Savior Simulator

Chapter 894 Infiltrate the Fortress

Chapter 894 Infiltrate the Fortress
"Oh! No—"

Seeing the big bird galloping towards her, Warlock Fire Salamander screamed in fright and tried to dodge, but the sharp pain from the gunshot wound on her leg made her stagger, and was hit head-on by the rushing turkey in an instant Fly, and fall on his back on the sand.

The fire salamander warlock almost lost his breath, put his hands on the ground, and sat up with difficulty. When he looked up, he saw a huge black shadow covering his head.

The turkey jumped high, kicked in the air, and its sharp toes were like a battle axe, splitting the fire salamander warlock's head in half.

At the same time, Pep, who turned into a giant bear, has been sent to the crowd by the No. 1 bullet.

In Dire Bear form, Pep's strength attribute is 31, including the bonuses of "Bull Power" and "Animal Mutation", the strength soars to 45, one slap, and all the surrounding fire salamanders are sent flying!
The fire salamanders were terrified by this ferocious giant bear, and scattered in a hurry.

Pep didn't allow them to escape from him, and restarted "wild transformation", transforming from a giant bear into a humanoid tornado, roaring and circling, sweeping across the battlefield, sucking the fire salamanders that couldn't dodge one by one and strangling them.

Tangning turned into a flock of birds of paradise, soaring above the battlefield.

The lingering water vapor on the volcanic lake formed a local climate similar to cumulonimbus clouds. Coupled with the whirlwind of Pep's incarnation, the weather over the battlefield became windy and cloudy.

In this harsh climate environment, Tangning could give full play to the power of the 3rd ring "Summoning Thunder".

With "Performance Casting" combined with "Sound Amplification", Tangning expanded the "Summoning Lightning Technique", which could only be used for single-target attacks, to simultaneously bombard all hostile targets within a 120-foot radius.

In this area, every time the Birds of Paradise flapped their wings, several streaks of dazzling lightning struck down and precisely landed on the fire salamander's head.

A full-screen lightning strike is like a punishment from God!

At the same time as the battle by the lake started, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had successfully sneaked into the severely damaged pumice fortress, and explored the inside of the fortress along a water-logged tunnel.

The moment the magic torpedo detonated, the entire pumice stone fortress was blown into three pieces. The stones that were glued together could not withstand the violent impact, and they were degummed and separated one after another, adding many obstacles inside the fortress.

Both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng piled their agility attributes to the highest level, and combined with their professional abilities "Flying the Wall" and "Flying the Wall", they climbed and shuttled in the narrow tunnel without being hindered by falling rocks.

The two walked not far away, and saw three bloody fire salamander corpses lying on the ground, half of their bodies caught in the cracks in the pumice stone, the crushed blood was mutilated, it was horrible.

In addition to the three unlucky ghosts who died directly from the collapse of the fortress, there were faint groans coming from nearby, which seemed to be wounded.

Gao Fei winked at his girlfriend, propped up the "invisibility ball", and with the help of "buoyancy blessing", quietly stepped on the stagnant water and explored in the direction of the moaning sound.

Walking forward for a certain distance, the two heard eager arguing again, speaking in the fire language.

Through the simultaneous interpretation of the astrolabe, Gao Fei learned that the fire salamander who was arguing was a guard who was specially responsible for guarding the hatching pool.

After the explosion, they had a false alarm, one of them stayed at his post, and the other came out to see what was going on.

Knowing that the fortress was attacked by unknown enemies, all the clansmen went out to fight except Fire Angel and Crane Angel.

The guard didn't dare to leave his post without permission, so he checked the disaster situation near the hatching pond. On the way, he found two wounded people, dragged them back to the cave where the hatching pond was located, and called his companions to rescue them.

The two guards tried their best to give first aid, but the wounded still didn't improve, and it seemed that he was going to be unable to hold on.

One of the guards proposed to ask the leader, Fire Angel, to come to the rescue, because the leader is the only fire salamander in the fortress who is good at "healing injuries", and none of the other four fire salamander warlocks who are junior officers have this ability.

Another guard, obviously less enthusiastic and less courageous, firmly disagreed with his partner leaving the hatch, leaving him alone to look after the wounded.

He was worried that the enemy would take advantage of it, and he was also worried that if the wounded died while his partner was away, he would be blamed for "not taking good care of him".

The two guards quarreled over this matter, and have yet to reach a conclusion.

Gao Fei listened to the quarrel between the two, and accidentally got a piece of information - the fire angel is good at "healing"!
A warlock, or a fire warlock known for his violence, the probability of awakening medical spells is comparable to winning the first prize in the lottery.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Gao Fei gestured to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng nodded understandingly, slowly pulled out the two swords around his waist, and handed them to his boyfriend.

Gao Fei temporarily switched his sub-profession to "imitator", put on a "mage mask", and blessed his girlfriend's pair of refined rapiers with "enchanted weapons" one by one, temporarily increasing the enchantment level by +3, and by the way, also gave his two guns Enchanted.

Returning the two swords to Jiang Feng, Gao Fei then switched his sub-profession back to "Spell Thief", first blessed the "Acceleration Technique", and then loaded the two guns with two bullets with the "Silence Technique".

After making full preparations, Gao Fei took the lead in sneaking into the cave where the hatching pool was located, and saw two fire salamander warriors holding spears head-on, and two weak wounded were lying at their feet.

Gao Fei observed the environment in the cave, chose the most suitable angle for sniping, held the gun in both hands, and pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

Two bullets came out silently, hitting the back and buttocks of the spear-wielding warrior respectively, and penetrated deeply into the flesh.

The fire salamander warrior who was shot exclaimed!
However, under the shroud of the barrier of silence, he opened his mouth in vain, and couldn't even make a sound.

At the same time that Gao Fei shot, Jiang Feng had already switched his sub-profession to "Temple Raider", and rushed to the two guards, his swords trailing cold light, piercing their vitals almost at the same time!
Under the effect of the "acceleration technique", Jiang Feng could launch the "magic technique" twice in one round, chaining the "injury technique" and sneak attack effects, causing fatal damage to two guards at the same time.

The two fire salamander guards had no time to resist, so they collapsed and stopped breathing.

The next second after Gao Fei and Jiang Feng launched a surprise attack, the "Invisible Ball" automatically disappeared, and the figures of the two slowly appeared.

The wounded on the ground watched the guard fall from the sword, and two strange humans rushed in, their eyes widened in horror, trying to call for help.

However, they were also under the shroud of the barrier of silence, unable to make the slightest sound.

Gao Fei stepped forward, pointed his gun at the head of the wounded, each of them fired a second shot, and sent them back to the west.

If the opponent is human, he may choose to capture it alive.

However, he can't afford the slightest sympathy for such invasive alien species with evil nature.

(End of this chapter)

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