Savior Simulator

Chapter 942 Black Pudding Monster

Chapter 942 Black Pudding Monster

The investigation results of the astrolabe confirmed Gao Fei's guess.

The monster that blocked everyone's path indeed belonged to the family of mud monsters. To be precise, it was a super-large "black pudding monster".

Like other slime monsters, the black pudding monster has low intelligence and can only wander in the dark underground world with its hunting instinct. Once it senses that there is a living thing nearby, it will squirm to prey.

This monster has a very mixed diet, as long as it is alive, no matter whether it is an animal, plant or fungus, there is nothing it does not like to eat!

The Black Pudding Monster looks bulky, but it's actually quite dangerous!

Take the one in front of me as an example, it is more difficult to deal with than the two water monsters combined, its HP is as high as 203, its challenge level is 7, and its attributes are:

Strength 22, Dexterity 5, Constitution 22, Intelligence 1, Perception 15, Charm 5.

Before Gao Fei had time to look at the other data of the Black Pudding Monster, the monster had already rolled over and approached, with four pseudo-legs extending out of its smooth body surface, trying to hug the hound blocking in front, swallowing it forcibly, using the acid in its body to dissolve the prey ,Digestion and absorption.

Martin quickly told the hound to retreat, and fired two shots at the black pudding monster.

Gunshots echoed in the blocked tunnel.

Both shots were fired at the same position, and the lead bullets fell into the huge elastic body of the black pudding monster. In a blink of an eye, there was no corroded residue left, and a sour mucus emerged from the wound.

The black pudding monster trembled slightly after being shot, and temporarily stopped crawling forward.

Before Martin could breathe a sigh of relief, he was dumbfounded in surprise.

Under his gaze, the part where the black pudding monster was shot was split longitudinally, splitting into two smaller black pudding monsters.

"Don't shoot!" Gao Fei shouted to stop Martin, "The bullets won't hurt the Black Pudding Monster, it will only make it split and proliferate!"

Seeing Martin put away his gun and draw his sword, Jiang Feng quickly added: "Swords and other weapons can also split the black pudding monster."

"Ah..." Martin looked at the shotgun and long sword in his hands, his face was full of depression, and he didn't know what to do.

In fact, the black pudding monster reproduces through this self-division method.

Even if it is not attacked, when a black pudding monster develops to a certain level, it will not continue to grow in size, but will split into two smaller individuals, which hunt living animals and absorb nutrients separately, and grow up to a certain level Split again.

After splitting, the Black Pudding Monster will share its HP evenly, and it will continue to split when attacked by piercing or slashing weapons. In this way, it will be divided into two, and then divided into four, until the split individual's HP is less than 10.

According to the tips in the monster illustrated book, only blunt weapons such as sticks and hammers can effectively kill the black pudding monster and prevent it from splitting.

Jiang Feng looked at his clenched fist, and missed Monk Yangyan very much.

Unarmed, of course, can be considered a blunt weapon.

In fact, even monks dare not easily hit the black pudding monster with their fists.

Because this kind of mud monster secretes viscous acid, it will suffer strong corrosion if it sticks.

Not only flesh and blood, but even metal is corroded by the black pudding's acid, taking 3d6 points of acid damage per round.

The monster illustrated book gives hints that stone weapons can be protected from this special acidic substance.

However, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Martin only had swords and guns in their hands, not even a hammer, let alone a stone hammer.

Without a weapon at hand, how to deal with these two black pudding monsters?
Gao Fei raised his hand and released a string of magic missiles. The damage to the black pudding monster was like scraping, but it angered the two monsters and spit out acid at the same time!
Fortunately, the tunnel was narrow, and Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Martin, the "landlord" of the hound, blocked the spray of acid and suffered the damage alone.

"Damn! This monster is also spraying acid, guys get out!"

Amidst the exclamation, Martin was the first to activate the "Misty Walk", teleporting out of the range of the acid.

The hound, which was flanked by two black pudding monsters, shared the spell effect with its owner, disappeared in a cloud of silver mist, and teleported to Martin.

The prey flew away like this, and the two black pudding monsters were in a very unhappy mood, wriggling their chubby bodies, and followed in the direction where everyone was retreating.

The road ahead is relatively narrow, and the diameter of the tunnel is not enough for two black pudding monsters to pass side by side.

However, the two monsters were not stuck, nor did they pass one by one, they still crawled forward side by side.

In the narrow area, the two black pudding monsters showed the advantage of Q bombs.

The soft ones are crowded together, their bodies are elongated and deformed, their moving speed has slowed down, but they still persevere in crawling forward and tracking their prey.

Before the black pudding monster could catch up, Gao Fei performed the "first aid technique" to heal the hound and recover its blood.

Brother Martin was not idle either, and hurriedly blessed himself and his companions with an "acid-resistant barrier" to increase their acid resistance by 20 points.

Gao Fei glanced at the introduction of the black pudding monsters in the astrolabe again. It was mentioned that a small number of black pudding monsters have evolved long-distance hunting skills, spraying out the digestive juice in the body, and the range usually does not exceed 30 feet, causing 7d6 points of acid erosion harm.

Martin's spellcasting level was still not high enough, and the "anti-acid barrier" could not perfectly defend against the acid sprayed by the black pudding monster.

Fortunately, the amount of digestive juice in the black pudding monster's body is limited, so spraying it once is like losing a lot of blood. It takes a lot of food to replenish the nutrition, so it is reluctant to use this trick frequently.

Jiang Feng activated the magic power contained in the "spider silk ring", flicked his fingers, and with a bang, a large spider web was shot out to block the tunnel.

She tried to stop the black pudding monster with a spider web, but soon found that it was useless.

The Black Pudding Monster has a very special physique, like a sticky mass of clay, or more precisely, a non-Newtonian liquid. It can adjust its body shape according to the size of obstacles, and drill through narrow spider web holes.

As for the mucus attached to the spider silk, it doesn't seem to hinder this kind of wet and smooth monster.

Martin saw the black pudding monster crawling through the spider web, and quickly released the "entanglement technique".

"Entanglement" is one level lower than "Spider Web", and its overall field control performance is slightly inferior, but there is an advantage: the spider web is dead, but the activated vines can actively entangle the target.

From the perspective of actual combat, the hindering effect of the "entanglement technique" on the black pudding monster is obviously better than that of the "spider web technique".

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

The two black pudding monsters who were caught by the activated vines quickly gave up trying to force their way through the barrier, and instead climbed towards the wall.

The walking style of these large slimes is similar to that of worms. There are many small and sticky hydraulic feet protruding from the bottom of the body, which can be adsorbed on smooth surfaces, hang upside down on the mine ceiling and crawl, easily bypassing the overgrown vines.

(End of this chapter)

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