Savior Simulator

Chapter 985 Making a Sand Golem

Chapter 985 Making a Sand Golem
"In case the Universiade is postponed to next summer, I will have graduated long ago, how can I still participate?" Jiang Feng sighed, "No wonder the dean of the department called me yesterday and asked me if I want to fight for a place in the graduate school. It’s because I heard the news that the Universiade will be postponed.”

"Do you want to continue studying in graduate school?" Gao Fei asked his girlfriend.

"Forget it, I'm not that material, and I have to perform Tiangong's special missions, so I don't have that much time to spend in school." Jiang Feng looked ashamed, "But then again, the school specially recruited me because I was running I won medals at the Universiade. Now I’m almost graduating from university, and I didn’t bring glory to the school. Just patting my ass and leaving like this is equivalent to whoring a 985 degree for nothing. I feel very sorry... Husband, do you think the school leaders will Will you call me a 'white-eyed wolf'?"

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, cupped her cheek and comforted her softly.

"The postponement of the Universiade is an accidental factor of force majeure. How can you be blamed?"

"To be honest, if the epidemic is not under control, it is not impossible for international events such as the Universiade and Asian Games to be canceled directly. Even if you are guaranteed graduate school, you will still have no chance to win glory for the school. Wouldn't it be a waste of three years?" Years?"

"That's true."

Jiang Feng smiled in relief, unbuttoned the buttons in front of her boyfriend, and took off the bathrobe.


Old-growth southern forest, consisting mainly of beech, birch, elm and oak, through which clear streams flow to the northern coast.

The forest is a dangerous place, gangs of werewolves roam the depths of the forest, hordes of wyverns inhabit the hilltops in the middle of the forest, and only the craziest travelers will attempt to enter its depths.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Have you entered my module?"

The girl's energetic voice echoed in the forest, flocks of birds flew into the air.

"The richest man, you, Sister Feng, and I have already entered, but the system reminds us that we can only ob at the moment. Only when the main plot of this chapter advances to a certain stage can we officially enter." Gao Fei said to Ma Yun through the astrolabe.

"Okay, I'll play by myself for a while." Ma Yun opened the mission log and looked at it, then said, "Brother Fei, the mission prompt says that I have to take a long rest at the camp first, and then the plot will be triggered automatically."

"You can sort out the spell list during the long rest. By the way, is the sand golem ready?" Gao Fei suddenly remembered something.

"It's already been made, look, isn't it handsome?"

Ma Yun pointed at the giant warrior made of yellow sand beside her, proudly showing off.

In order to make this golem, she spent almost all the money accumulated in the game, and also consumed a precious "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual", which was used to replace those construction spells that she had not yet mastered.

Just as the sand golem was about to be completed, the manual also disintegrated into a pile of ashes.

Ma Yun sprinkled the ashes of these remaining magic powers on the sand golem to infuse it with vitality, and the originally cold and stiff statue was activated and completely obeyed her control.

Although the intelligence attribute of this golem is only 3 points, it can fully understand the instructions issued by the master. Ma Yun can also control the sand golem in a telepathic way within the range of vision.

When the Sand Golem was completed, Ma Yun also produced a control talisman made of jade.

She herself does not need to use foreign objects to control the sand golem, but she can lend this small jade talisman to her teammates, who can temporarily take over the command of the sand golem by holding the jade talisman.

Of course, if Ma Yun is willing, she can take back the control of the golem at any time, and the priority of the jade talisman is after her own.

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei looked at the data panel of the sand golem made by Ma Yun, and found that it was roughly the same as the one he encountered in the ruins of Eladrin: strength 26, agility 13, constitution -, intelligence 3, Perception 15, Charisma 15; HP 186, Defense 20, and Challenge Level 10.

In addition, Gao Fei also noticed two details that had not been discovered before.

The first is the sand golem's magic resistance.

In the previous adventures, Goofy learned through the plot hints that water magic or similar supernatural abilities can slow down the sand golem and prevent it from turning into quicksand.

Conversely, casting fire magic on the sand golem, or using similar means to evaporate the water in its body, can remove the negative state caused by damp.

However, everyone including Gao Fei didn't know that there was another type of magic that had special effects on sand golems, which was earth magic.

For example, "Soft Stone", "Stone Shaping", "Petrification", etc., applied to the sand golem, can restore its life and repair damage.

Of course, "Prosthetics" and "Full Prosthetics" can have similar effects.

The second thing that surprised Gao Fei was that in addition to the "giant form" and "quick sand form", the sand golem also had an "armor form"!

Armor form: The sand golem is wrapped on the surface of a creature no larger than a medium size designated by the owner or the owner to protect, forming a layer of thick sandstone armor, increasing its size by one level, natural armor +10; gaining damage reduction Armor 10/magic bludgeoning, construct trait, magic immunity.

In armor form, if the strength attribute of the protected person is less than 26 points, it will be increased to 26 points; if the agility attribute is greater than 13 points, it will be reduced to 13 points.

Golem armor has 186 HP, and until it is destroyed, creatures protected by it cannot be targeted by outside attacks.


The so-called armor form, to put it bluntly, is to regard the sand golem as a mech, and the creatures protected by it are like the pilot in the cabin.

Attempting to attack a pilot in "full cover" cannot do damage unless the armor is penetrated in some special way.

It is especially worth mentioning that the mecha transformed from the sand golem has at least 3 points of intelligence, and it has a strong artificial intelligence. Even if the driver has no combat ability at all, he can safely hand over the battle to the golem mech. automatic completion.

Seeing this, Gao Fei had no choice but to improve his evaluation of the Sand Golem.

Even if it is a construct that is stronger than the sand golem in terms of data, such as the iron golem, if he is allowed to choose, he still feels that the overall performance of the sand golem is better.

The key lies in this armor form, which can make up for the weakness of the golem owner—usually a mage with a weak physique—who is not good at melee combat and has weak skin and blood.

For example, student Xiao Ma, although he has a strong ability to cast spells, his situation on the battlefield is far more dangerous than that of a chopper.

It is impossible for the caster to fill up the protection buff on himself all the time, which means that the enemy's snipers and assassins can always find a chance to launch a fatal blow to him.

(End of this chapter)

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