Chapter 980
After successfully countering Goofy's "Scorching Ray", Jack Feiffer freed his right hand, took off the large chain hammer hanging from his waist, and swung it like a windmill, whistling.

Gao Fei couldn't figure out what this guy was trying to do with the chain hammer.

He was a hundred feet away from Feffer. Could it be that Feifer wanted to use the chain hammer as a meteor hammer and throw it at him?
Just when he was wondering, Fevre suddenly flicked his wrist and smashed the whistling chain hammer to his feet.

The chain hammer hit the ground heavily, first a bright golden holy light erupted, and then a wave of magic power like a green tide appeared on the ground.

The vines everywhere, including the thick fog floating in the air, all vanished into nothingness the moment they came into contact with the green light.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei immediately realized that Feifer's hammer that hit the ground just now seemed to be mindless to vent his anger, but in fact it was infused with the unique skill "Dispel Slash" of the Spellbreaker Knight. The additional "dispersion technique" will remove the "entanglement technique" and "cloud mist technique" together.

At this time, there was no obstacle between Jack Feiffer and Gao Fei, holding the chain hammer, striding forward, sprinting towards them.

The seemingly heavy full-body armor is made of Mithril, but it is actually very light in weight. In addition, Feifer has activated the "acceleration" on the armor while charging, and the speed is doubled, like a hurricane armored chariot. After chasing Gao Fei in the blink of an eye, the sledgehammer dragged the rattling chain and smashed it down!
At the critical juncture, Gao Fei turned sideways to avoid the bombardment of the chain hammer, his nerves were tense, and his eyes were fixed on Feffer's hand for a moment.

After the hammer fell to the ground, Feffer took a step forward without thinking, and at the same time swung his shield and slammed Gao Fei.

The basic damage dice of a large shield is 1d8. Fevre also mastered the two specialties of "Weapon Specialization (Blunt Strike)" and "Proficient Shield Strike". powerful weapon!
Gao Fei had already guessed that Feffer had another move, and rolled backwards before the shield hit him, avoiding the shield attack in a thrilling manner.

Before he had time to stand up, there was another terrifying sound of breaking wind, and Feffer's chain hammer came chasing after him like a steel meteor!

With the blessing of "Speed ​​Up", Fevre can attack once more in each round.

Gao Fei really couldn't dodge this hammer, so he could only grit his teeth and bear it.

The moment the chain hammer hit his chest, Gao Fei's whole body was blown up by the strong impact, and then flew more than ten meters away, and fell near the sideline of the arena. The exclamation of the audience.

Fevre's hammer was all he could do!

In addition to the basic damage and strength correction, it is also infused with "Holy Silent Slash" and "Silk Slash", the total damage is as high as 88 points!
If Gao Fei hadn't activated "Intuitive Dodge" in time, reducing the damage by half, this hammer would have sent him back to the save point.

Compared with the physical pain, what makes Gao Fei more uncomfortable is that he was hit with two debuffs by Feffer's hammer just now.

Feffer integrated the "Silence Technique" into the "Sacred Slash", coupled with the demon fire attached to the "Mark Slash", Gao Fei can't speak now, and is marked with a conspicuous violet glowing mark around his body, become easier to be hit by opponents.

Seeing Feffer chasing him with his warhammer and large shield, Gao Fei could only bear the pain and try to avoid it. He was chased by Feffer and ran all over the field, and the audience booed in disappointment.

Gao Fei turned a deaf ear to the clamor outside the arena, and while dodging Feiffer's pursuit, he was also thinking about countermeasures.

Now his HP is only 20 points, and he will die if he is touched by Fevre. It will definitely not work if he continues to fight like this. Gao Fei decisively switched the "ranger mask" to a "druid mask" and transformed into a medium-sized earth elemental , sneak into the ground for refuge.

Feffer didn't have the means to hunt down the ground, so Gao Fei was safe for the time being. He quickly switched the "Warlock Mask" to "Priest Mask", and used "Spontaneous Healing" to restore full HP. Afterwards, he switched the mask back and summoned the Warlock Demon Pet "Eye of the Ball" Pearl.

Gao Fei hid three feet deep in the ground, telepathically controlled the "ball eye", hovered over the duel field, and observed the situation on the ground with the eyes of his magic pet.

Pearl's eyes can be used as a transit point for high-flying spellcasting, and it is a relatively safe strategy to cast spells from high altitude to attack Fevre on the ground.

It's a pity that Gao Fei has already been hit by the "Silent Slash", and he has never learned "Spell Silence" in this module. If he can't read the spell, he can't transfer the magic power to Pearl.

what should we do?

Fevre couldn't find Gao Fei on the field, so he appealed to the referee on the sidelines, demanding that the opponent be punished for fleeing without a fight, and automatically surrendered.

"Mr. Feiffer, your opponent is still on the dueling field, but has just sneaked into the ground." The referee still has eyesight, pointing to the "eye of the ball" floating in the air to remind Feifer, "Look, that one in the sky The only subspecies beholder is Mr. Justice's familiar, and the familiar is still here, which shows that he has not given up the duel."

"But Mr. Referee, if he has been hiding in the ground and can't come out, will this duel have to be dragged on endlessly?" Feffer asked angrily.

"Of course not." The referee adjusted his glasses frame, "According to the rules of the duel, both parties can stay in the ground or in the air for at most 1 minute, and if the time limit is exceeded, they will automatically be judged as losers. Mr. Feiffer, in fact, we have already started the countdown. You Just have to be patient."

Feffer nodded, turned and returned to the center of the duel arena.

He could wait patiently, but the big eyeball floating in the air had been staring at him, making him inexplicably upset, so he raised his head and glared.

Pearl felt the murderous look in the man's eyes, out of self-defense instinct, he shot first before the other party threatened him, lowered his eye stalk, and shot a cold ray at Feffer.

call out!
Fevre raised his shield in time to block the freezing rays from the air.


The law-breaker knight chanted a vicious curse, and the target of his curse was the "eye of the ball" in the air.

Gao Fei, who was hiding underground, suddenly lost his vision.

His eyes were fine, it was Pearl who had lost his vision.

Gao Fei quickly exhaled the astrolabe to check the health status of the magic pet.

It turned out that poor Pearl was cursed by the 2nd-level necromancy magic "blindness and deafness" just cast by Feifer, including the main eye and four stalked eyes, all of them were instantly blind, and could no longer provide vision for the master.

Before the blindness was cured, all of Pearl's supernatural rays, which relied on eyeball excitation, were also sealed.

Gao Fei had to send Pearl back to the magic pet space.

On the ground, the referee has started the countdown.

If he doesn't come out within 1 minute, he will be sentenced to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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