Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 317 Qilan

Chapter 317 Qilan
Edbridge stared at the flames of the explosion on the projection with a gloomy gaze.

"How many clones does Odin hide? He shouldn't have so many puppets that are strong enough to attach to him. We have already burned down his Hall of Valor, and the blood of the Black King is also under our surveillance. Where did he come from? The puppet you found? Could there be any blood descendants of the Black King outside of our monitoring range?"

There was shock and anger in his tone, which echoed in the empty and spacious temple, and there was a young man standing under the temple.

He couldn't help but be furious about this matter. If the principal of Kassel College and the current leader of the secret party die on this land, the mixed races all over the world, as well as the dragons hiding in the dark, will watch this place, which will give him Bring big trouble, especially now that His Majesty is alive.

Edjo doesn't care about Ange's life or death, but at least he must not die in his territory!

"Your Excellency, have you noticed? The clone of Odin just now didn't seem to be targeting Principal Angers."

The young man under the temple raised his head and said, revealing the face full of knife marks, and the face under the knife marks was Qilan himself!

Edbridge said coldly: "I've noticed, but this is nothing compared to Angers dying on my territory. Qilan, I saved you, now it's time for you to repay me .”

Qilan said calmly, "What do you want me to do?"

"I won't embarrass you." Edjo said solemnly, "Take the second fragment of 'Caesar's Star' and leave my territory. You can go to Odin's territory for a while, or you can go wherever you want. Isn’t this the purpose of the people behind you who sent you here? I will fulfill you. Although what you wanted was actually the first one, but the result is not bad. Also remember to take Anga away before you leave, whether he is dead or not. It doesn't matter if there are only wreckage left, or it doesn't matter if you survived by luck."

Qilan was silent for a moment, then said in a hoarse voice, "You already knew the purpose of my visit."

"I've even guessed the person standing behind you." Edjo said indifferently, "Your Majesty chose to die back then, and this disappearance lasted for thousands or thousands of years, but His Majesty's younger brother was just the opposite. King Bai's rebellion There is his figure, we have faintly noticed his appearance long ago, but we don’t care. He and the second-generation black king are in an endless situation, and we are very happy to see him compete with the second-generation black king.”

Qilan was silent again, and then asked: "Do you want me to divert everyone's attention?"

"Do you think the fragments of the 'Caesar Star' are so easy to get?" Edjo sneered, "After you leave my territory, I will let people spread the news that you have taken the 'Caesar Star', Take what you want and run for your life."

Qilan stroked his chest and saluted: "Thank you for your generosity."

"Generous?" Edjo waved off the guests indifferently. "This is indeed my generosity. Tell the people behind you and hope that he will grow up in the past few thousand years."

After Qilan slowly retreated, Edjo sat on the throne with a face as heavy as water, leaning on the scepter with both hands, and suddenly called out: "Best, what is Mars doing recently?"

A virtual projection appeared in front of him in an instant, and the visitor knelt on one knee, bowed his head and replied, "Your Majesty, Your Excellency Mars is currently staying in Chicago."

"Chicago?" Edjo squinted his eyes and asked again, "What do you think about Odin's appearance?"

"It is temporarily impossible to determine whether he came to Angers or to the 'Star of Caesar'." Best replied.

"I will know tomorrow." Edjo said with gloomy eyes, "If news of the leader's attack comes from various places tomorrow, it proves that Odin is about to break the seal, and if the opposite is true, it means that Odin is rushing." The Star of Caesar is here, and meeting Angers is a matter of course. Best, I need you to spread the news that Chilan is bringing the Star of Caesar."

"Has the situation gotten so bad?" Best asked solemnly.

"No." Edjo said expressionlessly, "Ange's death in my territory will indeed bring me a lot of trouble, but it's just trouble. What I really care about is Odin's attack!"

"In the past two years alone, he has lost three clones in the struggle with us, and counting the clone that died at the hands of His Majesty... How many clones does he have? This is completely unreasonable. The one who bears the power of Kungunir must be the best of the blood of the Black King, and I am worried that he controls the branch of the blood of the Black King that is not within our monitoring range."

"Best, I don't like the feeling that the situation is out of control, but whether I admit it or not, we are gradually losing control of the situation, and there are forces that we don't know about."

"Although we have been hiding in the dark places of the world for thousands of years, we are still the masters of the world, but now there are forces that hide deeper than us."

Edjo said quietly.

Best said softly, "Could it be His Majesty's younger brother?"

Edjo shook his head and said, "I can feel that this power is connected with fate, and I can even smell the other party's strange and decaying breath, which is not within our cognition."

Best frowned and said, "I understand. You suspect that the other party's target is also the 'Star of Caesar' and you want to lure him out?"

Edson said coldly: "Qilan is one of the opponent's targets. If I hadn't intervened to save him, he would have died. With the addition of the 'Caesar Star', the opponent would still be able to hold back. I have nothing to say."

"Understood, as you wish."



Kassel central control room.

"The principal was attacked?" Guderian stood there blankly, unable to recover for a while.

Professor Manstein was loudly asking about Norma's situation, his expression was agitated, and he seemed completely unwilling to accept the news.

Only Professor Schneider was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes stern and deep in thought.

"Norma, tell the Elders of the Secret Party about the attack on Principal Angers." Professor Schneider said, "And a postscript, please be careful when you change your schedule recently."

Manstein looked at him in astonishment, and suddenly said in horror: "Are you worried that the attack is not over yet?"

Schneider's iron-gray eyes stared at the projection in mid-air, without turning his head, he said: "Not long ago, Henkel, the leader of the North American mixed race, was confirmed missing."

Manstein took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the old man's number with trembling hands.

"Hey, my dear son, what reminds you of your beloved father at night?" A surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Dad, I have some bad news for you. Principal Angers was attacked in Egypt. According to Norma's judgment, the probability of survival is..." Manstein subconsciously glanced at the projection, and said shyly, "It's [-]% one."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Manstein could clearly hear his father's breathing.

"Don't worry, Anger is the guy who can firmly grasp the one percent." The vice-principal said indifferently, "What's the situation now?"

Strange to say, this man's unscrupulous appearance has clearly been deeply rooted in people's hearts. Manstein would feel a headache when he usually saw him, but at this moment his indifferent voice came to his ears, and Manstein suddenly felt physically and mentally stable. No worries, as if no matter how stormy the sky is, the old man behind him will be able to lift up the sky...

"Speaking of which, if Ange dies, wouldn't I be able to be promoted to the principal?" The vice principal suddenly said pleasantly.

Manstein took another deep breath and forced himself to calm down again, but his mentality was completely different.

"Your Excellency, Vice-Principal, we have decided to inform the Secret Party Elders Council of this news, and remind the elders to be careful about recent movements. What do you think?"

Schneider came up behind Manstein, who had been on speakerphone at the start.

"Schneider?" the vice principal pondered, "When did Angers have the accident?"

"Just 10 minutes ago."

"It doesn't matter if you don't notify." The vice-principal said lazily, "If the enemy is targeting all the secret party veterans, they will definitely attack at the same time, but let's notify, Angers is the secret party after all. leader."

"Understood." Schneider and Manstein looked at each other, and continued to say in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, Vice Principal, we would like to know what to do next, please instruct."

"Simple. First, send people to the scene to investigate the situation and confirm the situation in Angers. If you want to see people, you need to see corpses. Second, confirm the current locations of Caesar, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei. They are not returning home. Are you in school? Let them come to me. Third, go for whatever you like, and it’s not your time anymore." The vice-principal’s tone was still laziness.

Schneider was silent for a moment, and asked, "Please forgive me for asking, did you and the principal expect someone to be attacked? You haven't asked us about the identity of the attacker so far."

"Oh? Who attacked Angers?" the vice principal asked curiously.

"It's Odin, this is the last message left by Principal Angers."

"Odin?" The vice-principal fell silent for a moment, and said after a while, "This matter is not something you can interfere with. What you have to consider now is to gather the students together as soon as possible for the final sharpening, and notify the executive branch The Department is ready to face the battle.”

Manstein frowned and said, "Some of the students are still freshmen and sophomores. They haven't undergone systematic training. Do you want them to go to the battlefield?"

"My dear son, there is no time for them to graduate, don't you understand? The accident in Angers was the first horn sounded by the enemy." The vice principal said slowly, "No one can escape this war, Try to let the students grow up quickly."

"What do you want to call Lu Mingfei and the others?" Schneider asked suddenly.

"According to Angers, if something happens to him, we must support a new leader to replace him, an outstanding leader who can be recognized by most of the secret party elders." The vice-principal said softly.

"Is it Lu Mingfei?" Schneider frowned, "If you want the elders to approve..."

"No." The vice-principal interrupted him and said in a low voice, "There is one thing you may not know. Just a day ago, Lu Mingfei inherited the seat of the school director who had never attended any meetings. He is not the leader. He is not a student either, he is now the elder of the secret party, in other words, the new leader must be approved by him, and this person can only be Caesar or Chu Zihang."

Panic struck the hearts of several people in an instant. They looked at each other in disbelief, not knowing how to accept the news for a moment.

"Mingfei...became a member of the school board?" Guderian murmured.

"Yes, although I don't know the relationship between the former school manager and Lu Mingfei, but this does not affect Lu Mingfei's succession to the position of school manager." The vice principal said indifferently, "The interesting thing is that just yesterday, Bei The Owufu family also completely delegated power to Chu Zihang. In addition, the Sheqi Eight Families, who are about to join the secret party's Presbyterian Church, finally confirmed that the representative was Yuanzhinv. However, Yuanzhinv was temporarily unable to go to school due to personal reasons, and appointed all authority I gave it to Uesugi Erika."

Manstein felt dizzy for a while.

Any one thing is enough to shake the big news inside the secret party, and now a whole brain mixed with the news of Principal Angers' accident flooded into his brain.

"We... already have three votes in the elder meeting?" Manstein asked blankly.

"No, it's four votes, or even more." Schneider whispered, "Don't forget Caesar, even if Caesar and the family are not in harmony, the Gattuso family will definitely do their best to promote Caesar to become the leader of the Secret Party .”

After that, he asked the vice-principal loudly again:
"Your Excellency, Vice President, at the upcoming elder meeting, we will elect Caesar as the new leader?"

"Before that, we may have to go through some small twists and turns." The vice-principal said casually, "For example, accepting the Sheqi Bajia, and confirming that Lu Mingfei is qualified to inherit the seat of the school director, you know, some old things They place a lot of emphasis on power, and they question whether young people deserve to sit shoulder to shoulder with them."



The sky above the campus is getting darker, and the distant sky on the top of the mountain is slightly stained with dark blue, and the stars dotted on it are faintly visible.

Isabel was carrying a suitcase and walking on the mountain road. She was a prospective sophomore, Hispanic, and majored in alchemy machinery.

This return to school is to prepare for the training of the student union dance troupe. She took over the position of head of the dance troupe from her senior sister last semester.

This is an uphill ramp, and at the end of the ramp came a tall and thin figure, with his hands in his trouser pockets, walking along the ramp, walking towards Isabel.

It was a boy with a handsome face, jet-black curly hair, black and white pupils, and a face that looked like an Indian, like a male star in a Bollywood musical.

Isabel's eyes flickered, and she recognized him, Chilan, the president of the freshman fraternity, a prospective junior.

It is said that not long after he entered school, he pulled up the frame of the fraternity with his unique personal charm, and continued to fill in new members in the following years. So far, the fraternity has become the third student after the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club Associations.

And Qilan has a very good relationship with the only S-level student in the academy!
"Qilan? You also returned to school early?" Isabel raised her hand in greeting.

The two had greeted each other in the club before, and they still knew each other for the time being.

The man slowed down, and slowly walked in front of Isabel, his handsome face smiled slightly:
"Isabel, long time no see."

 It seems like it was yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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