Savior Simulator

Chapter 947 Devour

Chapter 947 Devour
Jiang Feng and Martin had three guns in total, and their firepower was obviously not as fierce as the seven guns on the opposite side.

What's more terrible is that the meat-eating crystal cluster also broke into the area where the two sides exchanged fire, ignoring the stray bullets that roared and shuttled, and rushed straight to the warehouse door.

Jiang Feng was very anxious.

Just a carnivorous crystal cluster is already too much for people to eat, plus the gangsters who came out halfway, if they fall into a situation of two sides attacking, I am afraid they will have to read the file and start over.

At a critical juncture, she pulled out the Twilight Sword, first released the "Dancing Light Technique" to dispel the darkness above the battlefield, and then activated the "Darkness Technique" that came with the Twilight Sword to create a large black enchantment as thick as ink, Cover the warehouse entrance.

Twilight Sword, "Darkness" can only be released in a light environment, which is why she casts "Dancing Lights" first.

This set of chain casting tactics is a good idea, but unfortunately it is completely useless at the moment.

The carnivorous crystal clusters don't have eyes at all, and rely entirely on tremor perception to judge the surrounding wind and grass.

As for Cody and other gangsters, they are all blessed with "devil's eyes", and their sight is not blocked by "darkness" at all.

Jiang Feng noticed that the gunshots on the opposite side kept ringing, and his aim was not affected by the dark enchantment, so he couldn't help but regret that it was self-defeating.

Just at this moment, a howling bullet pierced through the darkness, drilled through the ore gap, and hit her!

55 points of damage is definitely not something that can be hit by ordinary firearms.

Jiang Feng activated "Intuitive Dodge" in time to avoid the vital points, but he was still shot and knocked out half of his health!
The severe pain of the wound made her have a strong sense of déjà vu, endured the pain, and fled back to the warehouse half kneeling and half crawling.

Gao Fei saw his girlfriend clutching her stomach, her red coat stained with blood, and hurried forward to help her heal.

"'Eagle Eye' Hawk is hiding outside... This is the second time I've been sniped by that despicable beast!" Jiang Feng hissed in pain, his face was pale, and he cursed through gritted teeth: "His grandma has such a leg! You bastard, just wait and see! I must get this debt back with my own hands!"

Seeing that the situation was critical, Gao Fei didn't care about the consequences. He shot himself an "invisibility spell" and walked out of the warehouse under the hail of bullets.

He first observed the situation on the battlefield, took out the gunpowder barrel from the astrolabe, and pushed it vigorously towards the pile of ore where the gangsters were hiding.

Cody led five gangster gunmen to hide behind the ore pile, poking out from time to time, raising their guns and firing at Martin.

The wooden barrel rolled on the ground, bumped into a hill of ore, and stopped.

After all, Cody is a high-ranking thief. Feeling the tremor caused by the impact of the wooden barrel, he immediately felt a warning sign. Without thinking, he rolled backwards, covered his head with his hands, and lay down in the corner of the wall.

Almost in the next second, Gao Fei shot and hit the powder keg.

A loud noise shook the mine, and the powder keg exploded violently!
Mountains of ore were blown to collapse.

Two gangster gunmen were killed on the spot, and one was buried alive in the rubble.

The remaining two gunmen were lucky. They were blown away by the air waves from the explosion, rolled and fell beside "Black Hand" Cody, their faces turned pale with fright, and they could hardly hold the guns with trembling hands.

The flesh-eating crystal cluster that was wandering nearby was also injured by the gunpowder barrel, and a deep scar was split in the center of the body, almost splitting in two.

The underground cave where the battlefield was located was shaken violently from the cave wall to the dome by the explosion, and the broken stones were peeling off and falling like rain. Judging from this posture, it may collapse at any time.

Martin rubbed the swollen bump on his forehead from falling rocks, squinted his eyes, and observed the situation on the battlefield through the flying dust.

His gaze first fell on the flesh-eating crystal cluster closest to him, and then he saw not far away, "Black Hand" Cody and two gangster thugs were lying on the ground with their heads in their arms.

Brother Martin rolled his eyes, suddenly got an idea, got up with his back bent, and shot at the carnivorous crystal cluster first, to attract the monster's attention, then dropped the rifle, ran towards Cody and the others with his hands up, Running and shouting:

"Don't shoot, I surrender!"

As soon as Cody got up, he saw a big fat man with a gray face, shouting surrender, holding up his empty hands, and ran towards this side in a panic.

"Third Master, that fat man named Martin seems to really surrender, what should we do?" a gunman asked Cody in a low voice.

Cordy hesitated for a moment, with a murderous look on his face, and said viciously: "Not everyone is qualified to be a dog for the Blood Anchor Gang! This kind of coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death, who betrays his friends today, can betray us tomorrow! Shoot quickly, Blast his dog's head!"

The two men pointed their guns at Martin, but before they could pull the trigger, a cloud of silver mist suddenly emerged from Martin's body.

Two rifle bullets roared, penetrated the fog, and hit the flesh-eating crystal cluster that was following closely behind Martin, splashing sparks.

At the same time, Martin has escaped from the impasse of front and rear attack with the help of the 2-ring magic "Misty Step", and teleported back to the warehouse door.

"Cunning fat man, you really are cheating!"

Cody cursed under his breath, and followed Martin with two of his men.

Just two steps away, he was blocked by a spider web flying towards him.

The two gangster gunmen were a little slow to react. They were covered by the "spider web technique" cast by Jiang Feng. They were covered with sticky spider silk, and they couldn't break free for a while.

Cody, a level 10 thief, counted the buff provided by the pair of magic gloves in his hand, his agility attribute was as high as 25, and his skills were extremely vigorous. on the rock wall.

However, he was only concerned about avoiding the attack from the opposite side, but he didn't notice that the meat-eating crystal clusters were also chasing up from behind.

The monster was originally chasing and killing Martin, but after Martin used the "Misty Step" to get out of its blind sight distance, it shifted its hunting target to the gang member who shot at it.

Sensing movement on the nearby stone wall, the meat-eating crystal cluster raised a tentacle arm and blasted out a "shocking light cone"!
The rapidly expanding magical brilliance washed over the battlefield like a tidal wave.

"Black Hand" Cody and the two gangster gunmen in the 60-foot cone-shaped space in front of them were instantly engulfed by the light cone.

Cody's perception attribute is only 14 points, which is far inferior to his agility attribute. Rogue is not a profession that is good at resistance to will. The moment he is illuminated by the light cone, he is shocked, and his out-of-control body slides off the wall and falls. At the foot of the carnivorous druse.

The flesh-eating crystal cluster stretched out two thick and long tentacles, picked up the third leader of the Blood Anchor Gang, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it piece by piece.

In the belly of the monster, Cody's screams could be heard vaguely.

Through the jagged edges of the meat-eating crystal cluster's mouth, a group of figures can be vaguely seen struggling in its stomach, swinging their swords desperately, trying to pierce the belly of the meat-eating crystal cluster.

(End of this chapter)

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