Where darkness and shadows run rampant, they are all domains.

Cognition is blurred, and time has no concept.

The deep and boundless darkness was like an inextricable night, and the strong smell of blood dyed the crimson moon hanging above into a deeper color.

Gravity doesn't work here.

An abstract and distorted world, corridors and buildings interspersed and flipped, are interspersed in this space, but the strange thing is that both the corridors and the buildings are incomplete and seem incomplete.

The flowing red moonlight pouring down from the sky filled the field of vision together, and the people in black whose mental power or soul power was lower than Tang Sui's were standing there blankly, their dark pupils also covered with traces of ominous scarlet, like An unmanned puppet that has lost all motivation and cannot think for itself.

Countless redundant voices whispered in the ears, yet one could feel the suppressed madness.

They are like deadly viruses, forming a tumbling vortex, pouring into the brain from the ears, the San value is crazy, the whole person is on the verge of collapse, starting from the eyes, the eyelids become cloudy gray and white, and then shed bright red blood .

Nose, Mouth, Ears
All the seven orifices began to bleed to varying degrees, and the person whose seven orifices all began to bleed finally stopped heaving his chest, and those with higher or better soul power were also soul masters who twitched all over their bodies, lost their vision and turned into gray-white eye patches They covered their heads one by one and let out a low growl of "ho ho" from their throats, as if they were slowly transforming from human beings into other creatures.

"Damn it, wake up! There are spiritual confusions in this field. Hmm."

One of the soul saints suddenly let out a painful groan, and the next second, his panicked voice was like a flame lighting a wire, causing panic to spread instantly.

"I, I can't see! I was also tricked no. no."

The soul sage who suddenly became blind panicked, and the moment his eyes turned completely black, the domain locked him, infinitely magnifying the suppressed fear in his heart, and releasing it all at once.

"I smell blood! Is it my blood?! Old cow, see if I'm bleeding! Old cow! Old. Me, I can't hear you!"

"Ahh! Why did I do this? When did I get the trick?! When was it!?"

He kept asking himself, almost paranoid.

For a while, he beat his head frantically with his hands, and for a while he started scratching his eyes, and in a short while, there was a bloody scene, which made people feel chilly and unconsciously became more vigilant.

Another soul sage panicked, and in the next second, wet liquid flowed down from his nasal cavity, soaking the black mask that covered his face, and he immediately smelled a strong smell of rust.

Him, has he been recruited too?

Will he become like everyone else? !
Such doubts surfaced in their hearts one after another, like a lingering shadow, crazily penetrated into their brains, forcing them to think, to think, just like the bird flu that spreads from generation to generation, a soul saint level All the strong men began to show symptoms of bleeding, big and small, and then the madman started to mutilate himself.

"No, they have all been recruited! Fourth brother, we have to find a way to break through this field! Concentrate your soul power!"

Seeing this, a powerful Contra felt a chill in his heart. He stomped heavily on the incomplete aisle, and the spider web-like cracks spread. The other person jumped alertly and fell to another aisle with only half of it suspended in the void. On the ground, he also made the same reaction as the Contra who spoke first.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul!"

The majestic soul power of the six realms was swept away in the pitch-black space, and the other souls also showed symptoms, but they still resisted the spiritual erosion. Mami, following the six Contras who jumped up first, concentrated his strength in the front and rushed towards the scarlet red moon above.

"Can you go?"

In the center of the red moon, there was a voice that was extremely familiar to them all, but it was more cold.

The pupils of the people in black shrank, seeing the red moon whose brilliance was slowly fading, and staring at the true face of the exit they thought they had, killing intent and chills filled their hearts at the same time, squeezing the poor little heart, squeezing all their hearts. Both anger and killing intent were vented on the culprit.

"go to hell!"

"The third soul skill, the face of nothingness."

The third millennium soul ring on Tang Sui's body flickered, and in the next second, her figure became unreal, like a reflection of a flower in a mirror and a moon in water, before those Contras attacked, she disappeared in front of them.

That Contra shrank his pupils, secretly hating him.

That girl even hid her hand!

"Hoo hoo—!"

Countless dark and shadowy shadows continuously elongated and emerged from the void in all directions, and some dragged the dead bodies that had stopped breathing in the aisles and buildings into the darkness, making a terrifying sound of bone crushing, like chewing and eating, as if This field is alive.

There are even bold shadow strips to pull away the rear heels of the soul saint, and at the moment they are scattered by the opponent's terrifying soul power, new long strips of tentacles grow, layer after layer, rich black and red The demonic power is like the poisonous thread spit out by a spider. After finding the gap, it burrows into it all at once, and the ominous black air that is integrated with their boots and underwear silently invades their bodies.

The people in black who lost Tang Sui's whereabouts became more and more aware of the weirdness and horror of this field, and dared not look at the corpses of their companions who were dragged into the darkness by those long shadows, and slammed into the field with all their strength. , trying to break through this layer of barriers and return to reality!

[Di——During the energy transformation, the demon power continued to rise, and began to repair the host's body. 】

[Di——In the process of energy transformation, the demon power continues to be consumed, the mental power continues to decline, and the health value continues to decrease. Warning! 】

[Di——During the energy transformation, the demon power continued to rise, and began to repair the host's body. 】

The reminder sound of the system's repeated horizontal jumps kept ringing in the brain. Tang Sui felt the energy transformed by the life absorbed by the domain. While consuming and rising, she was still slowly recovering her traumatized mental strength and internal injuries.

There is a gap between the level of soul power and spiritual power.It was she who kept filling them with spiritual power and demon power, endured the pain of comminuted fractures again and again, and then waited for the demon power to repair over and over again, before barely holding them back.

but now.
Seeing that under their constant impact, the domain began to be unstable, and the consumption of demon power and spiritual power was much faster than the recovery speed, Tang Sui breathed out a sweet smell, wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and the depths of his dark pupils emerged. With a faint scarlet light, after setting the point of the space, when they collided with the field again, she opened the exit.

"Boss Dai, your southeast is 75 degrees!"

Tang Sui's call pierced through the endlessly long field, and through the shadow quietly spreading around Dai Mubai's feet, clearly conveyed the direction they rushed to Dai Mubai and the others.

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