Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1126: Annexation of Dacheng Energy (8) Competition

Chapter 1126: Annexation of Dacheng Energy (8) Competition

With the death of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian.

Zhang Dongya and Huang Doona fled one after another, leaving Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. completely in a leaderless situation.

The next day.

9:10 am.

Secretary Han did not find his president in the apartment, thinking that Huang Dou Na had gone to the company early.

But after arriving at the headquarters, Huang Douna was still not seen.

this moment.

Secretary Han realized something was wrong and hurriedly left the company and returned to Huang Dou Na's apartment.

When she saw the clothes and valuables disappearing from the cabinet, her color suddenly changed. She abandoned herself and ran away alone.

10:39 am.

Headquarters of Taisei Energy Co., Ltd.

Secretary Han returned to the company and quickly found another executive director.

When she learned that Huang Doona was missing, her face was so gloomy that she was about to shed tears.

It didn't take long. The news spread at the top.

Originally, there were tall men who were holding up the sky when it fell, but now that Yang Hyo-ki and So Ki-hyun are dead and Hwang Doo-na is missing, wouldn't they become scapegoats?

Some directors with evil intentions no longer had any luck and planned to follow Huang Douna's example and go out to escape.

at the same time.

Qingwa Terrace.

Office of the President.

Dang Dang Dang.
There was a knock on the door.

Jin Dongzai pushed the door open and walked quickly forward to bow.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan raised her head.

"what's up?"

Jin Dongzai handed over a document.

"Your Excellency, the application for a thorough investigation of Dachen Energy Co., Ltd. has triggered the petition mechanism. Do you agree to a thorough investigation of this company?"

Hear this.

Zhao Shulan said slightly surprised: "The number has reached 200,000 so soon?"

Jin Dongzai nodded.

He was also a little surprised that this was one day earlier than he had expected.

"That's right, the number reached 200,000 around ten o'clock last night, and as of this morning there were a total of 205,376 petitioners!"

After hearing this, Zhao Shulan lowered her head and looked at the document in her hand, which had the exact number written on it.

Although Qingwatai rarely replies, the deaths of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian really pissed her off this time.

Think of this.

Swish swish.
Zhao Shulan no longer hesitated to sign her name in the blank space of the document, and then handed it to Jin Dongzai.

"Based on the national petition mechanism, I agree to conduct a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., and this case will be handed over to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office!"

The words fell.

Jin Dongzai took the document respectfully, bowed again, turned and left without looking back.


National Intelligence Service.


Joint investigation team.

Team leader's office.

Ring ring ring.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. He saw the number in the director's office and quickly pressed the call button.

A woman's voice came out.

"Hello, Minister Li, this is the chief's office. Please attend the Strategic Special Investigation Department Minister's meeting on time at three o'clock this afternoon!"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up, knowing that what he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"Thank you, I will be there on time!"

14:50 pm.

Prosecutor's Office.

Ding Dong!

The elevator door opens.

One foot stepped out and entered the floor where the Strategic Special Investigation Department was located.

The person who came was none other than Li Zaihua.

He quickly came to a conference room and opened the door.

I saw a few middle-aged men sitting there and whispering.

Hear the door open.

People subconsciously turned to look at the conference room door.

The moment I saw Li Zaihua,
There was an inexplicable brilliance in the eyes of the three people, and they sighed at the minister's youth. Only a few years far exceeded their more than ten years of hard work.

Even if you feel unconvinced or unhappy.

But no one dared to show off his temper in front of Li Zaihua.

The three people took the initiative to show their kindness and invited the young minister to come and sit down.

With a smile on his face, Li Zaihua greeted the seniors present with a humble attitude, and his actions left no room for fault.

After saying hello.

Li Zaihua sat next to a minister with whom he had a relatively good relationship.

Minister A whispered: "Minister Li, do you know why we were called to the meeting today?"

Li Zaihua pretended to know nothing.

"I don't know. Senior also knows that I have been busy with the investigation team's cases recently, so I don't have time to care about the affairs of the Grand Prosecutor's Office."

This is true.

It is a well-known fact that Li Zaihua stayed in the joint investigation team all day long and did not come to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office for half a month.

The words fell.

The other two ministers who were eavesdropping looked at each other and resumed their conversation in low voices.

Thump thump thump.
A sound of footsteps came closer and closer.


The door to the conference room was pushed open.

Xu Zhenzai led his secretary into the room in big strides, then sat down at the main seat.

Just sat down.

The secretary immediately circled around the desk and distributed the information in his hand to everyone.

Seeing that the information had been distributed, Xu Zhenzai said: "Today, a petition of as many as 200,000 people appeared on the exclusive website of the Qingwa Taiwan Secretariat, which triggered the petition mechanism. After evaluation by the Secretariat, His Excellency the President confirmed that this petition was finally The application for signature will be left to our prosecutor’s office.”

"This petition is mainly for a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., a private enterprise in the south of the city. Which of you wants to go!"

As soon as these words came out.

The first, second, and third ministers were immediately interested.

You must know that in addition to collecting illegal money, prosecutors also conduct thorough investigations into confidential information obtained by a company and cooperate with outsiders to harvest profits.

Recently, Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. has been frequently featured in major media and TV, and everyone is aware of it.

This company has assets worth more than a billion meters before it is listed on the market. If you can make a profit from it, you might make enough money to last your next life.

As for Dacheng Energy's slap in the face to the joint investigation team, the three of them ignored it.

The head of the First Department said first: "Chief, since this case was handled by Qingwa Tai personally, it should be handled by our First Department."

Don't wait for him to finish speaking.

The director of the second department quits.

"Why should I leave it to you, Department 1? Our Department 2, which is best at financial cases, should be left to us!"

The head of the Third Department intervened: "Okay, you two don't have to argue. Our Third Department has been very busy recently, so it's just right to leave it to us!"

Just when the three of them were fighting for each other, not giving in to each other.

A voice suddenly sounded.

"Three seniors, please stop arguing. Our joint investigation team is investigating Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd."

Halfway through the conversation.

The head of the First Department smiled and said: "It was because I considered that Minister Li would be in charge of the joint investigation team that I took this case to help reduce your burden."

The Second Minister agreed.

"Yes, Minister Li has a lot of things to do all day long, so let's deal with the joint case investigation team first!"

The three ministers nodded.

"Minister Li, the joint investigation team is led by Qingwatai. You should concentrate on investigating the case!"

The three of them persuaded Li Zaihua to give up.

In any other case, they might have let it go, since they wouldn't offend a promising star.

It's different now. Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. involves a company with assets of more than one billion meters. Everyone wants to make a fortune, so how can they give up. Listen to the three people.

Li Zaihua's expression darkened.

He has done so much, how can he give up the fruits of victory to others.

"Three seniors, please give me some face, so I'll be responsible!"

The three of them rolled their eyes.

How much is your face worth?

The head of the First Department pretended to be concerned and said: "Minister Li, I'm not telling you. Young people should seek truth from facts. The Chengnan City attack case has not been closed before taking on other cases."

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

The second minister nodded.

"Yes, it's good for young people to be motivated, but it's not good if the momentum is used in the wrong place!"

The head of the third department said calmly: "Minister Li, you are a newcomer. It is very troublesome to handle this kind of case, so let's do it!"

Li Zaihua was angry, but remained calm on the surface.

"The three seniors are right, but there is a saying I like very much. Young people must be brave enough to take on responsibilities and challenges. I believe I have the ability to take charge of this case!"

Seeing that the young minister is ignorant.

The three ministers felt angry.

"Minister Li, there is an idiom in China called act according to one's ability. I hope you can understand!"

Li Zaihua smiled disapprovingly.

"Three seniors, there is a Chinese proverb, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves in front die on the beach."

Having said this, the young minister's expression became serious.

"I remember that when Minister Kim was still serving at the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office, he destroyed a large underground casino for the first time he handled a case independently. I wonder if seniors still remember it?"

I heard someone talking about his great achievements.

Kim Zheng, the director of the Third Strategic Special Investigation Department, suddenly showed a proud expression, and then seemed to think of something, and it disappeared in a flash.

Li Zaihua also talked about the case-handling experiences of the first minister and the second minister respectively when they were young. He also said that the three of them were young and promising in the past.

This kind of overt praise and covert denigration made the three strategic special investigation chiefs look uncertain.

They want to refute, but they have nowhere to start and they can't deny their past.

Although the three of them were temporarily manipulated by Li Zaihua.

It's a pity that they have already developed the skill of being shameless and will not let go no matter what the young minister says.

For a time, the four people were in a stalemate in their thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.

He has been watching with cold eyes, watching the subordinates who kept arguing.

Xu Zhenzai slammed the table.

"That's enough, shut up and see what you look like. This is the prosecutor's office, not a vegetable market!"

The big boss is angry.

The conference room fell silent instantly.

Xu Zhenzai snorted coldly.

"You are elite prosecutors, not market ladies."

"What you just said is right. Minister Li is young, but one thing cannot be denied. The case of Dacheng Energy involves the attack in Seongnam City."

"Now that the public is petitioning for a thorough investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., it has just done the joint investigation team a big favor."

“Our Supreme Prosecutor’s Office is a united and friendly family, shouldn’t we help each other?”

"I think a thorough investigation of DaChan Energy can be combined with the Seongnam City attack case."

Speaking of this, Xu Zhenzai was shocked and looked around the audience.

"What do you think? Who is in favor and who is against!"

The words fell.

Except for Li Zaihua, the expressions of the three ministers changed slightly.

They secretly underestimate, you have said it, what else can we say.

Seo Jin Jae made the final decision.

The attitude of the three ministers suddenly changed 180 degrees, as if the previous quarrel had never happened.

The head of the First Department smiled and said: "Minister Li, it was all a joke. Do you take it seriously?"

The second minister agreed with good intentions.

"Minister Li, everyone is here for work, I hope you don't mind."

Jin Zheng nodded with a smile on his face.

"Yes, everyone wants to help the people. I believe Minister Li can understand our difficulties!"

Facing the three ministers who spoke insincerely, I almost hated myself to death.

Li Zaihua showed a charming smile that was like a spring breeze.

"Three seniors, I know you all do it for my own good, so how can I blame you? It's not too late for me to be grateful."

"To express my gratitude, I will treat you all to dinner tonight to express my gratitude. I wonder if the three seniors have time?"

With the money gone, the three ministers would not be in the mood to eat.

One of the ministers didn’t even want to refuse.

"Minister Li, I'm afraid we can't do it tonight. It's my father-in-law's birthday."

The second minister also refused to have dinner together.

"Minister Li, I'm sorry, I encountered a difficult case recently and may have to hold an all-night meeting tonight."

Minister of the Third Department Jin Zhengze persuaded me as if I was doing it for your own good: "Minister Li, you have an important responsibility now, so it's better to wait for another day to eat."

Faced with the rejection of three people.

Li Zaihua is not surprised at all.

It's just that he was a little curious about the sarcastic sarcasm of the third minister, Jin Zheng, and he didn't seem to have offended him.

Thinking about returning.

Li Zaihua did not show it, and continued politely: "In that case, when the case of the joint investigation team is over, I will invite the three seniors to a dinner party. I hope you can appreciate it then!"

After a thorough investigation, Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. has found a candidate.

The meeting naturally came to an end.

Xu Zhenzai glanced at Li Zaihua.

"Minister Li, come to the office with me!"

After speaking, he stood up and led the secretary out of the conference room.

Li Zaihua followed closely behind.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving.

The three ministers' eyes were filled with gloomy looks, and they immediately parted ways.

16:31 pm.

Prosecutor's Office.

top layer.

Chief's Office.

Li Zaihua and Xu Zhenzai sat down on the sofa.

Just sat down.

"You've seen it all!"

Xu Zhenzai said: "The Strategic Special Investigation Department is very complicated. Even if I help you get a thorough investigation of Dacheng Energy, you still have to be careful!"

Li Zaihua naturally understood what Xu Zhenzai meant, but the other three ministers would keep an eye on Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.

Once a mistake occurs midway, these three guys are bound to jump out and compete for ownership.

At that time, even if Xu Zhenzai wanted to help, he might not be able to find an excuse.

"Thank you, Uncle Xu, for reminding me. I must be careful and don't let the three of them get caught!"

That's what it says.

However, Xu Zhenzai did not believe the young minister's guarantee.

He clearly remembered the scene when the two had a conversation three days ago.

But the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to say more. It all depends on Li Zaihua himself.

"Okay, since you know how to do it, I won't say any more. When are you going to do it?"

Li Zaihua didn't even think about it.

"You know it's a long night and a lot of dreams. I plan to take action tomorrow!"

Xu Zhenzai nodded.

"Soldiers are expensive and quick, very good!"

16:58 pm.

Li Zaihua walked out of the general manager's office.

The moment I just stepped out of the door.

Li Zaihua immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Wen Jinghao's voice came out.

"Minister Li!"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Immediately notify all prosecutors from the fourth department to the conference room for a meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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