Savior Simulator

Chapter 979 The Fourth Duel

Chapter 979 The Fourth Duel

The referee blew his whistle to signal that the duel was about to begin.

According to the usual practice, the last 1 minute before going on the field is reserved for the dueling parties to add various buffs.

Gao Fei put on the "Mage Mask", and skillfully took pictures of "Mage Armor", "Shield", "Mist Sight" and a full set of "Attribute Enhancement" except "Bull Power" on his body.

The reason why the "Strength of the Bull" is not blessed is because the "Giant Strength Belt" worn by Gao Fei has a strength attribute enhancement bonus of 4 points, which is equivalent to constant "Strength of the Bull".

After filling up the buff, Goofy's various attributes are:

力量14(腰带+4),敏捷22(猫+4),体质20(熊+4),智力16(狐+4),感知18(枭+4), 魅力25(鹰+4)

With the growth of physique, Gao Fei's health also rose to 68 points.

This amount of blood is considered relatively safe, unless it is hit by Feffer with a hammer, it will not be instantly killed on the spot.

In terms of defense, agility +6 dodge, "shield technique" and "mage armor" combined +8, and the overall defense level is 24, which is not bad.

In addition, Goofy is also wearing a pair of "running and jumping boots", which doubles the walking speed and maximum jumping distance, and has an additional +10 feet maximum jumping height, ensuring the advantage in mobility.

On the opposite side of the duel arena, Jack Feiffer is also racing against time to bless and buff spells.

Through spell recognition, Gao Fei found out that he had blessed "Shield of Devotion" and "Shield of Entropy Light". The former can increase the defense by 3 points, while the latter can form a circle of halo around the body that disturbs the vision, making the enemy Ranged attacks he makes—including ray spells—have disadvantage, and the roll is low.

In addition to casting spells on his own, Feifer also spent a lot of money, taking six bottles of "attribute strengthening" potions in succession, all attributes temporarily +6, becoming: strength 26, agility 18, constitution 26, intelligence 16, perception 21, charisma 26 !

Gao Fei estimated that Feffer's current HP is no less than 150 points, more than twice his own!
In terms of defense, Feiffer's armor, large shield, agility bonus and "entropy light shield" are all counted, and his defense level is as high as 30. It is difficult to penetrate his defense with pure physical attacks.

Just as Gao Fei was thinking about countermeasures, the referee blew his whistle again, and the duel officially began!
The two got up at the same time and walked into the duel arena. More than 3000 onlookers outside the arena also consciously quieted down. People's eyes were all focused on Gao Fei and Feffer, and they held their breaths, looking forward to a good show of fighting between dragons and tigers.

As soon as the distance between the two sides narrowed, Feffer was the first to guide the energy, and a circle of silver halo spread out from him, accompanied by a disturbing coercion.

Gao Fei immediately realized that Fevre had used the professional ability "Holy Pressure" of the Spellbreaker Knight, and quickly opened the astrolabe to check his status.

Sure enough, there was an additional debuff of "disturbing the mind" on the status panel. Only by passing the will save can he maintain concentration and cast spells normally.

The difficulty (DC) of the will save is as high as 22 points. With Gao Fei's current perception attributes, the probability of passing is less than 30%.

Then why hesitate?

Hurry up and run away!
Gao Fei didn't intend to fight Fei Fuer at all, and took advantage of the speed provided by the "running and jumping boots" to distance himself from Fei Fuer by 30 feet, out of the radiation range of "Holy Pressure", and the feeling of panic also subsided .

Before the other party could catch up, Gao Fei planned to fight back.

Feffer has an "entropy light shield" body protection, and he is also carrying a large bulletproof shield like an iron wall in his hand. Gao Fei is not stupid enough to try to shoot this humanoid moving iron tower - except for wasting bullets, there is nothing to do. significance.

Compared with firearms, the "scorching rays" that are not blocked by armor and shields are more suitable for dealing with this kind of "tin cans".

However, considering that Feifer's agility attribute is not low, and there is an "entropy light shield" on his body, if he directly attacks him with magic rays, the hit rate is not much higher.

Is there any way to increase the long-range hit rate?

Both "Magic Missile" and "Magic Energy Explosion" can automatically track the target, but the damage is low, and the longer the battle lasts, the disadvantage is for Gao Feiyue.

After a little thought, Gao Fei switched from the "Mage Mask" to the "Warlock Mask". For the second magic mask, he chose the "Ranger Mask" which was rarely used in battles in the past.

The "Ranger Mask" of the 8th-level imitator comes with "survival expert", "emerald vision", "forest walk" and two types of "enemies".

For the first type of enemy, Gao Fei chooses "humanoid creatures".

In this way, he has an advantage against the attack launched by Jack Favre, and the damage is additionally counted towards the perception modifier.

call out!
Three lines of fire shot out from Gao Fei's fingertips.

Excluding the armor and shield, Fevre's defense level against ray magic is only 17.

The effect of "entropy light shield" is offset by the special effect of "enemy". Gao Fei's "scorching ray" has a hit rate of about 70%.

Normally, three rays should have two hits.

It's a pity that luck didn't seem to be on Gao Fei's side. In the end, only one ray hit Feiffer, causing 19 points of fire damage.

Fevre stopped vigilantly, holding a shield to defend, and at the same time cast "Lay on Hands" to restore blood.

In the first round of tentative attacks, although Gao Fei failed to seriously injure the opponent, forcing the opponent to stop was an acceptable result.

Gao Fei took advantage of this period to distance himself from Favor, and freed up space to release "Entanglement" and "Cloud Mist" one after another.

A large stretch of distorted activated vines grew crazily on the duel field, and the air was filled with thick mist.

Jack Feiffer was blocked in the vines and dense fog, and the sight of the audience on the sidelines was also blocked by the fog, and there was a commotion among whispers.

Gao Fei blessed the "Fog Vision" in advance, and the vision will not be hindered by the fog.

The "walk through the forest" provided by the "Ranger Mask" allows him to walk freely among the vines.

Even though he has taken advantage of mobility and vision, Gao Fei is not in a relaxed mood.

His legs were entangled by green snake-like vines, and he was deeply in the fog. Feifer didn't show the slightest panic on his face. He took out a bottle of magic potion and poured it down his throat. The eyes behind the helmet visor showed unusually sharp eyes. shine.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei couldn't help frowning secretly.

Fevre had probably taken the potion of "Mist Sight" just now, and now his vision is no longer blocked by the fog.

Gao Fei cast "Scorching Ray" again, Feffer raised his hand with a sneer, and a silver light curtain swayed from his fingertips.

The three lines of fire that were coming at them were collectively annihilated as soon as they came into contact with the silver light curtain.

Gao Fei couldn't help but shudder.

Facts have proved that the "Holy Counter" of the Spellbreaker Knight is also effective against magic attacks from 30 feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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