Savior Simulator

Chapter 885: Downgrading and Domestication

Chapter 885: Downgrading and Domestication
The third analysis report is that of Andre "The Crocodile".

After taking the hero medicine, this person gained a "regeneration" physique, and there are two transformation modes.

The first is a large "crocodile" form, with strength 25, agility 16, constitution 23, intelligence 8, perception 15, and charm 10.

The second is the giant crocodile form with strength 33, agility 16, constitution 27, intelligence 8, perception 15, and charisma 10.

Andre also mastered the feats of Toughness, Endurance, Tenacity, Grab, Multistrike, Powerful Attack, and Brutal Strike, the first two being Asmat fighters Racial talents trained in a difficult environment, and the rest are specialties obtained after transforming into a crocodile or a giant crocodile.

Finally, Gao Fei opened the analysis report of Angel Crocodile.

After swallowing the hero medicine, the male alligator increased in size by one level, with +6 strength and physical properties, and +8 natural armor. He also evolved a special tail hydraulic structure, which can absorb liquid and spray it out after pressurization.

The hydraulic cannon has two attack modes, "cluster" and "scatter". The former has a range of about 100 meters, and the latter spreads in a cone shape of 20 meters. The basic damage dice of the two modes are 5d6.

Crocodile Angel's vitality is extremely strong, HP is as high as 277, defense level is 25, strength is 35, agility is 13, constitution is 26, intelligence is 2, perception is 15, charisma is 10, and he has also mastered "vigilance", "strongness", "perseverance", "pitcher" , Iron Will, Grab, Power Attack, Brutal Strike, Whirlwind Strike, and Multistrike.

The most special of these is the "pitcher", which can replace the agility attribute with the strength attribute to calculate the hit and damage bonus of shooting weapons.

Specialties that enhance the damage of strength weapons, such as "Powerful Attack", can also be combined with "Pitcher" specialties, taking into account the lethality of enhanced shooting weapons.

It is precisely because of this specialty that although Angel Crocodile's agility attribute is not outstanding, the hydraulic cannon fired from the cavity in the tail, combined with a strength attribute as high as 35, is amazing in terms of hit rate and destructive power!
Gao Fei turned to the next page of the report, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

As expected, when the hero potion fails, Angel Crocodile will degenerate into a super-large alligator without supernatural power, its strength, physique, natural armor and health will be greatly reduced, and the challenge level will also degenerate from level 9 to 5 class.

Gao Fei thought for a moment, opened the team page, and checked the experience points and current levels of his teammates.

In the battle last night, everyone gained a lot of experience points. The biggest gain was the reward for reporting the blood samples of the apostles and angels, with an average of 18900 experience points per person.

There are eight members of the special police team. Except for Ma Tao, the professional level of the other six members has been improved.

Ma Yun spent 16000 experience points to upgrade Artificer.

Now her main occupation Tiangong special police and sub-professional artificer are both level 10, and then she has to upgrade the special police level.

At 10th level, an artificer gains the class ability "magic resistance," which grants him advantage on saving throws against spells and supernatural abilities.

Ma Yun's magic pet, the one-horned rabbit, which Ma Yun had just taken in not long ago, upgraded simultaneously with its master. After the Hit Dice reached level 10, it actually evolved, which brought a surprise to Xiao Ma.

After completing the evolution of the unicorn rabbit, the attributes become: strength 6, agility 20, constitution 21, intelligence 3, perception 14, charisma 10.

The natural weapon of the unicorn rabbit, the magic horn, which could only be used for melee combat, has evolved a new function of releasing rays!

The maximum range of the "magic horn ray" is 40 meters (120 feet). After hitting, the target will be poisoned. Unless the fortitude save is passed, the agility attribute will be lost by 1 point every round. When the agility attribute drops to 0, it will become a stone statue .

Ma Yun didn't expect the unicorn rabbit to help her fight. After all, this little guy is not a beast. Now that he has evolved a magic horn ray and has a long-range attack method, he will be able to play more roles on the battlefield in the future.

Wang Daqing spent 20000 experience points to upgrade to level 14 Tiangong Special Police.

Both Jiang Feng and Tang Ning have also upgraded their main professions to level 16 Tiangong special police, and they are neck and neck in the race for No.2.

Brother Pep's upgrade idea is similar to that of Ma Yun, taking into account both the main and sub-professions, with the aim of improving immediate combat power as soon as possible.

He spent 14000 experience points to upgrade the "Beastman" to level 9, gain immunity to toxins, and "wild transformation" has also been strengthened. From now on, he can transform into four types of water, fire, wind, and earth large elements.

Qi Tian has already accumulated 54000 experience points, and he has been holding back to not level up. His own combat effectiveness has been far behind by his teammates, and he relies entirely on his natural partners to support the scene.

To be exact, only the spider angel can hold the place.

As for the mutant echidna, its level is too low and its potential is limited, so it can only play a soy sauce role in battle.

Qi Tian's mood is very conflicted.

If he hasn't upgraded yet, he's worried about dragging his teammates down.

But when it comes to leveling up, should one upgrade the main job or the sub-job?
Upgrading the main profession does not significantly increase the level combat power.

To upgrade the sub-profession "Beast Tamer", you have to match a stronger natural partner, otherwise it doesn't make much sense.

Qi Tian is very satisfied with the spider angel's strength, and he coaxes her to be happy all day long with beautiful girls and short girls. Now he wants to replace the mutated echidna, but he can't find a suitable domestication target.

Gao Fei saw what was on Qi Tian's mind, so he walked over to him and said, "Xiao Tian, ​​do you want to hear my advice about your career plan?"

"Brother Fei, why are my brothers so polite! I'm having a headache, I wish you could give me some advice." Qi Tian sighed.

"I took a look at your experience points, it's enough to raise two levels of beast tamer, and by the way, you can also raise the Tiangong special police to level 12."

"When the animal trainer reaches level 10, you can change to a natural partner who is more powerful than the mutated echidna. There are two powerful bodyguards around you to escort you. It is not a problem to get mixed up to the full level. In the future, you can concentrate on improving the main occupation level That's it."

Qi Tian scratched his head, his eyes full of doubts.

"Brother Fei, my 'Nature Contract' is already bound to Spider Angel, and I can only use the legendary specialty 'Nature Bond' to subdue the second partner."

"When the tamer is upgraded to level 10, the 'Natural Bond' can only tame natural companions with a challenge level of 5 at most. Compared with the mutated echidna of level 3, the improvement is not too great. How can it be compared with a challenge level of up to level 8? How about a spider angel?"

"Xiao Tian, ​​your new partner is far away in the sky and right in front of you," Gao Fei smiled and pointed at Angel Crocodile, "For example, isn't this guy a ready-made powerful thug?"

"Brother Fei...are you kidding me?" Qi Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Crocodile Angel's challenge level is higher than Spider Angel's, I have to upgrade the beast tamer to level 18 at least to be able to tame this giant beast! "

(End of this chapter)

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