Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 509 As long as you want, you can have three babies, not to mention two! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 509 As long as you want, let alone having a second child, you can have a third child! 【Subscribe】

"Honey, are you finished washing? I've finished eating!"

Not long after entering the bathroom, Qi Yuncheng heard his wife shouting outside, and took a deep breath, "You are enough, I only came in for 2 minutes."

"Hey, I'm almost done eating!"

"Wait, now."


After less than 10 minutes of washing, Qi Yuncheng opened the door and came out. When he came out, he found that his daughter-in-law was already full and lying on the sofa to sleep.

The TV has been playing her favorite costume TV series.

But the next second entered the advertisement.

Nothing to say, walked up, looked at the sleeping daughter-in-law for a long time, before Qi Yuncheng hugged her waist and legs, ready to send her to the bedroom.

When he picked her up, he found that her weight hadn't changed much. She usually loves to eat, and she's still not fat. God took care of her to be able to do this.

In addition, he doesn't like a girl who deliberately restrains herself from eating in order to lose weight.

But it seemed that he felt some changes. Song Yi, who was hugged by the princess, woke up and enjoyed it when he saw himself being hugged.

But suddenly remembered something, his face changed, and he began to struggle.

"No, I can't sleep yet, I have to take a shower, let me down."


With a thump, Song Yi landed on both feet, and rushed to the bathroom with his clothes on without saying a word.

Seeing her vigor, Qi Yuncheng finally understood why the girl's spirit was so good, if it wasn't inherited from her, it could be someone else's. This mother and daughter are simply amazing.

What else can I do, I can only wait outside.

A wait is not more than ten minutes. A woman's bath cannot be described by the concept of a man. I don't know how long it will take if it is slow, and it will take more than half an hour if it is fast.

After washing, Song Yi was steaming hot like dumplings just out of the cage.

"I dozed off, but you washed your hair in the middle of the night?" The husband, sitting behind him, helped her dry her hair while asking.

"I don't want to wake myself up!"

With a buzzing sound, the hair dryer was turned on, and Qi Yuncheng blew on her for a long time, but looking at his wife's long hair, he thought of his own daughter.

"Speaking of which, Xixi's hair has also grown a bit, and she already looks like a little beauty."

"That's right, it doesn't matter who gave birth, it always causes trouble, as long as it doesn't cause trouble."

The corner of Qi Yuncheng's mouth twitched, "You know it's time not to cause trouble, this girl is so energetic every day, and I'm worried that going to kindergarten will make the teacher hard enough."

"The teachers are all professional, so there should be no problem."

"It depends on the situation. If I really go to kindergarten, I will go to check it from time to time. It's really hard to make people feel at ease."

While chatting, Qi Yuncheng dried his daughter-in-law's hair. After drying, Song Yi hurriedly pushed her into the bedroom before the hair dryer could be turned on.

After entering the bedroom and closing the door, her loose pajamas slid down her shoulders, revealing her fair skin and mature and attractive figure.

And the hair that had just been dried fell loosely and fell directly to her waist. Just like before, her waist was still so soft and slender.

But it's not like they haven't seen it since they're old couples. Song Yi didn't care how much he was exposed first, and climbed onto the bed with hands and feet, and then took off other covering things.

"I want a second child!"


As soon as the light was turned off, Qi Yuncheng followed, feeling very speechless, how anxious he was, and the drowsiness seemed to be gone.



The next day, the sky is bright!

Song Yi nestled comfortably in her husband's arms. As for her body, she hadn't put on much since she took it off yesterday. Because of this, Qi Yuncheng could clearly feel the tenderness and softness of her body now.

"Are you going to get up to pick up your daughter?"

"You also know how long it is now." Qi Yuncheng replied lying on the bed, and turned his head to look at the time, and found that it was more than nine o'clock.

If he doesn't pick up his daughter again, he probably won't be happy, after all, he said he would buy her delicious food.

And it is indeed too late to sleep until now.

"Get up, eat something and go there. By the way, I'm going to see the Guqu Club today."


The young couple hurriedly got up to wash up, warmed up a little and finished eating, and then prepared to leave the house.

But just getting into the car, Song Yi was puzzled, "How long do you think it will take to conceive the second child?"

"Who knows where to go."

"Then it must be like this until you get pregnant. I don't want to give up halfway."

Qi Yuncheng smashed the taste of these words, "Where are you talking all this, and you want to give up halfway when you are with my wife?"

"I'm afraid you won't have time when you get busy!"

"No, this period of time is enough. If you are in such a hurry, it is impossible not to get pregnant."

The voice fell.

The two went to the master's house.

This trip to Xixi was pretty good, with noodles to accompany her, plus Luan Yunping brought her daughter over early in the morning, so she had more fun.

These sisters have the best relationship and are willing to share everything.

In particular, Xixi has a lot of toys, and she doesn't hesitate to give them to this sister, but dogs are unwilling to give them. This is her favorite "toy"!
And Yue Yunpeng is also here. After recording the happy comedian yesterday, he will also participate in some things later.

Now he has more and more resources, and at the same time his worth has also increased. Nothing else, it is the traffic brought to him by comedians.

Not to mention that the recording has not been finished yet, if he wins the championship after the recording, that is when he will really become popular.

So 2017 may be the busiest year for Yue Yunpeng.

Several movies and several reality shows are waiting for him.

Logically speaking, Qi Yuncheng should have participated more than Xiaoyue, but he didn't have the heart to go, and now he put down his mentality to play.

This is also why he seldom participates, it's not that he doesn't participate, but that he doesn't want to get rid of things like Quyi.

But this year there is a movie project, and I have to go to participate.

The "Nineteen Generations of Ancestors" that Master is about to make, I know it is a bad film, and the response is not good, but it is impossible for him as an apprentice not to go to Master's film.

At the same time, because he seldom participated in variety shows, after unpacking this year, the performance plan came again.

Deyun Sambo special session!

I have to go a lot of places.

But this is commonplace, and there is one more thing that Guo Degang needs to be concerned about. Someone approached him before and wanted to hold something, and he agreed, but he saw that Yuncheng had a new idea.

So I spoke.

"How's the book review lately?"

Speaking of storytelling, Qi Yuncheng, who was looking at his daughter, felt a little embarrassed, and turned his gaze back to his master.

"The book given by Grandpa Jin is talking about it, but there are gradually fewer places to arrange it, because there are a lot of hot searches and things a while ago.

Whenever I write my name, a group of people gather outside.

So there's still a little more to say.

But it should be about the same before the box is sealed. After the Three Swordsmen finished speaking, this year we will talk about Grandpa Jin's The Encounter of Monte Cristo. "

"Hmm! Come on, Quyi is to perform in a down-to-earth way."

Guo Degang nodded, feeling a little thoughtful, and finally made a decision in about five or six seconds.

"I have a storytelling program here, would you like to get involved? I thought about it and asked me to record it once a week. Although it is not much, it is quite laborious.

So I plan to turn my personal storytelling format into a teahouse type.We, master and apprentice, come here alternately from week to week, so that I can save myself some time to do other things.

Even if it saves a little time for me to hug Xixi, it would be good, otherwise I will see him even less when I go to kindergarten. "

Listening to the master's words, Qi Yuncheng knew without thinking that the storytelling show was coming. No wonder it didn't appear on the Aiqiyi video platform since 2017. It turned out to be delayed.

"Master, I'll let it go, I'm actually far behind in storytelling! To be honest, I have two confidences! The first is the cross talk you taught me, and the second is the Beijing rhyme drum played by my wife.

Because they are all in elementary school and they are old.

But storytelling, opera, etc., I don’t have the basis for long-term performances, and this year, because of the books given by Grandpa Jin, I let me try hard. "

Qi Yuncheng knows the reason why diamonds don't do porcelain work, and he doesn't need to bother Master's program.

And how could Guo Degang, as a master, not understand which aspects the child is good at and which aspects are a little short, so after thinking about a method, he began to read the Tao.

"Your Grandpa Jin has not had an easy life in the past few decades. He came to Tianjin and settled down in Tianjin.

Fortunately, after retiring, I started my favorite career, picked up my old job of storytelling and continued to talk.

I remember that once the manager set the ticket price high, and the audience couldn't come much, the old man even scolded, making the audience laugh.

The books also talk about everything, such as "Three Heroes Sword", "The Legend of Thief", "Xiao De Zhang" and so on.

But back then there were few actors, and it was just me and your Grandpa Jin in the afternoon show. I talked from two o'clock to four o'clock, and he talked from four o'clock to six o'clock.

I didn't know how long it took, and I didn't know how tired I was, but our father and I didn't turn our heads.

Now that the old man is still here, you should show your face more. Didn't you see how happy you were at the curtain call when you came to your venue last time? "


Xiaozhi used emotion to reason, and Qi Yuncheng admired his master so much when he stood beside his master. He persuaded people to say that Pingshu was not so persuasive, and it was impossible for him to refuse.

If you don't say that there are no good people in cross talk, and persuading people is all a weird idea, you can tell by Master's expression.

The master understands him, but he still doesn't understand the master?
After being silent for a while, Qi Yuncheng continued helplessly, "You have said that, what else can I do?"


Seeing that the child had no choice, Guo Degang smiled happily. Jiang was still too old, and the child still had to learn.

"Young master, let's put it this way. With your current popularity, the program team will definitely be willing, and the audience will like it.

Our father and I switch week by week, I will come in the first week, and you will come in the second week, so that the audience can still have something to look forward to. "

"Well! Everything is up to you."

Qi Yuncheng nodded in agreement, feeling like he was on a pirate ship, but he had to.

But while the two were chatting, a phone call came.

As soon as he came over, Qi Yuncheng had an ugly expression. He didn't go to the Guqu club yesterday because he wanted to record a happy comedian. Now it's the Guqu club that has a problem.

"What's wrong?" Yue Yunpeng and Luan Yunping were curious as they were listening to their conversation.

"It seems that the old man finished his performance yesterday, and he accidentally caught a cold when he went back. I'm afraid he can't perform again tonight. I want to go to see the old man and replace the performance by the way."

"Let's go together!"

When Guo Degang found out about this, he became confused and was about to leave. The old gentlemen were around seventy, and their bones couldn't bear the torment.

So it is not their blessing to be able to come. You must know that since the opening of the Guqu Club, there have been more than 30 old gentlemen who have come to perform.

More than 30 people, quite a few, would be a terrifying lineup in the Quyi Troupe.

It's just that time is not forgiving, and the body's bones and strength are indeed not as good as before. A cold and fever may be uncomfortable for a long time.

There will be no delay.

After Qi Yuncheng told his wife to take her daughter to play here, he went to Tianjin with his master.

As for the gentleman who went to visit, he was very familiar with him. He was the master Li Shusheng.

The child didn't have time to come yesterday. As a master, he must have a look. Who would have thought that after going back, he would wake up a little uncomfortable the next day.

You know he is 74, soon 75.

At the age when I should have a rest, I still run to the Guqu club every three days, not to mention being accidentally exposed to the cold wind, I am so tired that I am exhausted.

Originally, he wanted to persevere, but he refused to be a junior, so he called to ask for leave.

This time I went to Tianjin and looked for a hospital.

Guo Degang and Qi Yuncheng saw the old man, and Wang Hui, who was busy outside, heard about it, and rushed over to see his master in the afternoon.

The old man is indeed not in good health, he still has a fever, and his age, so he was sent to the hospital early.

However, after a day of rest today, the fever has obviously subsided.

The next step is to have a good rest, but in this way, it is impossible for him to perform.

But Li Shusheng's personality is here, he is very strict with himself, as long as it is a performance, he only wants to finish the performance smoothly, let alone make mistakes due to his own reasons.

So I half-lyed on the hospital bed and spoke.

"I feel almost done, my voice is not hoarse, and I can still sing! You all hurry up, lest I infect you.

It's hard to be sick once, and it's top-heavy. "

"Master, why don't you continue acting when you're sick? If it gets worse, I can't afford it!" Wang Hui stopped.

"With my place, I can't settle down and rest."

Hearing this sentence, Qi Yuncheng showed a bitter smile by the hospital bed, as if he had a sympathy, yes, if you say that you can’t do your own things and others can do it for you, then you can sit there and mutter to the end what will happen.

Can't settle down at all.

This is not to say that I don't trust others, my personality is like this, all kinds of entanglements and sensitivities.

In the previous life, when Qi Yuncheng asked for leave and couldn't go to school, he kept talking about whether he would delay the class, whether he would delay something.

It's not that he loves learning so much, it's just that he has this kind of mind.

I don't want what I originally set to be disrupted too much.

In an instant, he understood why Master Li Shusheng didn't want him to add a show when they met for the first time. Maybe it was because of this idea, and he also didn't want to reduce the performance time of other actors.

But in the end, the old man still gave up his time.

"Grandpa, you can rest in peace, see if this is okay, I sang the scene you sang for you." Qi Yuncheng said.

Looking at the child, Li Shusheng was still thinking, and seemed to have a hard time making up his mind, feeling awkward that he couldn't do what he should do.

But after the child said that, Li Shusheng smiled helplessly, "That's fine, child! But you still have to sing the piece I want to sing!"

"Of course, I understand your thoughts and thoughts." Qi Yuncheng kept nodding his head. What the husband thought was definitely not to change too many things as much as possible.

Although the people were changed, the audience could still hear the big drum song.

See negotiated.

Guo Degang and Wang Hui didn't worry anymore, "Just rest, what do you want to eat? We'll buy it for you!"

"No, no, no! Take your children far away. If you get infected, you won't be able to perform, that's too bad!"

The old man seemed to be urging, so Guo Degang had no choice but to give the child a look. Qi Yuncheng understood, and stayed away according to the old man's wishes, otherwise what else could be done.

The older I get, the weirder my personality becomes.

But the husband can't blame it, for his own good, and don't want to make mistakes again.

In this way, they spent a day in the hospital.

At night.

As night fell, the drum music club came to the audience as usual, even more than before. After all, the drum music he performed in the big venue before was welcomed by some people.

Indirectly, it made the operation of the venue much better, reaching a state where the profit from selling tickets can be sustained.

There may still be some things that I don’t understand, but it doesn’t prevent curiosity from coming to listen to something new.

Before the show started, Qi Yuncheng found a place in the backstage corner and made a video call to his wife.

"How are you doing over there? I saw that I was in a hurry to leave in the morning, so I didn't ask any more questions afterwards, for fear of disturbing you."

"Fortunately, sir's fever has subsided. It shouldn't be a big problem to rest for a while, but I have a performance tonight, so I have to come back later."

At home, Song Yi hugged her daughter and looked at her husband on the phone, "This is for my husband to have a good rest, he is not young anymore.

Why don't we slow down the time for our second child, and you should be busy with your affairs, which are important.

Kids can have it anytime. "

The daughter-in-law is still thinking about the second child, Qi Yuncheng smiled wryly, "Don't worry, there is plenty of time, the ten or so days of Chinese New Year can't be enough, right?
No more, I'll be back later tonight. "


When the video was hung up, Qi Yuncheng was very relieved. The daughter-in-law actually thought a lot about the family. She didn't know that she gave up a few plays in order to take care of her daughter.

Otherwise, how could I still be at home every day.

And she, who wants a second child so much, would rather postpone it. It seems that everything is based on herself.

I have to say that she is already a good wife and mother.

It's a pity that my cooking skills are still not very good, and I can only cook a few simple things so far.

Don't think too much, since he chose to open the Guqu Club in advance, he must do it well, but his wife will not let it down.

She married herself and gave birth to such a lovely girl, and she will love her for the rest of her life.

Not to mention having a second child, as long as she wants, she will be satisfied with having a third child.

But forget it, I can't support her, and I don't want her to be too tired.

(End of this chapter)

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