Chapter 3 No size on stage

All the audience knew that De Yun followed the rules, but Qi Yuncheng was really different now.

Such an aboveboard loss is definitely the first time.

Give them the impression that one is not afraid of death.

As for this thing, it is also a method Qi Yuncheng thought of. There is no size on the stage. This is a technical means of cross talk.

But De Yun's disciples in this world really don't have such a direct confrontation with Master Hurt like him, after all, it's only 2010 now.

Xiaoyue hasn't gotten up yet.

Not to mention others.

Qi Yuncheng stood up straight now and continued talking.

"Master's size is congenital, it can't be said. But this black one is really not."

"Hey, is this the day after tomorrow?" Luan Yunping tilted her head curiously.

"Isn't this a few years ago working for Deyun Club! At that time, Deyun was just a grassroots team!
In order to make a living, Master can only record programs and work everywhere under the sun.

That's how it is, it's so dark for my master! "

Luan Yunping asked again, "How dark!"

Qi Yuncheng rolled his eyes and began to look evil, "Let's put it this way, throw my master into the coal pile, you can't tell which is the coal and which is him."

Luan Yunping was surprised, "Then there is no way to save him?"

"You have to poke with a stick!"


Qi Yuncheng picked up the fan on the table without any hassle, and then slapped forward.

"The hard one is the coal, but the soft one is him!! Of course, when you poke it, if he groans, you can't be wrong!!"

"it is good!!!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

One after another, what the actor said accurately stepped on the laughing points of these people.

As for why you still applaud.

That's instigation!

The more he talks, the more he will die at that time. Anyway, they enjoy listening to it, and watching the excitement is not a big deal.

As for hearing this Guo Degang on the side screen in the lower right corner.

Will be angry?
It's impossible, and it's too late to be happy.

"What you said is too dark." Luan Yunping, as Master's beloved disciple, definitely wouldn't do anything behind the desk.
Qi Yuncheng glanced at the smiling faces of the audience below, and then quickly stopped, "Stop laughing, it's because of this.

I hurt my master's self-esteem.

I was so angry that my master went up the mountain to find the master to explain his doubts. "

"What did you say."

"Master!" Qi Yuncheng played the role of the master, and he was deliberately short, but his body was full of embarrassment.

Luan Yunping saw it from the side, but couldn't control it at all.

"Master, they all call me Little Black Fatty! I am very dark and not tall!
I want to die
Want to hang myself! "

"Yo! Want to hang yourself?"

Qi Yuncheng nodded and raised his head, "But I can't reach Liang!"

"Okay! Say it again!"

"At this time, the master said a word, you open the door!!
After speaking, my master opened the door, and the sun was shining brightly. At that time, I had an epiphany. "

"Epiphany of what?"

"Master said, master, you want me to accept the sunshine, forget the darkness, and not care about those gossips, right?
At this time the master spoke again! "

"How to say?"

"I asked you to open the door! Let me see where you are!"

After speaking, Qi Yuncheng stared wide-eyed and started looking for people everywhere.

The key is to be serious.

After finding it, he took a closer look, his expression changed hastily, and then he immediately called out, "Bold evildoer, don't try to steal my cassock!"

"Huo! Black bear spirit!"

The familiar lines came out, and the entire audience was directly broken here.

Even many people were laughing backwards and forwards, because when they thought of Mr. Guo's face with black hair, they couldn't laugh anymore.

This voice again.

Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping looked at each other, and everything in their hearts was lost, because it was finally all right.

Then the next thing to do is to stabilize the atmosphere, and then let the master and uncle come to perform in the final scene.

Originally, because there was no one in front, Xiaoyue delayed for a while, and it was impossible for them to grab the time to save the bottom.

So I could only perform one or two 10 minutes.

These 10 minutes are not too long, and the two found some short jokes afterwards.

After finishing speaking, grab a bottom now, and quickly turned around and went down.

It might make viewers feel rushed, but that's unavoidable.

And as soon as they went there, they would naturally be greeted by the announcement of the uncle Hou Ye, as well as the appearance of the master and the uncle.

Two pairs of actors rubbed shoulders!

It was nothing at first, but when Guo Degang walked to his teasing position, he suddenly became impatient.

Holding the handkerchief in his hand, he turned around and threw it away.

And Qi Yuncheng stepped down in a hurry, as if he was afraid of being caught by the master.

Don't think it's just an act, but it's Guo Degang who overturned their entire cross talk just now.

Because the audience wanted to see this scene, so none of the thousands of audience members below was unhappy.

"Hahaha! I knew it would happen all of a sudden!"

"Hey, what was the actor's name just now? I missed it because of the noise just now."

"It seems to be called Qi Yuncheng, it's really good, it is, and it looks handsome!"

"Being so funny with Master, I want to see the follow-up for no reason, after all, I'm too invincible!"



"Okay, okay!"

Seeing that his partner lost a handkerchief, Yu Qian must have hurriedly grabbed him, for fear that he would throw something again. Of course, this was all for show.

After all, comedy has to be exaggerated.

Guo Degang took a deep breath, with a look of hating iron but not steel, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately seemed to be a different person.

"Where is Teacher Yu's thong, let me see!"

"I'll go to you!"

Yu Qian, who was still blocking him, gave his partner a slight push in an instant, and the whole room burst into laughter.

It made many people laugh out loud.

This smile fully demonstrated the strength of Deyun's class leader and cross talk queen.

It can be regarded as multiplying the child's burden a few times.

"Senior brother! Team Luan! You are too good, this is all here!"

"That's right! The expression on Master's face when he was not on stage, and the expression on the side screen just now. You should really see it!"

"That's right! I really have nothing to say!"

Here comes the side curtain.

Xiaoyue, Shaobing, Kong Yunlong and other seniors from the word department were all there, and when they saw them, they sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

But Luan Yunping laughed, "It's really thanks to Yun Cheng, otherwise there's really no way to do it!

This performance is a blessing in misfortune! "

Seeing them say that, Qi Yuncheng was also very happy, and what the system gave him really made his experiment a success.

The effect is good.

But now there is another important matter, so I asked Xiaoyue directly.

"How's the situation at He Wei's side?"

"Hey!" Shaobing shook his head while holding the phone, "I kept calling, but there was no response.

SMS too! "

"Then don't fight, that's it."

Qi Yuncheng said, and the rest of the senior brothers nodded. They thought they had solved the problem of the second one, so naturally they didn't need to fight.

But not at all, because he knew what would happen next.

After all, this person is just a small person.

As soon as the mainstream side is tempted, he will immediately turn against Ge Deyun. As for the cultivation and praise of the previous master, he will not consider it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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