Chapter 999
Infected by the laughter of the young people, Fabione decided to give them some advice before saying goodbye.

"Kids, don't take the Medellín brothers as a joke!"

"This Flying Dragon King has two heads, each of which can spit poisonous gas similar to that of the green dragon. Even if you have an anti-poison spell on your body, you may not be able to withstand it!"

"Besides, just because the Flying Dragon King has two heads, if a single head is chopped off, it will not cause fatal injuries to him."

"And you, young lady mage." Shulong's eyes fell on the face of the protagonist of the module, Xiao Ma, and he solemnly warned: "If you are good at enchantment and control magic, it is best not to use it on the flying dragon king unless you can ensure A single cast enchanted both of his heads."

After hearing this, Ma Yun immediately understood.

Medellin, the Flying Dragon King, has two heads. When resisting enchantment magic, each head has to make a separate Will save test. Any successful save will cause the spell to fail—that is, it has an advantage in the Will save.

After Ma Yun thanked her, Fabiong's figure disappeared into the teleportation light.

It was getting late, night was covering the mountains.Everyone took a short rest on the edge of the woodland, discussing how to go to the dragon's lair on the top of the mountain to rescue the scarecrow Vita.

Nick the Tin Woodman and Dimitri the Lion didn't participate in the discussion of the players, and each got busy.

The Tin Woodman swung his sharp ax and cleared the weeds and bushes in the camp to make room for his tent.

The lion went into the woods whistling, wandered around, and came back with three fat rabbits in its mouth.

He threw the rabbit on the ground and saw that a simple stove had been built in the center of the camp with dry firewood piled up in the middle, but no bonfire was lit.

The lion decided to show off his newly learned skills, rubbed his paws, walked to the stove, picked up the tinder box next to it, took out a piece of tinder, skillfully lit the tinder with a flint and a scythe, and then ignited the firewood.

The bonfire burned more and more vigorously, dispelling the chill of the night.

While the lion was enjoying the fire, heavy and hasty footsteps came from the opposite side.

Nick the Tin Woodman, carrying an axe, galloped over as fast as he could, looking very eager.

"Hey, my friend!" The lion crossed his waist proudly, showing off the bonfire he lit to Nick: "You have to admit that there is no other lion in this world who can use it as gracefully as I do. Tinderbox!"

The Tin Woodman rushed to the fire, and stomped on it without saying a word.

boom! boom! boom!
The Tin Woodman stomped his feet three times, and did not stop until the bonfire was extinguished. Looking at the black smoke curling up into the night sky, his eyes looked extremely gloomy.

"Oh! No! Damn tin can, why on earth have you ruined the fire I've lighted so hard?"

The lion hugged his head and exclaimed, wondering why the Tin Woodman suddenly lost his nerve.

"You are a complete idiot!" Nick stared at the lion and said angrily, "Don't you remember? It was because Vita and I lit a bonfire that the flying dragons in the air noticed them and landed on us. Take poor Vita!"

"You stupid lion with a head full of muscles, don't even look where this is!"

Nick pointed to the bare, steep hill beyond the woods.

On the top of the thousand-foot-high hill, there is a rock cave, which is the habitat of the flying dragons.

At least three pairs of wyverns built their nests on top of the mountain, sleeping in their nests during the day and hovering over the woods at night in search of prey.

The flying dragon's night vision is very developed, and it can see rabbits running on the ground from a thousand feet above the ground, not to mention a bunch of bonfires that are particularly conspicuous in the dark.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun built a stove before, and when they were about to light a fire to boil water, they were stopped by Nick in time.

However, Nick never expected that the moment he left, the foolish lion lit up the fire.

"It's my fault for being negligent. I didn't warn you in advance not to light a fire near the dragon's lair." The Tin Woodman blamed himself.

"Hey! My dear friend, when everyone is negligent, you don't have to feel sorry for such a small thing. I have forgiven you!"

The lion happily patted the Tin Woodman's shoulder, but suddenly felt a little worried, picked up a rabbit, and muttered to himself:

"How can I cook these rabbits without lighting a fire?"

"I don't mind eating raw meat, but our mage and her two human friends may not be able to accept fresh rabbit meat with blood..."

At this time, a strong airflow suddenly blew in the air, accompanied by bursts of thunderous roars.

Both the Tin Woodman and the Lion were startled, and they looked up in the direction of the roar in the night sky.

At the same time, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun, who were discussing their next action plan, were also alarmed by the abnormal air flow from above their heads and rushed over.

Under everyone's gaze, five huge black shadows flitted across the air, their spread wings almost covering the moonlight.

In a blink of an eye, five flying dragons descended from the sky one after another.

The four flying dragons that landed first were all old acquaintances of Nick the Tin Woodman. They were the four who kidnapped Weta back then.

The last flying dragon landed on a towering rock, overlooking the tiny people at its feet, showing its arrogance!

The King of Flying Dragons is larger than his peers, and the scales on his body are not blue, but like emerald green, reflecting the moonlight and shining brightly.

What's even more surprising is that this monster has two long necks, with a huge and hideous head on top of each other, and both pairs of eyes reveal ferocious gazes.

"I bet that the two-headed dragon is the legendary king of flying dragons, Medellin!" Nick gripped the battle ax tightly and muttered in a low voice.

"Such an obvious thing, who would bet with you?" After the lion complained, he was gearing up, "Since the flying dragons have come to the door to die by themselves, it will save us the effort to climb the mountain!"

Gao Fei observed the five flying dragons on the opposite side, quietly opened the astrolabe, and investigated their details.

The data of ordinary flying dragons are similar to the examples provided in the monster illustrated book, so there is no need to look closely.

The real threatening enemy is Medellin, the double-headed wyvern king.

This super-large mutated flying dragon with green dragon blood has HP up to 330, the natural armor provided by the dragon scale +14, plus damage reduction armor 10/magic, and the attributes are: strength 34, agility 19, constitution 26 , Intelligence 8, Wisdom 18, Charisma 16.

Flying Dragon King Medellin's challenge level is level 11. He is naturally immune to paralysis, sleep and toxins. The specialties he has mastered include "vigilance", "toughness", "steel will", "combat anti-mechanical grapple", "ability Focus (Poison)", "Power Attack", "Tit for Tat", and "Multiple Attacks".


It's almost the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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