Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 680 Xixi stepping into the puddle! 【Subscribe】

"Why do I want to talk about cross talk with a girl like you? You sing drum music."

The program recording ends.

The master went after the uncle, but Qi Yuncheng was still looking at the girl on the stage.

Zhou Gulan came over happily, looking a little embarrassed, but his hands were not idle and he took a bottle of milk from the side.

Then take off the straw from the milk bottle and insert it on it.

"Master, you drink."

"I don't drink, I've already had a bottle."

"Master, I just want to play. It's fun. Grandpa also said it. He said it. You shouldn't disagree."

"I'll give you a lot of patience when I go out and lie down."

Qi Yuncheng stretched out his finger and tapped her forehead, and it felt like she was having fun once, but she was very relieved.

In the past, her parents paid close attention to her studies, but now she is happy and happy.

He let out a helpless sigh.

"Find a day, but it's not so easy to learn a joke."

"Thank you Master."

Zhou Gulan is not serious about learning cross talk, so he doesn't need to learn the basic skills from beginning to end, just let him learn a simple work.

But where to act is a problem.

Big field is impossible.

To act is to fool the audience.

The same is true for small theater performances, and it is impossible to ignore it because of the small number of people.

Especially for him who has acted in small theaters for many years, he knows that small theaters are the most important, and even the front line of all cross talk actors.

The only possibility is that the small theater will add one at the end.

The program you send can be a little bit irrelevant, just for fun, with an entertainment nature.

"Master, why don't you come to our school to perform."

Suddenly Zhou Gulan's words disrupted his train of thought, Qi Yuncheng shook his head, "It's inappropriate to go to university with you to act. Could it be that you still want to be more famous?"

"Oh, too."

Zhou Gulan cared about Mei, thinking it was really inappropriate.

If you really want to act, let alone Tsinghua University, she is famous, even in the university circle, she is probably famous, because Master's popularity is the highest.

"Forget it, I'll think about it later, let's rest first."

"it is good."

Moved to background.

The brothers and sisters have already taken off their coats and started chatting and resting, discussing what to order for lunch.

Every time I record a variety show, I can eat several good meals.

Qi Yuncheng took off his coat a little later with the help of Lan Lan.

It is only natural for an apprentice to serve his master, but Guo Degang was still very moved by the scene.

His disciples are also served by someone.

Very good, and then a group of people have nothing to say.

When it's time to eat and eat, it's time to play.

After playing for a certain period of time, we will go back to Yanjing to complete our performance tasks.

It is impossible to focus only on variety shows.

People like Shaobing, Xiao Si, Yang Jiulang, etc. all have their own performance goals, and if they fail to meet the goals, they will have to deduct money.

Team Luan deducted the money, and withdrew it if he said so.

Show no mercy.

But this time when he went back, Qi Yuncheng made up his mind.

It's been a long time since I seriously went to see Master at Master's house. I had to buy something to go there. I used to go almost every day, but now I have a wife and children and I don't know how many times I go there.

However, he is still on his way home with Lanlan. The show that was held in Hengdian yesterday will leave at noon today and arrive home in the afternoon.

And at home at this moment.

Song's father and Song's mother are shopping outside.

Song Yi brought Xixi and Jing Jing at home, and Jing Jing watched cartoons on the TV.

Xixi is different, she is stalking by her mother's side.

Nothing else, my mother is holding a large cup of milk tea in her hand.

She definitely wanted to drink such a large cup of milk tea, but this time she didn't fight for it, let alone say she wanted to drink it.

It just swayed around in mother's sight, and when it swayed to a certain extent, it just kept moving around with its legs.

The expression on the face is self-evident.

Song Yi sat on the sofa, took a sip of milk tea with a straw in his mouth, and looked at his baby amusedly.

It's just like something, tossing and turning, don't you just want to take a sip?

Don't do this.

He hugged his leg for a while, sat on his lap for a while, and leaned on his body for a while. He had to take the initiative to give it to her.

"What are you doing? Don't you just want to drink milk tea? Stand up for me, and I'll drink it for you when you stand up."

Xixi was very obedient, and immediately got up from her mother's lap and stood upright.

"Come here and kiss me."


Getting closer, Xixi kissed her mother's face in one gulp, and Song Yi was so happy holding the milk tea from ear to ear, a little bit like I have a jade seal in my hand.

As long as there is food to eat, how obedient is Xixi.

"Not enough, kiss me again!!"


Listening to the words, Xixi ran to the other side of her mother and kissed her.

Song Yi was very satisfied, "I said I like my mother."

"Xixi likes mother."

"It's almost there."

"Give you a sip, just a sip."

When the milk tea was handed over, Xixi was so impatient that she hugged it with both hands, trying to put the straw on it into her mouth.

After putting it in the mouth, it looked beautiful immediately, and then swallowed the bulging milk tea in the mouth, as soon as I swallowed it, as if I had taken advantage of it, I said happily.

"Xixi took a big sip."

In fact, it doesn't matter if you take a big sip or a small sip, but Song Yi cooperated with the acting, "One more big sip, I'll just let you take a small sip, come on, spit it out for me."

Seeing that her mother wanted her to give it back, Xixi immediately ran away with a smile.

She ran away, and Song Yi continued to seduce with the milk tea in his hand, "Do you still want to drink? If you want to drink, come here and tell me that mom is beautiful."

If you want to drink, you definitely want to drink. After running away, Xixi approached again.

But at this time there was movement of a car outside, which could have made her feel that her father was back.

"Dad, dad is back!!!"

Originally walking in the direction of milk tea, Xixi immediately changed course and rushed towards the door, and Jing Jing did the same. Ji Ling got up and followed her sister, not to mention noodles.

The four legs ran the fastest and overtook them in one fell swoop.

"Ah! Master, we are back, and we bought a lot of good things."

The first person to enter the door was Zhou Gulan. He was so happy to see three guys rushing towards him. He grabbed a handful of noodle dogs' heads, and then hugged Xixi, who was already starting to sink.

But Xixi, who was being hugged, became even more anxious, screaming and struggling as if she was about to be kidnapped.

"Daddy, Daddy, I want Daddy!"

"I don't want my sister, right?" Zhou Gulan had nothing to love, so he could only put the little guy down, and as soon as he put it down, Xixi went out to find her father like a clockwork.

Jingjing is similar, but when she was stopped by Sister Lanlan and wanted to hug one, she didn't struggle, she was quiet.Song Yi came over slowly, still drinking milk tea, "Xixi is like a little lunatic, as long as her father is there."

"Follow Master! Jingjing, go too."

Put it down and Jingjing, Jingjing quickly went to find Dad.

Then one or two jumped on Qi Yuncheng who was behind.

Carrying the two of them into the house, the father must play with them first, and then ask Xixi if she is good in kindergarten today.

Be good, be good, don't you get two little red flowers by eating well and sleeping well.

He even took the initiative to go to the room and show it to his father. Looking at the two little red flowers, Qi Yun was worried about what he would do when he became a daughter.

In addition to eating is sleeping.

Or eat the best and sleep the best.

But children's happiness is very simple, as adults, they can be happy for a long time if they praise casually.

"By the way, Lanlan, today is Monday, you just came back now, have you asked for leave early?" Song Yi asked after drinking the milk tea.

"I asked for leave, but today I only have classes in the morning, so there are not many delays."

"Really? I'm starting to miss my time in college, especially the damn early eighth." Song Yi sat down next to her husband, and teased her daughter and son who were on her husband's body with her hands.

As soon as he comes back, the two of them will stick together like a cowhide plaster.

But just seeing them clinging is okay.

Zhou Gulan also came immediately, "No, Xixi quickly make room for me, I want to stick to it too."

"There are no more seats. Dad's legs can only accommodate two people. Elder sister, you are the next batch."

The little girl and the little ghost's sister said that Qi Yuncheng could die laughing, stretched out his hand and pinched his little face, and returned the next batch, treating himself as a facility in an amusement park?

But after arriving at his own home, his heart was much more at ease.

Time also passes slower than when filming Dou Xiao Club.

But not long after they came back, it began to rain outside.

When it rained, the originally muggy day was obviously better and cooler, but my parents hadn't come back yet.

If it rains, you have to get wet.

Fortunately, they called and found that the old couple had read the weather forecast and went out with umbrellas.

After arriving home, they started cutting vegetables and stewing meat.

Qi Yuncheng was alone under the eaves, looking out at the rain-drenched courtyard.

The house he bought at the beginning was expensive, with a small yard, thinking that the children would be able to play freely in the future.

Now it has been done, and at the same time, he still remembers that his wife made a room for playing cards, but unfortunately, no one in the family cares about that room, and it can only be used to put the children's toys.

They have as many toys as ever.

The rain didn't last long. The family had dinner, and when it got dark, the outside basically stopped.

The moment it stopped, Xixi was happy.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, run out to the yard.

Especially in front of a puddle, with both feet together, wanting to jump into it.

Enjoy the moment of splashing.

But before jumping into the water, Xixi felt that she was lighter, and jumped over the puddle as if flying.

When he landed and turned his head, he found that his mother was pulling his clothes with both hands.

And how could the mother, Song Yi, not know what she was thinking, seeing her running out quickly, she knew what she was going to do, and immediately followed.

"Are you crazy? Are you looking for a beating?"

"The sandals Xixi wears." The little girl said in a low voice, pointing to her feet.

"If your pants get wet, you will be beaten too."

Xixi didn't listen at all, and wanted to jump into the puddle again, but unfortunately, she was dragged and flew over the puddle.

When flying over, his little face was full of anger, as if he had lived by this for the rest of his life.

"Xi Xi, roll up your pants."

Hurriedly Xixi rolled up her trouser legs, rolled up and jumped in again, but she still didn't fall into the water, she was dragged by her mother again, and flew over in the air.

Seeing that it was still like this, Xixi's face was aggrieved, she turned her head and ran towards the house, as if she was angry.

She pouted when she got angry, and Qi Yuncheng, who was resting in the living room, was very puzzled, "Oh? What's the matter? It's like eating a puffer fish, little girl."

Xixi didn't speak, she took off her shoes to reveal two bare feet and climbed onto the sofa, she turned her face over there and sulked.

"What else can I do? When I saw her go out, I knew I was going to play in the puddle. If you don't let me play, I won't be angry. Leave her alone.

I can't communicate with her at all every day. "

A child with a child's world view is definitely a little unreasonable, especially a girl.

And as parents, they really don't care about her, and let her live alone.

"Has Lan Lan gone back?" Song Yi asked while peeling the fruit on the coffee table.

"She's going back to the dormitory to sleep tonight."

"How is she having fun?"

Qi Yuncheng nodded, "Can you not be happy? You'll know when the show airs next week. I'm having so much fun, I'm thinking about going to the next episode too."

"She hasn't been out much, so it's good to go to play."

Song Yi likes Lanlan very much, usually Lanlan goes out shopping with her, like a sister, she always keeps returning.

But just as she was talking, the lychee in the mother's hand had been peeled, revealing a piece of white and round flesh. She didn't eat it by herself, so she reached out and handed it to the girl who was sulking and didn't look at them.

If you were an ordinary angry child, you would never pick it up. How can you eat your food if you are angry with you.

But Xixi is different, even with her back to her mother, she brazenly reaches out to pick up lychees and eat them.

He kept his expression on while eating, frowning.

After eating one, the little hand stretched out again, wanting to have another one.

But it's up to me, but I never looked at my mother.

Seeing her stretching out her hand again, Qi Yuncheng grabbed it and hugged her and said, "Is it worth it? Go and call my brother over to eat some fruit together."

Let me tell you, Xixi went over to call my younger brother.

The temper among children is unpredictable, but it is very fun, and one day is not enough to watch it.

"Husband, is it right to go to master tomorrow?" When Xixi went to look for his younger brother, Song Yi put the lychee into his mouth in one gulp.

Instantly turned her into a hamster.

"Is it necessary to take such a big mouthful?"

"I'm too lazy to peel it off. If I see another one that has been peeled off, Xixi will definitely want it. Now she's going to die."

Puffing up his cheeks, Song Yi said something.

Qi Yuncheng was speechless and panicked, "I'll be there at noon tomorrow and take the two children with me."

"Okay then, my wife and I will cook."

"You cook? Are you okay? Master is already in the shadows, even if it's not salty, I'm afraid."

After spitting out the nuclei in one gulp, Song Yi continued, "This won't make him change, and besides, I can still learn the craft if I do it with my wife?"

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Qi Yuncheng was helpless, she was happy, but Master was unhappy, let's see what his old man's expression will be tomorrow.

There is no need to look at Master's expression tomorrow.

At this moment, Guo Degang also finished his meal and drank some tea at home to rest. While drinking, he was not in the right state, and he always felt uneasy and panicked.

Logically speaking, there is nothing uneasy, Guo Fenyang is playing with his group of children, Dalin can still see him next week, and Yuncheng will bring Xixi and Jingjing over tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to it, and I can't wait to go there early tonight.


Guo Degang couldn't understand, so he could only take a sip of tea slowly. After feeling the fragrance of tea, he suddenly refreshed his mind.

"Oh, isn't my daughter coming over tomorrow? Don't let her cook."

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