Savior Simulator

Chapter 1000 Double Mind

Chapter 1000 Double Mind
It is particularly worth mentioning that since Medellin has two heads, when he launches "multiple attacks", he can use each of the two heads to bite once in each round, plus a tailhook sting.

Similarly, when it uses "eye for an eye" to fight back against the opponent, it can also bite the opponent with two heads at the same time, doubling the reward!
The sharp tail hook of the Flying Dragon King, in addition to causing physical damage, also has 10d6 poison damage, and adds a "poisoning" debuff-poisoned creatures have disadvantages in attack and attribute checks.

Since the Flying Dragon King has mastered the "Ability Specialization (Poison)", the toxin in his tail hook is particularly violent, and the difficulty of the toughness saving throw is as high as 26. Even if Gao Fei and others have the "Anti-Poison Curse", there is a high probability that they will not be able to withstand it.

What's more, the toxin attack of the Flying Dragon King does not completely rely on the transmission of the tail hook.

Every 4 rounds, Medellin's two heads can breathe out a highly poisonous dragon's breath, which spreads in a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone, dealing 10d6 poison damage to all creatures in the area and adding the "poisoned" state.

If someone is unlucky enough to be in the intersection of the two-headed breath, then they will suffer double the poison damage!

In addition, both of Feilongwang's heads can think independently, giving him a magical talent called "dual mind".


Dual mind: The two brains of a two-headed creature can cast spells independently, maintain two different spellcasting concentrations at the same time, and have an advantage on Will saves.


"Double Mind" can be superimposed with "Iron Will".

This also means that when the Dragon King fights against enchantment magic or negative mind influences, not only can the will checks be counted as double proficiency corrections, but he can also roll four twenty-sided check dice in a row, and take out the numbers from them. The largest one, as the test result!
Because Medellin, the King of Flying Dragons, possesses such a perverted talent, it is no wonder that before parting, "Tree Dragon" Fabiong warned Ma Yun not to hope to subdue him with enchantment magic.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Medellin has not yet discovered the ability to cast spells from his powerful blood talent. Otherwise, with the "dual mind", he can cast spells twice per round, and the challenge level must be raised by at least two levels.

Taking a deep breath, Goofy thought about how to fight this powerful enemy.

At this time, Jiang Feng reminded her boyfriend and Ma Yun through the Xingpan team channel: "Have you noticed that there are four ordinary flying dragons and a two-headed flying dragon on the opposite side. This number does not match the information we have."

"According to the information provided by the Tin Woodman and Fabiong, there should be five ordinary flying dragons in the lair besides the Flying Dragon King. There is one flying dragon missing here, and it is likely that they are staying in the lair."

"In this case, we might as well divide our forces into two groups, and send one person to sneak into the dragon's lair, kill the remaining dragon, rescue the scarecrow Vita, and the rest of the people stay here to deal with the flying dragon king and his men."

"I am the most suitable person to sneak into the dragon's lair, but..." Gao Fei hesitated, "Are you sure you can fight against the four flying dragons and the powerful flying dragon king?"

"It's not a big problem!" Ma Yun replied confidently, "Don't forget, there is a sand golem with a challenge level of 10 beside me. In addition, this golden hat on my head is also time to come in handy!"

"You don't worry go to the flying dragon's lair, the flying dragon king will be handed over to me and Xiaoyun." Jiang Feng urged her boyfriend to act quickly, "As for the four ordinary flying dragons, Sand Golem, Nick, Dimitri and Toto, at least You can tie them to a tie!"

Without further ado, Gao Fei had no choice but to suppress his worries, quickly cast an "advanced invisibility technique" on himself, and quietly left the battlefield.

He didn't want to waste time climbing the steep cliff, so he activated the "flying wing boots" and flew directly to the dragon's nest on the top of the mountain.

The flying dragons didn't care about Gao Fei's exit, thinking that the timid human adventurer was scared by them and abandoned his companions and ran away alone.

The two heads of Flying Dragon King Medellin let out an unhappy snort at the same time, breaking the suffocating silence in the forest.

"You foreign bandits, do you know that this is the territory of the great Medellin?"

"Uh, actually... respectable King of Flying Dragons, we didn't intend to offend you, and we didn't know that this is your territory too." Ma Yun tried to delay time and cover Gao Fei's sneak attack on the Dragon's Nest.

"Whether you know it or not, the fact is that you have offended me!" Medellin's head roared. "What's even more are so stupid as to start a fire in the woods!"

"I'm sorry, it was indeed our negligence, but fortunately it didn't cause serious consequences." Ma Yun glared at the lion, "Before it could cause a fire, my tin woodman friend stomped out the bonfire."

"It's too late! It's too late!" The two heads of the Flying Dragon King roared like a duet, "You lit a fire in my woods, even if you didn't start a fire, you would have killed a lot of flowers, plants and small insects... Alas, These poor and innocent little lives! Are they not worthy of pity just because they are too weak to stop you from committing violence?"

The Flying Dragon King raised his wings and wiped his tears hypocritically. When he lowered his head again, the anger on his face had been replaced by a sinister grin.

"You daring robbers, undaunted invaders, have destroyed the harmony and tranquility of the forest. As a punishment, I will tear you up and eat you all, just like you treat flowers and plants with fire. Isn't it right? Is it fair?"

"No! It's not fair—" the Lion growled angrily.

"Wait a minute!" The Tin Woodman interrupted the lion, and rushed to ask the King of Dragons: "If I can guess Ann Medellín and Du Medellín, who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother, would you agree?" Will you be lenient and let me and my friends go?"

Before Nick finished speaking, the flying dragons burst into laughter in unison, as if watching a fool showing off his cleverness.

The flying dragon king froze for a moment, then suddenly raised his wings, like a slap in the face, and beat up the four laughing flying dragons beside him.

"You little rascals, you're making such nasty jokes behind my back again! I warn you, if you dare to reveal my privacy to outsiders, I'll tear your tails off!"

Seeing Medellín's angry look, everyone suddenly realized that the King of Dragons felt deeply inferior to himself because he was a twin-headed conjoined deformity.

Anyone who said the words "Brother Medellin" in front of him would be mocking his physical defects, and of course he would be furious.

As for the group of flying dragons under him, they are as obedient as lambs in front of him, but secretly they don't mind making fun of the boss's physical deformity, and even deliberately made up a vicious puzzle for fun.

(End of this chapter)

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