Chapter 318
"Where's my big meal?" ×2
Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi stood in front of the barbecue stand with their eyes wide open, messing about in the night wind.

At the small square table at the roadside stall, the handsome blond man shrugged his shoulders: "I thought you guys would prefer the atmosphere of the roadside kebab, oh, I just learned the word kebab from the Internet, so it shouldn't be used in the wrong place. "

Looking at the grilled mutton skewers and beef skewers filled with chili noodles, the air is filled with the fragrance of barbecue...

Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi gritted their teeth, showing unwillingness, and then swallowed their saliva in disappointment.

Although...but it's really delicious!

Xia Mi reluctantly sat on the small bench, picked up a mutton skewer with a stern face, and said seriously: "Brother Caesar, you owe us a big meal."

Caesar couldn't laugh or cry: "I thought you would like the surprise I prepared."

"Cut." Xia Mi threw away the clean wooden stick and said with disdain on his face, "Please, for poor ghosts like us, a seafood feast or a full-Chinese banquet is the surprise."

Caesar heard the words and said thoughtfully: "I understand, the barbecue that is a surprise to me is actually a daily routine for you, and vice versa..."

Xia Mi was choked and coughed, rolled his eyes, and secretly clenched his fists: "Damn big dog!"

Caesar smiled heartily: "I understand, next time I invite you to taste the most authentic Italian meal."

Xia Mi turned his head: "Brother, is Italian food famous?"

Chu Zihang thought for a while: "The only Italian meals I know are pasta and pizza."

"I can also eat this at Pizza Hut!"

"Uh, please don't compare Pizza Hut with authentic Italian food..." Caesar was helpless, and finally spread his hands, "Okay, next time it's up to you to choose."

Lu Mingfei squeezed his ass beside Caesar, grabbed Caesar's broad shoulders, and praised: "Boss, you are good at Chinese studies. You stole the set of beer and barbecue. Let's go!"

He raised a bottle of cold beer and touched Caesar, Caesar frowned after taking a sip, obviously not used to domestic beer, he wondered: "How do you usually drink this stuff? "

Lu Mingfei also rolled his eyes: "Damn big dog!"


"Have you gained anything from this trip home?" Chu Zihang handed Xia Mi a piece of paper, wiped her face that had turned into a little cat, and looked at Caesar.

"A little bit." Caesar put down his wine glass and nodded solemnly, "This trip home, the old ancestors of our family specially received me."


Turning his head to look at Caesar, Lu Mingfei said in astonishment: "Boss, how old is your ancestor? Could it be that he is older than Principal Angers?"

In the field of mixed races, Angers is most famous for being close to 150 years old but still active at the forefront of the war. Others at this age usually lie on the hospital bed and rely on various instruments to continue their lives.

Caesar considered his words and said: "It's a group of old monsters. The youngest is the same age as Principal Angers. In front of the oldest, Principal Angers is just a pink and tender teenager. They rely on the extremely tyrannical Dragon Clan Bloodlines and medical technology have survived to this day, living in a low-temperature ward for dormancy all year round, and only appearing when the family needs to make important decisions."

The reason for ×3 is because Erika has no idea about these things.

She was busy destroying the skewers that Sakura handed her, her small mouth was stained red by the hot chili noodles, she kept flapping her little hands, and took another sip of cold beer, but was locked tightly by the strange taste of beer frown.

Lu Mingfei raised his hand and asked the boss to bring a bottle of orange juice, then moved the beer bottle in front of Erika to his face, and said puzzledly: "Principal Angers can only be considered a pink and tender teenager? How old are your old ancestors?" ?”

"I don't know the details, but it is said that the oldest group is over three hundred years old." Caesar said frankly.

"The mixed race is over three hundred years old?" Xia Mi put down the skewers and asked in confusion, "Did your ancestor break through the critical blood limit?"

Facing Chu Zihang's questioning eyes, Xia Mi explained: "Generally speaking, the lifespan of a pure-blooded dragon is measured in thousands, but mixed-races generally do not exceed the critical blood limit and are still human in nature, so their lifespan is in the thousands. One or two hundred is already the upper limit, and the lifespan will be further increased only if the blood limit exceeds the critical blood limit and evolves toward a pure-blooded dragon."

"I didn't see any signs of dragon transformation in them." Caesar recalled, "In addition, they are all relying on medical equipment to survive, and usually spend their days in low temperature hibernation. Don't think they live longer than the principal, but in reality It’s far away, the principal can go to the battlefield at any time with a jackknife, and these old monsters need to drag an oxygen tube to hold a meeting.”

"You don't seem to like them." Chu Zihang asked.

"I didn't like them since I was a child." Caesar raised the beer bottle, touched Chu Zihang lightly, and said indifferently, "My mother and Pompeii's marriage contract was decided by them, and I even doubted my mother's death." That's what they decide."

"You said Harvest just now...well." Lu Mingfei demonstrated the qualified skewering skills for Eriyi, rolled off the meat skewer that Eriyi handed to him in one gulp, and said vaguely, "Harvest and you old Does the ancestor have anything to do with it?"

"I asked them about their attitude towards my marriage with Nuonuo, and found it a bit strange." Caesar frowned, "Their attitude was very ambiguous, a little different from what I expected, and they didn't object to it, nor did they accept it outright."

"What did you expect?" Xia Mi asked curiously.

"Of course they expressed their willingness to accept all my choices." Caesar said bluntly, "Last year my uncle told me that the family was willing to change the rules for me and let me choose my own wife, but now it seems that the family has either changed their attitude, or It was a scam from start to finish."


Caesar took a sip of the Chinese beer and said, "Their previous attitude was very clear, but now they suddenly become ambiguous. Something must have happened in the middle."

"After Lu Mingfei said something about the Chen family last time, I began to suspect that Nuonuo was the wife chosen by the family from the beginning, just like Charlotte Chen and Hideo Uesugi."

"Based on this assumption, then everything at the moment becomes reasonable, and no one is willing to modify the family rules for me. Nuonuo is the wife they chose for me. But now Nuonuo disappeared in the Arctic Circle, and they changed Attitude, because they never have more than one set of plans, in their arrangement, my wife can be filled with more than a dozen lists..."

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked at each other, the former was silent for a while, coughed and said, "Boss, if Senior Sister is really the wife chosen by the family from the beginning, would you still like her?"

This time, Caesar was silent. He raised the beer bottle and poured it to the bottom. He looked at the empty bottle for a long time before saying:

"Do you drink this kind of wine on weekdays? Besides burdening your bladder and increasing the number of times you go to the toilet, what is the use of this kind of wine? It can't even make you drunk."

Chu Zihang looked at his phone and said, "The latest news, we're going to visit the vice principal next. The vice principal has enough whiskey to knock you down, but the question is, do you really have time to get drunk?"

Caesar looked up at Chu Zihang, and sighed, "I hate you for a reason."

"You're welcome." Chu Zihang said politely.

"To be honest, after thinking of this possibility, I don't know what attitude I should take to face Nuonuo." Caesar whispered, "To be honest, I was relieved for a moment when I heard that Nuonuo disappeared. , at least I don't have to face her so quickly and tell her the cruel fact that my love with her may have been under the control of others..."

"During the time I went home, I thought about it for a long time. Do I love Nuonuo? The final answer is yes. I am willing to marry her and share everything I have left with her. How could I not love her?" ?I have been wondering whether the love between me and Nuonuo was born under the control of others, but then it suddenly occurred to me that I might be interested in a girl by some 'coincidence', but I would never be interested in a girl just because of a "coincidence" The girl fell in love with her after staying for a long time and wanted to marry her home. On the contrary, I used to be bored with girls after staying for a long time. Those old guys may be able to create coincidences and accidents to make me and Nuonuo together, but falling in love Nuonuo is definitely my personal choice, the same choice they would have made with or without them."

Caesar spoke in a low voice, and at the end he almost stuttered every word, each word was so sonorous and forceful, condensing his understanding.

Lu Mingfei silently raised the wine bottle, Chu Zihang also picked up a bottle of freshly opened beer, Xia Mi bluffed and said "add me, add me", Eliyi blinked, raised the orange juice in his hand and gently Touched Sakura's bottle.

"Cheers." Caesar raised the bottle with a smile, clinked glasses with everyone, and drank it all in one gulp.

"By the way, what's the latest news you just said?"

After putting down the wine bottle, several people looked at Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang said calmly: "Professor Schneider sent me a message just now, asking us to visit the vice-principal in the bell tower immediately. He seems to want something from me."

"The vice-principal is looking for us?" Caesar was stunned, "This is really strange, go and have a look, as far as I know, there are far fewer students who have visited the vice-principal in the clock tower than those who attended the principal's afternoon tea." .”

Xia Mi widened his eyes and said, "Why don't you go after eating?"

Caesar glanced at the bamboo sticks piled up in front of Xia Mi in less than 10 minutes, his face twitched slightly and he said, "Are you still full?"

Xia Mi stroked his flat stomach, and said with a guilty conscience, "[-]% to [-]%."

"Boss, bring another fifty skewers of beef and mutton and ten pairs of chicken wings! Seafood, whatever you want!" Lu Mingfei turned around skillfully and shouted, then shrugged, "You can't go empty-handed to visit the vice principal, right? Believe me, this Thieves drink wine."

"That's right. I heard that Principal Angers is very popular in the college. There is a club dedicated to him in the school. The club is called 'Hot Team'. Is it true?" Xia Mi suddenly asked curiously.

Caesar nodded and said: "It's true. In the eyes of these guys, it doesn't matter whether the school board exists or not. As long as there is a spiritual leader like Principal Angers, the extermination of the Dragon Clan is easy."

"Then is there a night watchman?" Xia Mi was gossiping diligently.

Lu Mingfei hehe said: "Yes, your senior brother Fingal is the commander-in-chief of the Night Watch, and all the members of the news department are the little fans of the vice principal."

After the boss brought up the packaged barbecue, the group left the barbecue stall and set foot on the road back to school.

The bells of the bell tower went far away along the summer night wind, and the pigeons combed their feathers and hid in the shadow of the bell tower. Tonight, the round and bright moon is on the top of the bell tower.

Tonight, there were five rare guests in the attic that belonged exclusively to the night watchman.

"Vice principal, is your place a garbage dump?" Xia Mi opened the door, looking at the attic with nowhere to stay, and said without words.

It was indeed a sleazy attic, with glass windows on the sunny side and huge posters of low-cut girls all over the place.The room contained only an unfolded bed, a single sofa, a set of computer desks and swivel chairs, and a large bookshelf filled with DVDs of westerns.Of course, there are empty wine bottles all over the floor and adult magazines thrown everywhere.

The Academy's hidden figure, the Night's Watch, has lived here for decades in a home styled like a discontented adolescent.

The vice-principal stared at the beautiful girl, froze for a moment, and muttered, "Damn it, I remember I didn't call you and Erika, now it's all right, my image of being a hero and a hero is in vain."

Chu Zihang walked into the house, endured it for a few seconds, then walked to the trash can beside the bucket, found a trash bag beside the bucket, and began to clean up the empty wine bottles and fast food boxes on the ground with a blank expression.

Caesar pondered: "Attention all members, let's help the vice principal solve the personal environment problem first."

Everyone worked together to quickly clean the messy house spotlessly, at the cost of seven or eight full garbage bags.

The vice-principal stared blankly at the house that was last tidy and I don't know how many years ago, scratched his head and said, "It's been a long time since anyone helped me clean up the house. It really makes people miss that time."

Xia Mi carried the garbage bag and threw it to the door, then turned around and asked, "Did someone help you clean up the house before?"

"Of course, that's my only student so far." The vice-principal narrowed his eyes and said, "I like to see her help me clean up in a school skirt the most, it will make me feel that I have really given birth to a beautiful and hardworking daughter. "

"Well, sometimes I wish Manstein was a cute girl, not a greasy guy who started balding in his forties, so I don't have to worry about his future marriage arrangements."

The vice-principal sighed, and could hear the feeling of physical and mental exhaustion.

"Vice-principal, what can you do with us?"

After cleaning up the house, several people sat around on the sofa.

The vice-principal said: "Then let's get straight to the point, without going around the corner. According to the latest news, Angers was attacked by Odin in Egypt, and his life and death are unknown. We have already announced the matter to the secret party elders. It is expected that the elders will gather in Kassel next week to hold a meeting of elders that has not been held in decades."


Including Lu Mingfei, the five of them fell into brief shock.

(End of this chapter)

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