Chapter 946
The meat-eating crystal cluster also has a very powerful "Stunning Light Cone", which is similar to the "Mind Blast" in terms of range and effect. Unless it passes the will save, it must be stunned for at least one round.

This means that even if someone on our side can hold the meat-eating crystal cluster in the front row, it is not safe. In case of being deterred, the consequences of OT needless to say.

At this time, the carnivorous crystal clusters had already opened four pseudo-legs, crawling towards Gao Fei and the others like a big spider covered with dark blue crystal clusters.

Jiang Feng raised his hand and blasted out a "burning light".

The golden light beam shot directly at the monster's chest, interrupting its progress, and then it was scattered by its smooth crystal armor, forming a large rainbow-like strong halo, which dazzled everyone's eyes.

Jiang Feng avoided the strong light reflection and climbed up the wall quickly.

Enraged by her, the meat-eating crystal cluster immediately moved its four long legs made of ore to catch up, and the speed of climbing the wall was not slow.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to release the "greasy technique", creating a smooth oil film between the meat-eating crystal cluster and the stone wall, causing it to slip on the soles of its feet, rolling and falling from the stone wall, hitting the ground with a bang, cracks on its back, and shattering. The crystals fell off.

Taking advantage of the flesh-eating crystal cluster falling on its back to the ground, Martin cast the "entanglement technique", and countless activated vines emerged from under him, entangled it.

The body of the carnivorous crystal cluster seems to have no front and back sides. The pseudo-legs can twist 360 degrees without dead ends, stand up without turning over, wave two thick tentacles, and in a blink of an eye, the activated vines wrapped around the body All torn off.


Brother Martin couldn't see the monster data, and his understanding of the carnivorous crystal cluster was far inferior to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng. He was deeply shocked by its tyrannical power, and couldn't help but swear.

Seeing that the meat-eating crystal cluster was about to break through the "entanglement technique", he quickly put the "hunter's mark" on the monster and fired two shots.

The bullet hit the ore armor of the meat-eating crystal cluster, leaving two bowl-sized scars, and fine cracks appeared around it.

Compared to the huge figure of this monster, the damage caused can only be said to be better than nothing.

Martin shook his head in disappointment, stopped shooting, and turned to bless the hound beside him with the "giant enlargement technique".

Goofy also casts spells to boost the Hound's Strength and Constitution attributes.

As a last resort, the "landlord" could only be asked to act as a meat shield, holding the meat-eating crystal clusters, and himself, Jiang Feng, and Gao Fei were all behind, trying to destroy this terrible monster before the hound fell down.


Not far from the area where Gao Fei and the others fought fiercely with the meat-eating crystal clusters, it was the temporary stronghold of the Blood Anchor Gang.

In the closed underground mine, the sound of gunfire was particularly harsh.

"Eagle Eye" Hawke and "Black Hand" Cody looked at each other, and at the same time turned their heads to look at the place where the gunshots came from.

"Go and see if our prey is here."

Hawk made a gesture, and led the seven gang members, including Cody, through the tunnel and approached the warehouse.

Hearing the sound of fighting in the distance, Hawke extinguished the magic light ball in his hand, and blessed himself and his subordinates with the 2-ring spell "Devil's Eye" one by one.

Everyone's eyesight has been strengthened, just like a real devil, their vision is not affected by any dark environment formed naturally or created by magic, and they can vaguely see several figures fighting fiercely outside the warehouse door.

The nickname "Eagle Eye" is not for nothing. Hawke's eyes are very sharp, and he recognized Roger Wayne and Martin Page of the "City Hunter" detective agency from a long distance.

There was also a young girl who seemed to be Roger's girlfriend, Louise Quinn, a lay nun who had inherited a large fortune, and who had not expected such skill.

Hawke winked at Cody and asked him to lead six thugs to sneak to the battle zone under the cover of darkness. When the gunshots fired from his side, they would make a surprise attack.

Hawke stayed in place alone, set up his rifle, and locked the aiming star on Roger's head.

However, after a little observation, he found that the three people who were fighting against the carnivorous crystal clusters were actually not as important on the battlefield as the strong hound in front.

Hawke saw it very clearly. Rogge and others didn't dare to confront the meat-eating crystal clusters at all. It was only because the hounds acted as meat shields in front that they had the opportunity to hide behind and cast spells and shoot at the meat-eating crystal clusters.

Then, the primary target of sniping is obvious.

Hawke turned his gun, aimed at the hound, and pulled the trigger with a sneer.

An enchanted lead bullet roared out of the chamber, drawing a strange arc in the tortuous tunnel, avoiding all obstacles, and hitting the hound's neck.

Hawke is a level 10 "magic shooter". In addition to the basic damage, this gun also has +3 enchantment, 5d6 high-level energy shooting (force field) and "tracking" special effects. The damage is ridiculously high.

Hitting the target is inevitable. Under normal circumstances, even if the hound has two lives, it is inevitable that it will be instantly killed on the spot.

However, to Hawke's surprise, the hound wailed after being shot, struggled to stand up from the pool of blood, and continued to fight.

Hawk raised his eyebrows in surprise.

After a little thought, it suddenly dawned on me that this hound was the animal companion of ranger Martin Page.

That fat fat man of Martin shared his life with his hound, and the hound wouldn't die unless he was shot too.

Hawke turned the muzzle of the gun and set the front sight on Martin's head. Before he could pull the trigger, he saw an unusually bright cone of light suddenly erupted from the meat-eating crystal cluster, covering most of the battlefield, and it was as bright as day for a while. !

Hawke was already used to the dim light, but when he was suddenly stimulated by the strong light, he closed his eyes subconsciously, and the shot failed to fire in time.

At the same time, at the warehouse, when Hawke fired the first shot, Cody led five of his men to jump out and fired at the back of Gao Fei and the others.

Gao Fei and Martin were caught off guard and were hit by bullets from behind, causing blood to splatter on their bodies. Fortunately, they were not seriously injured.

Even more coincidentally, at the moment when they were shot black, the flesh-eating crystal cluster sprayed out a "shocking light cone", and even Gao Fei and others led Cody and his party who launched a sneak attack, all of them attacked indiscriminately!
Jiang Feng's perception attribute was as high as 22.

Martin is not bad either, with a perception attribute of 20.

The two withstood the bombardment of the shocking light cone, and they were the only two people on the scene who remained awake.

Martin's hound "Landlord", who shared immunity resistance with his master, was also not deterred. Regardless of his serious injuries, he bit Gao Fei's trousers and dragged him to the warehouse where the awe-inspiring light could not shine. .

Six seconds later, Gao Fei regained consciousness, patted the hound's forehead gratefully, and performed "first aid" twice in a row to help it treat the gunshot wound.

Jiang Feng and Martin, each using a pile of ore as a cover, started a shootout with the gangsters at the warehouse door.

(End of this chapter)

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