Savior Simulator

Chapter 986 Strengthening the Construct

Chapter 986 Strengthening the Construct

With the sand golem, Ma Yun's life is more insurance. Under the protection of armor, even if she is sniped by a shooter or backstabbed by a thief, she will not be killed on the spot.

When necessary, you can also drive the golem mech to switch to melee mode. With 26 points of strength, a body height of more than 4 meters, and thick armor, it is not a problem to single-handedly fight the hill giants.

Ma Yun is still interested in building a sand golem. She also wants to use the professional ability of an artificer to install a clockwork module on the sand golem to give it the ability to cast spells.

It's a pity that the money is so small that there are only 10 ounces of magic crystals left in total, which is not enough to make a set of "energy clockwork" and open the magic pool for the sand golem.

"I have two plans now. One is to continue accumulating magic crystals. When I have enough, I will modify the sand golem and open the magic pool; They installed the 'magic clockwork', which solution do you think is better?" Ma Yun asked Gao Fei.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Fei said to her: "There are two options, one is the icing on the cake, and the other is a timely gift."

"If this was in the middle and early stages of the game, I would think it would be more cost-effective to strengthen the sand golem, but now it has reached the late stage of the entire game mod, even if you have worked so hard to save enough magic crystals and modify the golem, at most one It’s really not necessary to be able to enjoy one or two chapters.”

"If you want me to say, these precious resources should be used to strengthen Vita and Nick. After all, they are the teammates who will stand with you all the way and will never leave. They are more important plot characters than Sand Golem. Now help them If you upgrade, your strength will have an immediate leap, and you will play a greater role in the adventure."

"As for the sand golem, even if it can't cast spells, it is already very strong. The marginal utility of continuing to strengthen it is too low to be worthwhile."

"Yeah! Brother Fei, I know! It's a good time to use the long break to strengthen our Scarecrow and Tin Woodman friends!" Xiao Ma started working enthusiastically.

At this time, Jiang Feng came out of the bathroom while combing his hair, and complained to his boyfriend with a smile:
"Xiaoyun's internet addiction is getting bigger and bigger. We wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning and play games with her... I think it's time to find a boyfriend for her, and make love for adolescent girls The problem of excess energy."

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, this is your experience, right?" Gao Fei teased his girlfriend, "No wonder you slept like a piglet after the two of us finished casting the spell yesterday. The richest man called in the morning, and the bell rang for a minute. You don't even open your eyes."

"What! I'm afraid of the cold, and I don't want to get up from the warm bed to answer the phone, so I pretended to be asleep..." Jiang Feng suddenly realized that he had slipped his tongue, and changed the subject with a shy smile, "Honey, why haven't you entered the game yet? "

"The plot hasn't reached the point where the allies enter the arena, the richest man will have to solo for a while." Gao Fei stood up from the sofa, "Let's have breakfast first while there is still some time."

"Okay! I still want to eat scallion noodles!"

"Didn't you have a meal last night, aren't you tired?"

"How is it possible?! Husband, the scallion noodles you made are so delicious, I won't get tired of eating them even for a week!"

"Little mouth is so sweet, I'll add an egg for you." Gao Fei kissed his girlfriend's sweet red lips, walked into the kitchen, and put on an apron.


After breakfast, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng returned to the game.

Ma Yun's modifications to Scarecrow Vita and Tin Woodman Nick have also been completed.

Weta is a "trickster" and Nick is a "judgment". Both belong to the spellcasting profession and have their own magic pool. Compared with the sand golem, there is no need to install an additional "energy clockwork", which saves a lot of money.

Ma Yun installed two sets of "spell clockwork springs" for Nick, infusing the 2-ring "Complete Repair" and 3-ring "Lightning Beam" respectively.

Weta also installed two sets of spell springs, which also have "Complete Repair", and a 3-ring "Frost Nova".

From now on, Nick and Vita can use the clockwork module to perform "full repair" to repair their damaged constructed body, which is equivalent to 10d6 in terms of healing.

"Lightning Beam" provides Nick with a means of group attack, and "Frost Nova" improves Vita even more.

Weta's profession "Trickster" belongs to the most restricted category among all mage paradigms. Before level 6, he can only choose the two schools of magic of "Illusion" and "Confusion".

As we all know, the "Illusion School" and "Confusion School" lack offensive magic, especially in the early stage, they are very weak in head-to-head battles.

However, through the "plug-in" of the clockwork module, Weta can bypass the school restrictions, and finally be able to cast offensive spells, and is no longer a soy sauce character on the battlefield.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and the lion Dimitri was so hungry that he wanted to hunt in the woods.

Nick the Tin Woodman, who has a stable personality, knows that his lion friend is a reckless daredevil. He is worried that he will get lost in the jungle or have an accident, so he asks the mage to accompany the lion to hunt.

At the same time that Nick made the request, Ma Yun received a system prompt and learned that the next main task was to go hunting with the lion.

"Nick, Vita, do you want to go hunting together?" Ma Yun asked the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman.

His two friends shook their heads together.

Constructed creatures don't need to eat, and hunting is like eunuchs visiting brothels for Vita and Nick, and there is no fun at all.

"Well, my friends, you two will stay here to guard the camp, and Dimitri and I will be back as soon as possible."

Since "Hunting in the Forest" is a main task, the clever lady mage speculates that this hunting trip will not be smooth sailing, and there is a high possibility of being ambushed by monsters in the picture. To be on the safe side, she brought a powerful thug Sand Golem with her , accompanied by her magic pet "mechanical dog" Toto.

The lion hummed a ditty and trotted ahead.

Ma Yun had to speed up her pace from behind, reminding the lion to run slowly from time to time, feeling like walking a dog.

Passing through a forest, there is a gurgling stream in front of it. The clear stream reflects the crimson brilliance under the setting sun.

On the hill opposite the creek, under the cover of bushes, a cave can be seen faintly.

Just as Ma Yun was looking around curiously, a wolf howled from the bushes.

A gray-colored beast jumped out with bared teeth, looking like a strong dire wolf.

"Ha! Dear Ms. Mage, look what it is? A fat little wolf dog!" Dimitri the lion's eyes lit up excitedly, he rubbed his paws, and swallowed fiercely, "I haven't eaten for a long time. The fresh and tender wolf meat is finally ready for a delicious meal tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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