Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 63 Open Your Mouth Slowly

Chapter 63 Open Your Mouth Slowly
Zou He watched the play quietly at the scene.

All the people in the hospital were scolded with anger on their faces.

Under the guidance of the deaf old lady, Sha Zhu pulled the uncle into the house, and then blocked the door from the inside.

"Why did you pull me into the house and let me scold them for these beasts!" Yi Zhonghai shouted, "Let me go, Silly Zhu, or else I'll wrap you around Qin Huairu's body. Shake it out..."

"Quick, Pillar!" the deaf old lady hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and shut his mouth, he is going to offend the entire hospital!"

As soon as he heard this, Du Zhu immediately covered Yi Zhonghai's mouth with his hand. The other party seemed to have a lot to say, but his mouth was blocked, and he could only hear the muffled sound of 'uuuuuu'. After reaching the word 囫囵, the house finally became quiet.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There was a loud knock on the door outside the courtyard.

"Quickly open the door, stupid, let's confront this Yi Zhonghai, why are we cursing?"

"Yes, don't think that you are the uncle, and you can scold people like this. It must not be left like this."

"I counted dozens. If we don't open the door, we will smash the door!"

The more people in the courtyard thought about it, the more annoyed they became.

The mother just came out to watch the fun, and was scolded by the nose for no reason?Who this happened to, can't stand it.

It's just that Yi Zhonghai was scolding too fast just now. I didn't expect him to scold him directly. He was just shocked. He didn't have time to fight back. The anger didn't subside, so naturally it couldn't be left like this.

"Open the door!"

"Oh, what are you talking about, just start counting, kick the door open if you count to ten!"

Someone said something, and a loud voice sounded: "One!"

"Two!" The whole hospital shouted in unison.



At this moment, the door opened with a creak, and the deaf old lady stood at the door with her hands outstretched in a gesture of blocking the way.

"I see you, who dares to smash the door?" The crutches in the hand of the deaf old lady pointed at everyone: "If anyone breaks in hard today, my deaf old lady will fight with whomever, and if I am an old bone, who will be attacked? It fell apart, and it just happened to give me the end of my retirement..."

Upon hearing this, everyone subconsciously took a half step back.

Everyone in the hospital was afraid of the trick of the deaf old lady. She was really damaged and disabled, and she was probably going to be blackmailed to death.

Everyone dare not move, but that doesn't mean they dare not speak.

"Old lady, you can't rely on your age to be unreasonable. Yi Zhonghai scolded us. Can't we talk to him?"

I don't know who said something, which immediately resonated with the whole hospital.

"That's right, we were scolded for no reason, and you are still protecting this Yi Zhonghai." The third master Yan Bugui said: "Old lady, you are a little bit old and betrayed."

"Indeed, old lady, get out of the way, we don't want to hurt Chiyu." The second uncle also said with a stiff stomach.

"That's right, get out of the way! Otherwise we'll scold you."

"Yes, yes, you can't control this old lady."

"Yi Zhonghai is too much. I won't give an explanation today. This matter is not over."

Everyone started talking about it.

At this time, the deaf old lady waved her hand and said slowly: "You heard that I have finished speaking, this matter is indeed wrong of Yi Zhonghai, he should not scold you."

"But Yi Zhonghai, he didn't mean to scold you."

As soon as the deaf old lady said this, someone immediately responded.

"Why didn't you scold us on purpose? Is it intentional to scold people?"

"That's right, old deaf lady, don't wash it. The words came out of Yi Zhonghai's mouth, and everyone in the hospital could hear them clearly."


The deaf old lady waved her hand again and said, "You guys are just impulsive, how can I let this old lady finish her sentence?"

"Think about it carefully, Yi Zhonghai is the uncle in our courtyard. He usually does things well for others, right?"

"How could he say such a thing?"

"The reason why he said these words just now is probably because he has a delusional disorder, so he speaks nonsense."

"So, Yi Zhonghai is now a patient. You are being more honest with a patient, isn't it a bit too small?"

"Yes! The uncle must have some kind of illness. The good guy even scolds me." A silly voice came from the house.

The deaf old lady will not be the master who trained Yi Zhonghai, she will set up everyone in one sentence, which means that if everyone tries again, it will be 'small'.

As soon as these words came out, the whole hospital became quiet, after all, no one wanted to be 'small'.

Once quiet, some people will naturally follow the words of the deaf old lady and think down. After all, Yi Zhonghai is indeed a bit abnormal.

"That's right, it's too abnormal to suddenly scold all the people in the hospital?"

"Is it really sick? Got hypochondria?"

"I don't believe it. If you have a delusional disorder, you scold people? If you are really sick, I think it is crazy, or it's almost like rabies."

"Indeed, otherwise, why would they bite people as soon as they catch them? I think it's rabies."

"Aiya, are you sick? Just call Dr. Liang here. It's not easy."

"Yes, yes, hurry up, someone will call Dr. Liang and ask him to make a diagnosis,"

As he said that, someone ran out and called Doctor Liang, an old Chinese medicine doctor from the next hospital.

After listening to the condition and symptoms, Dr. Liang came and had a series of consultations with Yi Zhonghai.

"The pulse is normal, the complexion is stable, and the eyes are not dull..."

"It stands to reason that it doesn't look like he is sick."

"Pillar, let go of Lao Yi's mouth, and I'll look at his tongue."

Dr. Liang spoke in a calm tone.

"This, Dr. Liang, can you not look at the tongue?" Du Zhu covered her tightly: "It's not that I don't cooperate with you, Dr. Liang, the main reason is that the uncle has scolded a lot of people today, I'm afraid that if I let go, he will start."

"It's okay, I'm here, there's no problem, just relax." Dr. Liang said.

Silly Zhu let go, Yi Zhonghai gasped for breath...

"Come on, Lao Yi, open your mouth and let me see your tongue..." Dr. Liang said that he also opened his mouth for demonstration: "Ah~~~"

Yi Zhonghai opened his mouth, but he didn't open his mouth, but spoke: "Zhang a ball, I'm not sick, and even if I'm sick, can I be seen by a doctor of your level? Headache and fever are okay, you don’t need to look at minor illnesses, and you can’t cure serious illnesses, so why pretend to be a master of medicine?”

As soon as these words came out, the air at the scene suddenly froze.

Doctor Liang's hand holding the cotton swab trembled slightly: "You...what did you say?!!!"

"Hahahaha! I'm so annoyed!" A big hand covered Yi Zhonghai's mouth.

Dr. Liang was furious: "Let go of his hand and let him say, I see what else he can say! I have to see if he is really sick, or take the opportunity to scold people!"

Silly Zhu slowly let go of his hand.

Yi Zhonghai opened his mouth slowly: "&*¥%¥%&*@!! xxooo! @#¥%^&*&^%$..."

3 minute later.

"Boom!" Dr. Liang stood up abruptly, and left with a livid face angrily!
 I feel like I have given you two more rewards~Thanks to Chi Xia for writing a long letter for another reward~ New book for collection, recommendation ticket, monthly pass, investment, and reward!Ask for everything!The seedlings of the new book need the support of all the bosses, and please give them a lot of support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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