Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 64 1 Aunt Snowy Night Chapter natal Family (recommendation ticket for collection)

Chapter 64 Auntie Xue Ye Returns to Her Mother's Home
Dr. Liang is a barefoot doctor of this generation. Although his medical skills are not very good, usually someone has a headache and fever, and calls him to treat the disease. Seeing a doctor, he has never been neglected at all, and can be regarded as a good and conscientious doctor.

Doctor Liang, who has such good medical ethics, has a very gentle temper.

As a result, such a gentle person was left blushing by Yi Zhonghai's fragrant anger.

"Doctor Liang, stay!" Shao Zhu covered Yi Zhonghai's mouth and shouted.

"I've been a doctor for most of my life, and I've never been so abused!"

Without the slightest hesitation in his footsteps, Dr. Liang left a sentence, put on a resolute expression that no army or horse could stand in my way, and rushed away angrily.

The people at the scene couldn't even see it.

"Even Doctor Liang is not spared, is Yi Zhonghai crazy?"

"This scolding is too ugly. With such a good temper, Dr. Liang can be so angry, it's simple!"

"It is indeed too much. I have never seen Dr. Liang so angry."

"This uncle, it turns out that he swears so fiercely, why don't you usually see it?"

"It's too much. If this offends Dr. Liang, everyone in our hospital will suffer."

Everyone said it one by one, and they were very dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai's behavior just now.

Zou He was also stunned. This Yi Zhonghai opened his mouth and spat out dozens of sentences, all of which were harsh words, ugly and unremarkable. I really didn't expect this Yi Zhonghai to have the talent for cursing people?

Maybe this is the so-called 'better effect'?

Unknown to Zou He, he continued to watch the play.


Someone gasped.

"Then what is the diagnosis result? Doctor Liang didn't say anything?"

"What are you talking about? People are dying of anger. It would be restrained to scold him so badly if he didn't use it directly. He even told him the results of the diagnosis. What are you thinking?"

At this time, the deaf old lady said again: "Everyone has seen it, Yi Zhonghai even scolded Dr. Liang, it must be really sick, crazy or delusional or something, who are you to ask? Ask Dr. Liang, explain the situation to him, Mrs. Liang should be able to speak well, I am an old skull, walking slowly, the young people in the courtyard will run to see?"

With a deaf old lady sitting here, the idea that Yi Zhonghai was ill was quickly recognized by everyone.

A young man in the courtyard ran to Dr. Liang's house and said good things for a long time before Dr. Liang spoke.

Said that Yi Zhonghai is not sick at all. If he is going to get sick, it is estimated that he has been stimulated by something, or has some strange delusional disorder, etc. The diagnosis suggestion given is to let Yi Zhonghai be quiet for a while, preferably undisturbed, and observe temporarily. One night, it may be good to wait for Yi Zhonghai to relax. If it is not good, he must go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

After all, apart from cursing people, Yi Zhonghai's body is normal, and everyone has no objection to the plan proposed by Dr. Liang.

So silly Zhu sent Yi Zhonghai back home, and told the aunt not to let Yi Zhonghai go out.

Everyone in the hospital, because of the deaf old lady who is protecting each other, and Yi Zhonghai's suspected illness, can't care about the scolding this time.

Even if this is over like this, everyone has gone back to their respective homes.

But this anger, all the people in the hospital did not dissipate.

Everyone resented Yi Zhonghai's abuse just now.

Think about how Yi Zhonghai tricked Qin Huairu into the vegetable cellar recently, and how he framed Zou He today.

All the people in the hospital despised Yi Zhonghai.

No one thought that this uncle is such a person!

The uncle's house in the middle school.

After the crowd dispersed, silly Zhu was still not at ease, and stayed here for a while.

"Hmm ..." A uncle called a few times, and when the silly pillar was soft, he let go of his hand and not covering it.

"Hu~hu~" The eldest man gasped and said after resting: "Silly Zhu, are you trying to cover me to death? Use so much energy?"

"Aren't I afraid that you will offend people? You are a good guy who swears when you open your mouth, and the whole hospital is about to be offended by you." Silly Zhu stared.

"Yes, Zhu'er, you did a good job at this point." Yi Zhonghai smiled and said, "But to be honest, I'm not afraid to offend everyone in the hospital, as long as I don't offend you, after all, you are my son Yi Zhonghai is optimistic about. The best candidate! As long as you give me the care, it doesn't matter if the whole hospital is dead!"

"???" Silly Zhu's eyes were round and round: "My dear, let me be your son? It's not like I don't have a father, do you think it's beautiful?"

"Your father? He Daqing is a scum, he is a beast, has he managed you? How can you treat me as his son?"

As soon as this remark came out, the face of silly Zhu changed immediately. Although He Daqing was not good, he was He Yuzhu's biological father. This uncle called his biological father a beast in front of him. Who could bear this?Silly Zhu got angry: "Master, you can scold me, but it's too much to scold my dad?"

"Hehe, am I scolding? I'm telling the truth, I'm good to you, I just want you to be my son, what do you think I'm doing..."

Having said this, the eldest mother hurried over and immediately covered the uncle's mouth with a towel.

"Zhuzi, don't listen to your uncle. He is indeed ill. He is talking nonsense. Come back quickly, and I will be angry with you later."

"Humph!" Silly Zhu suddenly got up and left in a huff.

When he got home, the silly pillar threw himself up, still very angry.

Thinking about what the uncle said about Qin Huairu's body, thinking about the matter that the uncle and Qin Huairu went to the vegetable cellar, and thinking about what the uncle said to him just now, he just wanted to be his son...

Silly Zhuqi's face turned red, how could he not fall asleep after tossing and turning?

Could this uncle really be such a person?
Silly Zhu couldn't believe this idea of ​​destroying the three views.

Or, is the uncle really sick?

And after the silly Zhu left, the aunt let go of her hand and said, "Old Yi, are you crazy? What are you talking about with the silly Zhu? Some words can only be kept in your heart and can never be said. You In this way, how can you let the silly Zhu give us old age in the future, you are simply pushing the silly Zhu outward."

The aunt was right, and Yi Zhonghai also thanked the aunt for covering his mouth, otherwise he wouldn't know what he would say.

So Yi Zhonghai wanted to praise Auntie, but he opened his mouth and said, "You old woman, you can't lay eggs and useless things, teach me to do things? I see you are upset."

"???" The aunt was shocked: "What do you mean? Lao Yi, what do you mean by saying this? I can't give birth, you already knew it, and you said you don't care?"

"Don't care? I just want to have a good reputation for myself. Do you think I don't care because of you? I told you earlier, I was looking forward to your death, and I still have a chance to continue another one. Maybe you can still live, but you live so shamelessly, even if you don't get sick or die, I can only be a desperate family..."

Big Mom: "..."

All kinds of evil words attacked like swords.

A big mother ran back to her parents' house overnight.

No one in the whole hospital could hold him back.

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(End of this chapter)

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