Chapter 941
"Shh - don't rush to do it, let me come to Kang Yikang!"

Jiang Feng turned on the astrolabe to detect the two monsters at the bottom of the water, and then said to Gao Fei and Martin: "They are two water monsters, close relatives of the water element. As long as they are submerged in water, they will automatically change their body color according to the water quality, which is equivalent to being invisible." .”

Martin was also in front of her, and she had some details about "Super Tour", so she told Gao Fei through the private chat channel of the astrolabe because it was inconvenient for her to say so.

"Both water monsters have 58 HP, challenge level 3."

Shui Gui has no fixed tendency of good and evil. Whatever environment he lives in, his character will also change with the environment.

Water ghosts living in clean waters, such as clear springs and lakes, tend to be kind-hearted. They usually don't take the initiative to attack passers-by. Even if they are disturbed, they just drive them away.

On the contrary, the water ghost living in the sewage will become cruel and tyrannical.If any animal or passer-by passes by the water, the evil water ghost will suddenly burst out of the water, entangle the prey, drag it into the water, and drown it alive.

Like most elemental creatures, water ghosts don't need to eat, and hunting creatures is purely to satisfy their own evil interests.

So, are these two water monsters entrenched in the stagnant water in the mine pit good or evil?

Looking at the muddy water that exudes a rotten smell, the answer is self-evident.

Water ghosts rarely appear in the physical world.

It is not known whether the two in front of them strayed into the mine through a rift in the plane, or were summoned by someone's spell.

In any case, if Gao Fei and his party wanted to pass through this waterlogged mine, they had to get rid of these two stumbling blocks in front of them.

Arrows, guns, and most magic are difficult to penetrate the barrier of stagnant water, effectively killing enemies hidden in the bottom of the water, but Jiang Feng's "dry water spell" is not subject to this limitation, it can penetrate the barrier of water, and can effectively kill enemies within 120 feet. An aquatic creature of a creature deals 5d6 points of desiccation (dehydration) damage.

Under Gao Fei's signal, Jiang Feng cast a spell underwater, causing 19 points of damage to one of the water monsters. Although it wasn't fatal, it was enough to enrage it, surface it, and try to take revenge.

Martin had already picked up the shotgun, saw a liquid monster that looked like a python but not a python emerging from the water, and pulled the trigger without thinking!

The bullet hit Shuigui's head, and a water arrow shot out through his body, flying deep into the tunnel.

Shui Gui just shook his head, and seemed to be fine.

This monster has a damage-reducing armor of 10/magic, and it is difficult for Martin's shotgun to effectively kill it.

Gao Fei frowned slightly, raised his hand and threw out five magic missiles, preventing Shuigui from rushing towards Martin.

At the same time, another water ghost was also alarmed by the gunshots, and quickly climbed out of the stagnant water, squirming towards the shore like a python.

Martin fired another shot, and found that he couldn't repel the water monsters. He immediately cast the 2-level magic "Misty Step", covering his whole body with a cloud of silver mist, and teleported 30 feet away in an instant, avoiding the siege of the two water monsters.

As soon as he gained a firm foothold, Martin slapped the hound with a "magnifying technique", making it stand up against the two water monsters that were chasing up.

Gao Fei was worried that the hound would not be able to carry it with one enemy and two, so he blessed it with "strength of a bull", "toughness of a bear" and "acceleration".

The buffed hound is tall and strong like a lion, and its attributes are upgraded to: strength 29 (giant +2, cow +6), agility 16, constitution 22 (bear +6), intelligence 2, perception 16, charisma 10 .

With the enhancement of body size and physique attributes, the hound's health value temporarily increased to 92 points, blocking the tunnel, so that one enemy and two would not lose the wind.

At this time, Martin also found that the shotgun could not deal full damage to liquid elemental creatures like the water ghost, so he put a "hunter's mark" on one of the water ghosts, and the subsequent attacks on it increased the damage by an additional 1d6 points to ensure that it could penetrate the reduction damage armor.

Gao Fei's two guns were not magical weapons either. Elemental creatures were also immune to sneak attacks. Shooting them was like scraping. They simply hid behind the hounds and kept releasing magic missiles.

Jiang Feng hung upside down on the top of the tunnel, raised his hand and blasted a "burning radiance", piercing one of the water monsters, causing more damage than Gao Fei and Martin combined, killing him directly.

The moment Shui Gui died, his spirit collapsed, and his liquid body, which lost its magic power, fell on the ground and turned into a pool of ordinary sewage.

Gao Fei released the magic missile for the third time, destroying another water monster.

After the encounter ended, the three took a short rest on the spot.

Jiang Feng healed the hard-working hound and brought it back to full life.

After the rest, Martin gave the hound the "magnification technique" so that it could wade directly through the water, while he sat on the hound's back like riding a horse and crossed the stagnant water area.

On the way through a relatively narrow section, the enlarged hound can barely pass through, and Martin on the back is too plump, and if he is not careful, he will get stuck on the rocks or hit his head.

Jiang Feng's feet stuck to the stone wall, and he freed his hands to apply the "reduction technique" to Martin, turning the big fat man into a little fat man, and passed the narrow road smoothly.

The three of them groped in the dark tunnel for half an hour, and finally got out of the waterlogged section. The ground under their feet became dry, and the space gradually opened up.

After walking for another ten minutes, we reached the end of the tunnel.

Ahead is a spacious grotto with a lift that takes miners down to the lower levels of the pit.

Gao Fei checked the iron chain sling of the elevator. There was a layer of rust on the surface, but it was strong enough, so he beckoned his companions to enter the pod.

Just to be cautious, Jiang Feng asked Martin to bring the hounds, and take the elevator with Gao Fei first, and stay on it alone, just in case.

There is a joystick in the pod that controls the lift.

Gao Fei forcefully broke the lever, the iron chain rattled, and the pod slowly descended.

Two people and one dog waited in the pod for a full 5 minutes, descending more than [-] meters deep, and finally descended to the bottom of the well.

There was a bang, and the feet trembled violently. Gao Fei and Martin almost fell, and quickly supported each other.

When the pod stopped, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Move the pull rod again, and the pod creaks and rises slowly under the drive of the pulley block and the wind element.

Not long after, Jiang Feng also took the elevator down, pushed open the hatch, and remotely controlled the magic light ball to disperse the darkness. When he found that the elevator door was facing a horizontally extending mine pit, he couldn't help but sighed.

There is no way, I have to continue drilling holes in this dark underground mine!

Fortunately, this tunnel is far away from the underground river bed, so it is relatively dry.

Not far forward, Jiang Feng stopped suddenly, turned around and gave a warning sign to his companions.

With well-developed perception and the "Sentry" expertise, Jiang Feng was the most alert member of the team, and he was the first to notice the sour aura spreading from ahead.

Listening carefully, there was a faint sound of friction coming from the depths of the mine, approaching here.

Holding guns in both hands, Gao Fei held his breath. Using the "dancing light technique" to light up, he noticed that there was a black substance rolling over in front of him, like a large mass of sticky and elastic jelly.

Judging from its appearance, it seems to be some kind of slime monster, also known as "slime".


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(End of this chapter)

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