Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1127: Annexing Dacheng Energy (9) Action

Chapter 1127: Annexing Dacheng Energy (9) Action

17:10 pm.

Prosecutor's Office.

Special Search Part Four.

meeting room.

Li Zaihua convened a meeting with his subordinates, and even Park Haoyu and Gao Ying returned from the joint investigation team.

After a series of deployments, the time for action tomorrow has been determined.

Li Zaihua stopped staying and walked out of the room, while taking out his mobile phone and dialing the number.

Although Qingwatai has agreed to conduct a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., it still needs the support of the court.

Before getting off work, Li Zaihua contacted the police to rush to sign tomorrow's search warrant.

18:21 pm.

Lee Jae-hwa left the Seoul Central District Court with a rosy complexion.

With Choi Jong Suk's help, he successfully obtained the search warrant.

Time flies.

The next day.

9:01 am.

Nine MPVs and four large trucks, plus 15 police cars, formed a mighty long queue heading straight for Chengnan City.

10:21 am.

Chengnan City.

Headquarters of Taisei Energy Co., Ltd.

A long queue of motorcade stopped under a building.

The surrounding passers-by changed their colors. Some stayed there to watch the show, while others quickly walked into the building or took out their mobile phones to dial a number.

The convoy has just parked.

The door of the first MPV was opened.

Li Zaihua stuck his head out and stepped down.

Followed by.

The prosecutors and auxiliary officers of the Special Investigation Department 4 got out of the car collectively and led dozens of police officers straight to the headquarters of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.

Come to the entrance of the hall.

More than a dozen security guards who got the news blocked the way forward.

Li Zaihua raised the certificate hanging around his neck.

"I am Lee Jae-hwa, director of the Fourth Strategic Special Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. I have been ordered to conduct a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. Anyone who obstructs the investigation will be classified as obstructing official duties!"

The security guards were shocked. The charge of obstructing official business could be serious or minor.

When the security captain saw this, he quickly said: "Don't listen to him, we are protecting the safety and property of the company!"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua's eyes narrowed.

"It seems you are determined to obstruct official business!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the police officers behind him immediately swarmed over.

Faced with the pushing and pushing by the police officers, some sensible security guards resisted for a few times and then restrained themselves.

In the end, only the security captain was still resisting.

However, his arm was twisted past his thigh. Under the siege of several police officers, the security captain was handcuffed and escorted directly back to the police car. What awaited him would be several years in prison.

No more obstacles.

Li Zaihua said loudly: "Act according to the original plan and take action!"

The words fell.

The prosecutors from the Fourth Special Investigation Department immediately dispersed, leading their respective auxiliary officers, staff of the Grand Prosecutor's Office, and police officers to disperse.

Wait until people leave.

Li Zaihua looked at Wen Jinghao next to him and said: "Investigator Wen, lead people to the control room to prevent someone from shutting down the elevator. Others follow me!"

Wen Jinghao nodded.

"Okay Minister!"

After saying that, he led several police officers straight to the monitoring room.

Li Zaihua led several staff members from the Grand Procuratorate and ten police officers to the elevator.

His mission today is to arrest Huang Douna, the new president of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.


The group of people took the elevator to the floor where the president's office was located.

Enter the president's office.

Secretary Han, who got the news in advance, blocked everyone's way.

Then, Secretary Han knowingly asked: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "I want to see President Huang Doona!"

"Want to see the president?"

Secretary Han glanced at Li Zaihua and said calmly: "Sorry, our president is not here!"

Li Zaihua raised his eyebrows, and was too lazy to continue talking, so he hooked his fingers.

Ten police officers immediately stepped forward and pushed away those who blocked him.

Li Zaihua casually jumped past Secretary Han.

Secretary Han knew that he could not stop him and allowed the young minister to walk towards the president's office.

Before arriving at the office.

Li Zaihua pushed hard, and the door to the room slowly opened.

In an instant, the huge office came into view, and at a glance, Huang Douna was nowhere to be found.

Li Zaihua frowned lightly and looked around, but there was still no sign of Huang Douna.

"Huh? What about people?"

Secretary Han then walked into the room and said helplessly: "Minister Li, I told you that the president is not here!"

Li Zaihua ignored the secretary's explanation and took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

The call was answered soon.

Wen Jinghao's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Investigator Moon, check the surveillance to see if President Huang Doona has left the building!"

Wen Jinghao was startled. His minister didn't find Huang Doona.

But he quickly came to his senses.

"Okay Minister, please wait!"

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua wasted no time and said to the people around him: "Search all the items in the room, then move them downstairs and take them back to the prosecutor's office!"

Hear the young minister's orders.

The staff and police officers of the Grand Prosecutor's Office acted quickly and began to break through the walls.

Secretary Han's face changed slightly when he saw it, and he stepped forward to stop him.

"Minister Li, what are you doing?"

Lee Jae Hwa took out the search warrant signed by Choi Jong Suk yesterday from his pocket.

"This is a search warrant. If you have any questions, you can consult a lawyer, but please do not obstruct official duties, otherwise I have the right to arrest you!"

Upon hearing that he was being arrested, Secretary Han panicked and didn't even dare to look at the search warrant.

at the same time.

With the intrusion of the Special Search Department 4, the headquarters of Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd. was now in a mess.

In particular, the Finance Department and Strategic Planning Office are the focus of care.

The chairman is dead, the president is running away, and the top executives of Dacheng Energy are fighting on their own.

Coupled with the sudden arrival of Li Zaihua, the Finance Department and Strategic Planning Office had no time to deal with the problematic documents.

Although part of it was burned, a large number of documents were left behind, which was stopped by the prosecutors and police officers who arrived.

They also rescued a small number of documents from fires and shredders that had not been completely burned or shredded.

10:39 am.

Headquarters of Taisei Energy Co., Ltd.

President's office.

Ring ring ring.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, then pressed the call button.

Wen Jinghao's voice came out.

"Minister, I just checked the surveillance and there is no sign of Huang Douna."

Having said this, he added: "I asked the security guards just now, and they said they haven't seen Huang Douna since yesterday!"

Just finished speaking.

Li Zaihua frowned.

"You mean, Huang Douna didn't come to the company yesterday?"

Wen Jinghao nodded.

"Yes, it is indeed so!"

Li Zaihua licked his lips.

"Okay, please check again when was the last time Huang Douna came to the company!"

"Okay, Minister, do you have any other instructions?"

Li Zaihua thought for a while.

"Copy all the monitoring of Dacheng Energy in the last month!"

"Understood!" He said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Li Zaihua put down his phone and turned to Secretary Han aside.

"Do you know when President Huang didn't come to the company?"

Secretary Han rolled his eyes. If you want me to say it, I will say it!

"Director Li, you ask me who I ask, I also want to know where our president is!"

Li Zaihua thought Secretary Han was playing tricks again.

"You sure you don't want to tell me!"

Secretary Han cried bitterly: "Minister Li, I don't know, what do you want me to say!"

Seeing that the woman in front of me was so stubborn.

Li Zaihua is no longer polite.

"Hello, I am arresting you now for obstructing official duties. You have the right to find a lawyer!"

After speaking, he waved his hand.

The two police officers immediately took out their handcuffs and prepared to arrest Secretary Han.

Secretary Han was startled. He backed away in fear and said tremblingly: "Minister Li, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that I really don't know!"

At this moment, she didn't dare to hide it.

"In fact, the president has not come to the company for two days. I have searched all the places I can think of and still can't find her."

With a bang, Secretary Han told everything he knew.

After listening.

Li Zaihua frowned, and then stopped the actions of the two police officers.

"Okay, let her go!"

Before, he was just scaring Secretary Han, hoping to find out the whereabouts of Huang Douna from the other party's mouth.

At this point, Secretary Han obviously didn't dare to lie to himself. Huang Dou Na must have really run away.

Li Zaihua thought for a moment and said, "Although President Huang's disappearance has nothing to do with you, you still have to go back with us."

Secretary Han nodded desperately,

"As long as I'm not arrested, I'm willing to cooperate with Minister Li's work!"

"very good!"

Li Zaihua nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "You continue, I will go out and make a phone call."

After giving instructions to his subordinates.

Li Zaihua came outside the office and took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Li Zicheng's voice came out.

"Minister Li, is something wrong?"

Li Zaihua got straight to the point: "Chief Li, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Li Zicheng replied.

"Minister Li, your guess is correct. Zhang Dongya left the country on a private plane four days ago, and his destination was Japan's Kansai International Airport."

As soon as these words came out.

Li Zaihua slowly narrowed his eyes, and then said: "Director Li, you are helping me check for Huang Douna. She left the country about two days ago, either at Kimpo International Airport or Incheon International Airport!"

Li Zicheng nodded.

"Okay, wait for my news!"

Time flies.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Computers, large quantities of documents, and safes filled four large trucks.

At this time, a large number of reporters had already gathered at the headquarters of DaChan Energy Co., Ltd.

Just at nine o'clock this morning, the exclusive website of the Qingwatai Secretariat responded to the petition for a thorough investigation of Daesheng Energy Co., Ltd.

The reporters didn't have time to digest the information.

News came from Seongnan City that Li Zaihua led people to search the headquarters of Dachen Energy Co., Ltd.

Afterwards, reporters rushed in like mad dogs.

Looking at the busy prosecutors and police officers, the reporters excitedly clicked the shutter and even wanted to break through the cordon for interviews.

Fortunately, after arriving at the DaChan Energy headquarters, Li Zaihua notified the Chengnan City Police Department in advance to come and help.

Otherwise, the existing police force alone may not be able to stop reporters.

13:50 pm.

After a three-hour search, all the computers and documents involved in the case were finally recovered from Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.

At the same time, Li Zaihua warned all directors of Daesung Energy not to leave the country before the case is concluded, and not to leave Seoul and Seongnam City.

Done everything.

Li Zaihua led his subordinates to walk out of the building with dignity.

The reporters were immediately excited when they saw the young minister.

Before Li Zaihua could walk in, reporter A held up his recorder and shouted.

"Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from Zhongyang Daily. What do you think of Qingwatai's agreement to conduct a thorough investigation of Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.?"

"Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from the Seoul Evening News. So far, the number of petitioners for a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. has reached 250,000, and this number is still increasing. How many people do you think it will reach in the end?"

"Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from Chaochao Daily. As far as I know, Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd. owns a large number of overseas assets. Will you seize these assets?"

"Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from "Peninsula Youth Daily". Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd. has been transporting energy abroad all year round and does not sell it in the country. Is there any ulterior secret?"

"Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from Democracy Daily. Do you have any plans to restrict the directors of DaChan Energy Co., Ltd. from leaving the country?"

Facing reporters one question after another.

Li Zaihua raised his hand and pressed it in the air.

The scene fell silent instantly.

Li Zaihua said loudly: "Dear journalist friends, regarding the national petition for a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., I will hold a press conference to explain in detail later."

"But in order not to spoil the fun, I will answer three questions according to the old rules."

"First, whether to freeze all the assets of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. needs to be determined after investigation."

"Second, we have issued a warning to all directors of Denton Energy to restrict their departure from the country, temporarily seized their passports, and have notified the customs."

"Third, overseas assets are also part of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. If necessary, we will contact the relevant countries to seize the assets."

"As for those who want to know more, a press conference will be held, and I will specifically answer the reporters' questions then!"

"Okay, please give way, everyone!"

However, the reporters were not satisfied with this answer and wanted to continue asking questions.

Although reporters are known as the uncrowned king, it is a pity that Li Zaihua does not tolerate them.

After being blocked by the police, the prosecutors boarded the MPV and drove away.

Shortly after the convoy left Chengnan City.

A cell phone ringtone rang in an MPV.

Li Zaihua took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and quickly pressed the call button.

Li Zicheng's voice came out.

"Minister Li, we found out. Huang Douna took a flight to Jiaodong, China two days ago. I need to contact the Huaxia police for details!"

Li Zaihua's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and he couldn't help but smile.

He really didn't expect that Huang Dou Na could see the situation clearly and leave the peninsula without hesitation.

As for someone who tipped off the information, committing the crime against the wind was simply seeking death.

Even though it wouldn't be a big deal if the person ran away, it still felt a bit pity.

He also wanted to test whether Huang Dou Na knew about the mysterious organization hidden within Dacheng Energy.

However, Li Zaihua's goal has always been Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., and Huang Douna's escape is still beneficial to him to some extent.

After all, lacking a core, Dacheng Energy can be better divided and disintegrated.

"Thank you, Section Chief Li, I'll leave it to you to trace Huang Douna's whereabouts!"

15:22 pm.

Special Investigation Unit 4 returns to the Prosecutor's Office.

Under the watchful eyes of a large number of onlookers and with the help of the Grand Prosecutor's staff, it took an hour to empty the four large trucks.

The reporters who followed closely behind recorded the scene.

21:00 pm.


In a high-end apartment.

Li Zaihua leaned into Zheng Caiying's arms, biting the delicate fingers holding the strawberry.

At this time.

A familiar voice came from the TV.

KBS TV Golden News starts airing.

A beautiful female anchor took Zheng Caiying's place and broadcast today's news briefing in a serious manner.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Li Zaihua squinted his eyes and suddenly opened them. The international news was finished and today's domestic news began.

Not surprisingly, the petition for a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. received a response from Qingwa Taiwan and became the protagonist today.

It is interspersed with scenes of Li Zaihua answering three questions, in the middle is a scene of a long queue of motorcade returning to Seoul, and finally ends with ants moving documents like moving.

Look here.

Zheng Caiying smiled and said: "Hubby, everything seems to be going well!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly, then showed a lewd expression.

"Yes, we are going to celebrate tonight, are you ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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