Savior Simulator

Chapter 893 Divided into 2 ways

Chapter 893
"The goal of destroying the fortress has been achieved. As for how many casualties are caused to the fire salamanders in the fortress, it doesn't matter. The next battle is the highlight." Jiang Feng was gearing up, fighting with high spirits.

The flock of birds scouting over the center of the lake flew back, landed on the shore, and turned back into human form.

"The pumice fortress was blown into one big piece, two small pieces, and the main part where the hatching pool was located wasn't seriously damaged. We have to send people to destroy the hatching pool so that the tadpole larvae of the fire salamander don't escape to the depths of the lake, leaving behind It will cause future trouble," Tangning said to Gao Fei.

"How many people are there?" Gao Fei asked.

"I saw 23 heavily armed fire salamander warriors, and four warlocks, swimming towards the shore."

"I didn't see the figures of Fire Angel and Crane Angel. They wouldn't be killed so easily. Most of them are still inside the fortress, leaving behind to guard the hatching pool."

"As for the other fire salamanders that haven't shown up yet, they were either killed by torpedoes or seriously injured, and have already lost their combat effectiveness."

Listening to Tangning's analysis, Gao Fei looked towards the center of the lake, and could vaguely see a group of red figures coming out of the shattered pumice fortress and diving into the water.

After a little thought, he made a decision.

"Let's split into two groups. Jiang Feng and I teleported to the inside of the Pumice Fortress, destroyed the tadpole hatching pool, arrested the Fire Angel and the Crane Angel, and the others stayed on the shore, under the command of Sister Tang, to meet the large army of the Fire Salamander. Raise them all!"

"Our side is definitely fine, Gao Fei, you and Xiao Feng should be more careful."

After these days of fighting side by side, Tangning knew very well how strong Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were, so she stopped talking after a word of advice, and seized the time to cast spells to buff her teammates.

She inspired 7 times of "Performance Casting" in a row, and collectively blessed everyone with "Protective Arrows" and "Attribute Enhancement" - including a full set of buffs for cows, cats, bears, foxes, owls, and eagles, and all attributes +6.

Using the mythical specialty "Universal Recharge" to draw energy from 7 astrolabes to replenish the number of performances just consumed, Tang Ning is like a humanoid buff machine that never tires, and it starts up again, arousing the magic power of the "Mutation Bracelet", a group blessing "Animal Variation".

Among the special police team, five members can enjoy the powerful benefits provided by "animal mutation".

First there's Pep, in dire bear form, and his animal pal, the turkey.

Qi Tian's crocodile angels and spider angels are both magical beasts, and they can also bless "animal mutations".

Finally, Tangning himself, in the form of a flock of birds, also belongs to the category of animals.

In fact, Gao Fei's magic pet, the winged cat, Ma Yun's magic pet, the unicorn rabbit, and the group of mutated crane camels that carried everyone up the mountain can also get the "animal mutation" enhancement, but there is no need for these to be dispensable. The combat power is a waste of the magic power of the "Mutation Bracelet".

At the same time, Ma Tao was also busy, blessing his teammates with "fire barriers" one by one, offsetting 30 points of fire damage, basically able to withstand the flames of the fire salamander without changing his face.

Wang Daqing switched his sub-profession to "Ocean Knight" and gave everyone a collective blessing of "buoyancy blessing" to prepare for wading battles.

Gao Fei blessed himself and Jiang Feng with the "acceleration technique", activated the "invisible ball", took her hand into the "any door", and was teleported to the center of the lake in an instant.

Walking out of the "any door", under the protection of the "invisibility ball", the two ran on waves.

Halfway through, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng passed by a large group of fire salamanders.

The two didn't stop, handing over the fire salamanders to their teammates on the shore, and continued to sneak towards the half-destroyed pumice stone fortress.


On the shore of the lake, Ma Yun took out a spare "magic torpedo" and planned to put it into the lake to bomb the fire salamander that was about to reach the shore.

But after thinking about it, I realized that this approach is stupid.

Fire salamanders are a subspecies of fire creatures, and they are naturally immune to fire damage. It would be a waste to bomb them with torpedoes enchanted with "fireball".

Before, Ma Yun blasted the pumice fortress with magic torpedoes, and did not directly cause magic damage to the fire salamander, but indirectly caused physical damage to it through the collapse of the building and the splashing of gravel.

At this time, the first batch of fire salamander warriors had already waded ashore, less than a hundred steps away from everyone.

"Big mouth, fire!" Qi Tian shouted.

Angel Crocodile had already drawn water on the spot, stored sufficient ammunition, raised its tail, and blasted a fan-shaped high-pressure torrent towards the fire salamander in the front row.

Angel Crocodile was empowered by Tangning with the "Power of the Bull" and "Animal Mutation". The strength attribute was increased by 14 points, and it became a 30-meter-long giant. The range of the hydraulic cannon doubled according to the size, and the basic damage dice increased to 6d6. .

Since Crocodile Angel has the "Pitcher" and "Slam Attack" feats, it also provides additional Strength modifiers and proficiency modifiers for Bombardment.

When this cannon hit, all the fire salamanders that had just landed were blown away and fell into the water, losing half of their HP.

The spider angel was not idle either, and sneaked into the spirit world with Qi Tian on his back, walked around behind the fire salamanders, and quietly returned to the lake.

"Blessing of buoyancy" enabled her eight long legs to stand stably on the water, and activated the "Spider of All Things" to transform the large basalt rock formed by the shattering of the pumice fortress into a group of structural spiders, cutting off the retreat of the fire salamanders. .

These giant spiders made of pumice are covered with loose pores. Not only can they float and fight on the water, but they also inherit the high-temperature resistance of pumice. They are still unscathed by the flames emitted by the fire salamander.

On the shore of the lake, Wang Daqing held up his shield to block the flying javelins, launched a "forced duel" with a roar, and attracted another fire salamander warrior who was holding a javelin on the opposite side to fight one-on-one.

The enchanted baton hit the fire salamander, and crackling electric sparks immediately burst out from the wet skin, shaking his whole body.

Wang Daqing took a step forward, swung his shield and slammed!

The big steel shield slammed heavily on the fire salamander's face, "Sacred Slash" and "Mark Slash" broke out one after another, and the entire head vaporized in the blazing light.

Ma Tao turned on the "spiritual body guard" and summoned three male lions to act as bodyguards, fighting and running around with seven fire salamanders.

Among the seven opponents, including a fire salamander warlock, was shaking his obsidian staff and chanting the spellcasting spell of "Searing Ray".

Ma Tao raised his gun with a sneer, and shot a shotgun with the "Silence Technique" at the warlock.

The fire salamander warlock was blasted with iron sand, and the casting process was interrupted. He grinned in pain, but he couldn't even utter a scream. In a blink of an eye, he was thrown down by the lion and his throat was bitten off.

On the other side of the beach, Ma Yun and her brother shot at almost the same time, shooting another fire salamander warlock.

The No. 1 bullet infused with "Transfiguration" hit the Warlock's thigh, forcing her to switch positions with Pep.

The lame warlock cursed and moaned, before he could figure out the surrounding situation, he saw a crane camel that was bigger than a horse galloping towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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