband's expression, Song Yi took off her apron and said confidently: "Who are you looking down on? My wife taught me, and I know how to do it, you know? And I tasted it, and it tastes good. My wife taught me step by step."

"Then can I try it first?"

"Try it."

Wang Hui brought a plate of food to her child, with a visible sense of accomplishment on her face, because it was not easy to teach her daughter this.

After tasting it, Qi Yuncheng really thought it was good.

Not like usual.

But telling the master would probably shock him, and he might not even believe it.

"Dad, give the food to Xixi, don't finish it alone."

While he was tasting it, the little girl at his feet suddenly said something anxious. Qi Yuncheng almost forgot about her and immediately handed over the plate of ribs to his wife.

"Be careful, don't drop it."


After a while, Xixi began to serve food to the family, and she looked very good as soon as she served the food.

The others didn't waste any time and quickly prepared the meal.

But serving rice is Xixi’s job.

Stand by the rice cooker with a bowl and a rice spoon. "How much does Grandpa want to eat?"

"Just a small bowl will do. I'm not too hungry."


Taking a spoon and scooping it up hard, Xixi took a small porcelain bowl and scooped a full bowl of white rice for her grandfather. Qi Yuncheng frowned strangely, wondering if his daughter was obedient.

"Here, grandpa! Only when you are full can you have strength."

"Okay, I'll listen to my granddaughter."

Guo Degang reached out to take it from the little girl's side. He felt sorry for her if he didn't finish it now. The little girl was so considerate.

"Grandma, how much do you want?"

"You can make up your own mind. Don't burn your hands." Wang Hui saw Xixi's cuteness and it was impossible not to like it, but she was more worried about the rice falling on her little hands than liking it and burning her hands.

And with one scoop, Xixi also got a full bowl of rice for her grandma.

"Mom, how much do you want?"

"Don't ask, just scoop it up."

"it is good."

Xixi took the spoon and scooped out again. This time it was also a full bowl, but Xixi scooped out an extra spoonful of white rice for her mother on top of the full bowl.

"Xixi still understands mom!!" Song Yi smiled and took the bowl.

"Mom can eat better than Xixi."

"You are almost the same, don't talk about me."

Slowly, everyone's rice was served, and it seemed that they wanted to ask how much to scoop up, but it turned out to be useless. Everyone's food was about the same, including Jingjing.

How respectful can you be?

As a sister, she really wants to support her brother to death.

Qi Yuncheng could only take the bowl and divide some. As soon as he divided it, Guo Fenyang gave it to him if he wanted. He could eat it, otherwise he would not be a fat man.

"Let's eat, let's eat."

It took a long time to prepare a full plate of rice. Wang Hui sat next to Xixi and hurriedly added meat and vegetables to the three children to spoil them.

While the teacher's wife is quick to pick up dishes, Guo Degang's movements are slow. I don't know which dish my daughter cooks.

Immediately ask the apprentice in a low voice.

"What did my daughter do?"

Qi Yuncheng didn't have any bad intentions this time, and told the truth, "Except for the soup, she made almost all of them."

"Good guy, you want me to eat soup rice."

"I said it's different from before, you'll know it when you eat it."

The master was really scared to a certain extent. Qi Yuncheng smiled bitterly and started to take action, and quickly gave the master some dishes.

After a while, a lot of things were piled in Master's rice bowl.

There was no other way, so Guo Degang could only try it with the hope of death, because at the moment when Yuncheng was picking up the food, his daughter looked at him carefully, as if she wanted to see what the master would say after eating it.

Now it's salt bibimbap, and he has to use his chopsticks.

After a brief taste, Guo Degang's eyes brightened, um, it is indeed edible.

Not only is it edible, it also tastes good.

After all, Wang Hui watched the whole process and told him if there was too much or too little.

"Well, it's good!"

The master nodded, and Song Yi was very happy. She didn't know that the master almost died while cooking.

Just like that, the family had lunch together.

I'm happy to have children, but it's a pity that Dalin is missing.

Dalin is busy every day. It is estimated that since the beginning of the new year, he can count the number of times he has eaten at home on two hands.

Because even when he gets home, he mostly hangs out with his friends to eat and have fun.

Especially since he rented his own house.

For this reason, at the dinner table, the master kept saying Dalin.

He couldn't bear to talk about it, so after eating, Guo Degang couldn't help but make a phone call to his son.

The only reason I called him was to ask if he had eaten, if the crew was pressed for time, etc.

As I get older, I make calls like this much more often than before.

And time passed quickly. After dinner at Master’s house,

When leaving in the evening, Guo Degang arranged a performance location for Lan Lan.

It's easy to arrange, but at the end of the day, the small theater's own venue will be fine for as long as it takes.

So in the next day or two, Qi Yuncheng began to teach Zhou Gulan a simple short joke.

It took a lot of effort to teach her.

Because she didn’t know anything about cross talk, and the lines were separated like mountains, she didn’t know how to shake the baggage, how to take the breath, and how to give the cadence.

Singing drums also pays attention to breath and words, but it can be done in a completely different way.

It needs to be taught sentence by sentence.

"If you think about it again, is that what this sentence says?"

"Who wouldn't be happy to see your expression?"

"And this is the wrong size."

"Why were you looking elsewhere when you were talking?"

"The accent is wrong, girl!!"

When teaching Lanlan, Qi Yuncheng didn't say anything and kept correcting him.

She is talented in drum music, but crosstalk is different.

After Zhou Gulan said a given cross talk line, he lowered his head and listened to the words.

It was such a huge blow.

Finally, he said quietly, "I think I may not be suitable for talking about cross talk."

"Nonsense." Qi Yuncheng said happily, "You're not a cross talk artist, but I'm telling you, as long as you go on stage, no matter what you say or perform, you can't do anything perfunctory.

Don't think that you can just play around if you think you don't understand other things, you know?

Once you have this kind of mentality, you have to finish playing with yourself first. "

After talking about cross talk, Qi Yuncheng also taught her the principles and realized the difficulties of other industries. She will be able to understand some things better when she grows up.

So I felt that Master made the right decision by letting her do a cross talk.

"Then Master, can I do it again?"

"Come on, think about your breath and accent before you speak."


He did it again, but he didn't say more than six sentences. Qi Yuncheng stopped again, "It's still wrong here. The tone of the last word should be higher. You have to give the audience attention.

Because it is related to the burden behind. "

"It's okay this time. Keep going and I'll finish it for you one sentence at a time."

Constantly changing and talking, in fact, it is very exhausting.

None of the actors who have ever studied cross talk want to die because of this teaching method.

If it were some young people who would explode when scolded, they would have given up their career long ago.

However, cross talk can only be taught in this way.

Not only cross talk, but also many traditional folk arts.

So if you persist, it is really a success.

It took me a while to learn.

Zhou Gulan was sitting at home feeling hopeless, her usually happy face drooped, and her mind was filled with all sorts of logical stresses and baggage.

"Why do you still want to talk about cross talk? A short joke is like this. If you are good at writing, wouldn't it be difficult for the bodyguard to die?"

"Yeah, it's really difficult."

Zhou Gulan had heard about the article meeting and the big bodyguard. When he heard it, he thought it was nothing, but now he thinks it is all kung fu.

Even if you let yourself act, you may really die, and you won't know how to speak.

"Do you want to give up now? It's okay to give up, because we are only going last and are not in the program." Qi Yuncheng looked at the girl and said.

"If you don't give up, how can you give up?" Zhou Gulan changed his face, "I have already learned this. It would be a pity not to try it. I have to do it myself."

"The word "zuo" is a good one! Prepare yourself for Team [-]'s Sanlitun tomorrow." (End of Chapter)

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