Savior Simulator

Chapter 884 Interrogation

Chapter 884 Interrogation
The difficulty of the will save for "Suggestion" depends on the caster's proficiency modifier and Charisma modifier.

Gao Fei is a level 17 Tiangong special police officer, and his proficiency correction of +6 has been capped.

32 points of charisma attribute, correction +11.

In the end, the difficulty of the will save (DC27) of the "suggestion technique" is ridiculously high!
Neither Simon nor Andre had the strong will to resist the "suggestion technique", and they quickly told the truth about everything they knew, including the details of their dealings with the Holy Blood Knights.

Through interrogation, Gao Fei learned that the reason why Andre and Simon revived the headhunting tradition in Pirien Village and Xiulu Village and instigated the villagers to fight with each other was to follow Peter van der Waal's instructions.

What is the purpose?

The answer is... to obtain fresh human heads.

In the villages of Pirien and Xiulu, a very small number of the captives captured in previous conflicts were used as sacrifices or eaten. The rest of the captives were secretly killed, their heads were cut off, and they were sent to Sara where the Holy Blood Monastery was located that day. Van Valley.

In order to keep the head fresh, Peter van der Waalt dispatched an armed helicopter and four mercenaries to escort the "postman" Matthias between the two villages frequently, and with the help of Matthias' super power, the freshly severed heads were Pack the box and send it directly back to the Holy Blood Monastery.

"What's Peter van der Waals collecting heads for?" Goofy asked.

"I don't know... maybe... I guess, it might be used as a raw material for refining the hero medicine." Simon replied uncertainly.

"If human heads are the raw materials for refining medicine, why didn't the Holy Blood Knights kill all the villagers and collect thousands of heads at once to save trouble?" Gao Fei continued to ask.

"I guess Peter doesn't want to make a big deal out of it," Simon replied hesitantly, "I'm worried about attracting the attention of the Batavian government... and fresh human heads are not easy to keep."

Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully.

Simon's confession answered a question for him.

Now he knew that Matthias the "postman" came and went in a helicopter last night just to collect fresh human heads, and fresh human heads are likely to be one of the key raw materials for refining the hero medicine.

But at the same time, Gao Fei also had more doubts.

These questions cannot be answered from the mouths of Simon and Andre. Only when Peter van der Waal, the culprit, is arrested, can the truth covered by heavy fog be revealed.

Just after the interrogation of Simon and Andre, the analysis report of the laboratory was sent out.

Crocodile Angel, Dog Angel and Andre's challenge levels are all level 9, only Ximen is level 8.

Gao Fei first checks the data of "Blade" Ximen.

After taking the hero potion, this ogre demon has agility and constitution attributes of +6 each, natural defense +4, and HP 114. The attributes are: strength 14, agility 22, constitution 21, intelligence 9, perception 14, charisma 10 .

In addition, Ximen also awakened two "armed" superpowers, "manipulation of bone blade" and "blood arrow".

"Manipulating the bone blade" can stretch the joints of the limbs, transform the bones into hard sharp blades, connect them with steel wire-like muscle fibers, and release them out of the body to attack the opponent. The muscle fibers can be stretched up to 12 meters.

"Arrow of fresh blood" is to spray out the blood, the lethality is equivalent to blowing arrows, and the blood also contains toxins that can induce acute myocarditis.

In Gao Fei's view, Ximen's "manipulation of the bone blade" is similar to Gu Siyi's "flexible muscle mode".

This is also normal, after all, they are all armed mutants.

Ximen's partner dog angel is indeed a dog demon from the lower plane.

A year ago during a silver flash eruption, this dog demon happened to pass through the barrier of the plane and came to the Asmat area, where he was worshiped by the villagers as a ghost.

The cunning dog demon used the superstition of the villagers to do his best, and lived a comfortable life.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

Rumors of dog-shaped ghosts and gods spread to the Knights of the Holy Blood, which aroused Peter van der Waal's vigilance, and asked the apostle John to open the "all-seeing eye" to investigate the origin of the so-called ghosts and gods, and found out that this one can cast spells barghest.

Shortly thereafter, the dog demon was captured by the Knights of the Holy Blood and was also used as a test subject by John.

Fortunately, it was lucky. After taking the hero medicine, it evolved. It was picked up by Peter and promoted to become a blood angel. It was stationed in Xiulu Village and formed a pair of partners with "Blade" Ximen, who also likes to eat people.

Barghests are naturally good at shape-shifting, can transform into goblins or wargs at will, and have damage-reducing armor of 10/magic.

The barghest's most heinous specialty is devouring souls.

For every three higher-level creatures devoured, the barghest can complete a stage of evolution, level (hit dice), strength, constitution, charisma, and natural defense +1 each.

Barghests are constantly devouring souls. Under normal circumstances, at least 15 Hit Dice must be raised before they can evolve into great barrogs.

This evolutionary path is easy and then difficult. The higher the level of the dog demon, the harder it is to find a prey higher than his level. Become a big dog monster.

However, there is another shortcut, which can temporarily evolve the dog demon into a big dog demon without devouring the soul of the strong man!
This shortcut is hero medicine.

After the dog angel takes the medicine, the constitution and charisma attributes will be +4 each, and it will directly evolve from the ordinary dog ​​devil to the big dog devil form. After the effect of the medicine, the dog angel will degenerate into the dog devil form.

For the whole year, the reason why Angel Dog was willing to work for Peter van der Waals was to obtain a steady stream of hero medicines and maintain his big dog demon form.

From the Barghest to the Great Barghest, in addition to the evolution in size and attributes, the ability to cast spells has also greatly improved.

Only when the dog devil evolves into a big dog devil can he comprehend high-level magic, such as "extreme despair" and "mass enlargement".

The big dog devil is a large alien creature with 187 health points. It has mastered "survival expert", "combat reflex", "iron will", "dexterous movement", "combat casting", "powerful attack", "eye for tooth" and "Multiple attacks" and other feats.

Seeing "Iron Will", Gao Fei suddenly realized, no wonder Dog Angel resisted "Mind Blast".

Counting the gains provided by the hero potion, the various attributes of the dog angel in the form of the big dog monster are: strength 25, agility 15, constitution 22, intelligence 13, perception 18, charm 24.

In addition, after taking the hero medicine, the dog angel also awakened an ability that even other big dog demons do not have-extremely cold breath.

Like an adult white dragon, a dog angel's breath spreads in a 60-foot cone of cold air, dealing 10d6 points of cold damage to creatures in the area.

In the battle not long ago, Gao Fei suffered from this move.

(End of this chapter)

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