"Everyone 75 degrees southeast! Attack in place!"

Ning Fengzhi also heard Tang Sui's voice, and with an order, he took the lead in turning to the direction Tang Sui had mentioned, holding the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in full bloom.

When several Contras and Soul Sages finally rushed out of the domain, many attacking Soul Skills mixed with highly poisonous crossbow arrows swarmed in and magnified in their pupils.


The intensive attack was like rain hitting plantains, and it seemed to keep setting off fireworks, falling on them overwhelmingly.

The black-clothed people covered in distress were forced to retreat out of the range of the flames of battle. Two or three hundred disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School faced Dai Mubai and the others far away, standing there frozen, staring resentfully. , now caressing his heart in the same way, Tang Sui bowed slightly and gasped for breath.

Just one field caused countless losses to their 2000-member team.

Even in the process of attacking the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, those disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School used strange weapons and suffered a lot of losses, but it was not as painful as this girl's blow to more than a thousand people!

With such a terrifying strength, it's no wonder that His Majesty the Pope raised this girl's arrest warrant to the top!

"Sui Sui, can you still hold on?"

Dai Mubai who activated the third soul skill White Tiger Vajra Transformation maintained an attacking posture and blocked Tang Sui, Ma Hongjun was in the sky above, and Zhu Zhuqing was on the outside, protecting Tang Sui tightly.

Auxiliary lights fell on Tang Sui one after another, but most of them were the increase of soul power.

It's not that he doesn't want to give Tang Sui a sixth buff, but now almost all the powerful disciples in the sect have not returned. Ning Fengzhi's support is all on Chen Xin and Gu Rong at the top. .

This is the greatest support that other Qibao Glazed Tile Sect disciples can give Tang Sui.

The internal and external forces rose at the same time, Tang Sui's pale complexion only warmed up a bit, and he shook his head when he heard Dai Mubai's question, and looked up at the six people whose confrontation in the sky had reached a fever pitch.

"I'm fine. For the rest, I can only look at Senior Sword Douluo and Senior Bone Douluo."

Now their strength is too weak, and [-]% of the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect are out on business, what can be done has been done, now it only depends on whether Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo can carry the four Title Douluo!

"Bang bang bang-!"

The sound of hard metal colliding can be heard endlessly.

"Chen Xin! Try our combo skills!"

Both the Snake Lance Douluo and the Piercing Blood Douluo summoned the Spirit Avatar, with the Blood Piercing Douluo's torso that swelled into a huge spiked sphere as the main body, and the porcupine mouth that grew out of the Spirit Avatar. The spear and fangs of the spear, packed with powerful momentum, detonated countless sounds along the way, and stabbed viciously at Chen Xin and Gu Rong standing in the air.

"The Rockfish Spear!"

The fat puffer fish that swelled into a blood thorn ball opened its sharp spear teeth, and charged away several small swords transformed from soul power. The siege dragged the scarlet light, but in an instant, it approached Chenxin.

Chen Xin's gaze was fixed, but she didn't go forward without avoiding it, but suddenly retreated tens of meters. With the delay and the distance, a wisp of black smoke condensed in the void, covering her whole body. The black-armored Gu Rong's eyes showed a cold light, he raised his hands, and the sixth jet-black halo buzzed and flashed on his body!

"Sixth soul skill, time-space gate! Open!"

A black space door larger than the inflated blood-piercing puffer opened in front of them. The powerful suction force made the inertial sprinting blood-piercer have no time to brake, and even followed Gu Rong's two other titles. Douluo - Jiangmo Douluo and Golden Hook Douluo almost overturned and rushed into the huge black hole of space.

"Not good! I'm about to be sucked in!"

A sense of crisis crept up their backs, Blood Piercing Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo hurriedly released their combo skills and fled separately.

Subduing Demon Douluo and Golden Hook Douluo who followed after him, the former held a golden dragon-patterned long stick, like the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who was one hundred and eight thousand miles away, relying on this long stick in his hand weighed ten thousand catties The terrifying weight stabilized himself and retreated successfully.

The Golden Hook Douluo, whose body is a bird, is much more embarrassed than the Demon Douluo, but she still slapped her fire feathers crazily, the feathers were messy, and there were even countless fine wounds on her body. With the force of suction, he quickly retreated several meters.

But this is not over yet!
Black flames shot up from Gu Rong's eyes, but they were not real flames, but a kind of breath, a crack in space in this world!

"Time and space gate! Open!"



Gu Rong opened space cracks one after another, and the distances were different, but formed an absolute encirclement, blocking the four Title Douluo who were dodging separately.

At the same time, Chen Xin also moved.

"Seven killing swords, ten thousand swords hidden front!"

In the turbulent night, the tip of the sword flickered coldly, but it was not a single point, but at a rapid speed, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, countless sword lights flashed, like iron attracted by a magnet, humming The small sword drives the countless blood-stained crossbow arrows lying on the cold ground together, forming a long dragon intertwined with hundreds of thousands of arrows and swords. Accompanied by the powerful sword energy that is washed away, it seems to cut through the boundless night!

"The sixth soul skill, Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

Chen Xin, who was sweating a little bit on his forehead, had a serious expression, and a cold sword intent shot out from his eyes.

At this moment, he is not a human being, but a sword, a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, deep and suffocating, yet swaying like a sea-like inclusive majestic sword intent.

The sword pointed like a blade, splitting the air, and then a huge rain of swords roared out, rushing into the black hole of space opened by Gu Rong, forming a closed-loop flowing sword array, blocking the four Title Douluo layer by layer!

One Sword Frost and Cold Fourteen States!


When the sword rain hit, it was like a thunderclap splitting the sky, tearing apart the pitch-black curtain, and emitting a deafening explosion that tormented people's eardrums. Even Contra was shocked to the point that his blood surged, his brain was dizzy, and his eyes were filled with stars. Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ning Fengzhi's spiritual impact and power impact on their side were blocked by the enchantment of demon power. As the owner of the enchantment, Tang Sui was naturally not affected, and immediately spit out another mouthful of blood, which greatly reduced the value It made Tang Sui feel the danger, but at the moment when her second soul skill finished cooling down for 90 seconds, she still put it on Chen Xin above the void!

"Second Soul Skill, Good Face!"


After using the soul skill, Tang Sui's eyes went dark, and the attack form was forcibly canceled due to the sharp drop in value, and both legs leaned forward with some loss of strength.

"Sui Sui!"

Zhu Zhuqing caught the half-soft Tang Sui very quickly, and there was unstoppable worry on his cool and beautiful face.

Tang Sui was sweating coldly, and with a thought, a white porcelain bottle suddenly appeared at her feet.

—— Digression——

Just to tell a joke, today's ink carp was carried down by a bamboo sedan chair.Really, go in vertically, come out horizontally (lay flat jpg)

However, there is one thing to say, the bamboo sedan chair is actually really good, like riding a horse, but you don't have to worry about your legs being worn out.

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