Savior Simulator

Chapter 878 Hardcore Backstab

Chapter 878 Hardcore Backstab
Under the protection of the three-layer barrier of "spiritual body guard", "anti-evil magic circle" and "threat aura", Ma Tao kept firing against the giant crocodile.

The +1 burst shotgun in his hand bombarded Angel Crocodile almost in the face, and occasionally hit critical strikes, even the hard scales couldn't resist it.

After being shot three times in a row, the crocodile angel had been bombarded with blood dripping down his face. He couldn't bear it any longer, and roared, he rushed towards Ma Tao, intending to swallow him in one gulp.

However, as soon as this reckless giant crocodile entered the control area of ​​the "spiritual body guard", its galloping pace faltered.

The looming golden phantom pounced on it silently, causing irresistible damage to the crocodile angel.

The lethality of the "spiritual body guard" is not too great, but if it happens once every round, the accumulation will add up, which is not good.

The crocodile angel has been dazzled by anger, like a traveler trekking in the mud, trying his best to move his feet, just wanting to break through the barrier formed by the "spiritual body guards" as soon as possible.

The more anxious it was, the calmer Ma Tao became. He retreated unhurriedly, firing a shot every two steps back, just hanging the angry crocodile angel flying a kite, and continued to wear down its fighting spirit and life.

Angel Crocodile wanted to chase Ma Tao but couldn't catch up, so he turned to attack other enemies, and was chased and beaten by Ma Tao. This miserable experience can only be described as "torture".

At this time, Angel Crocodile had realized that if he was led by the nose like this, he would be consumed to death sooner or later, so he raised his tail and fired the last hydraulic cannon at Ma Tao.

Ma Yun, who was watching the battle by the side, had already repaired the tower shield with a spell. After activation, it was suspended in the air, waiting for Angel Crocodile to fire the last shot.

Seeing the giant crocodile raise its tail, Xiao Ma flew the remote control tower shield in front of his brother without hesitation, and protected Ma Tao from the bombing of the high-pressure water cannon. The shield that completed the mission was torn apart again.

The crocodile angel failed to hit Ma Tao with the last blow, and lost the courage to continue fighting, so he turned around and fled the scene decisively.

It wasn't until the mud stirred up by the hydraulic cannon settled that Ma Tao and Ma Yun realized that the big reptile had slipped away and hurriedly chased after it.

The brothers and sisters chased to the edge of the swamp, and watched the crocodile angel slip into the water, twisting his buttocks and swimming into the distance, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Wang Daqing was not here, and no one blessed them with the "Blessing of Buoyancy". It's no joke to venture into the swamp and get stuck in the mud.

"There is no other way, but to fly up and hunt down the crocodile angel!"

Ma Yun restarted the "flying technique", and her feet slowly left the ground.

"Xiaoyun, wait a minute!" Qi Tian chased after him with the spider angel, "That giant crocodile is very smart, seeing you flying over, it might plunge into the deep water area, you can't go into the water to chase after it! "

Ma Yun showed hesitation.

As Qi Tian pointed out, with his small body, going into the water to chase down the crocodile angel is tantamount to seeking his own death.

"Xiaotian, do you have a way to stop Angel Crocodile from escaping?" Ma Tao asked.

"You can try it!" Qi Tian smiled cunningly, "Xiao Yun, do you still have bullets filled with 'Fireball'? Give me one."

Ma Yun nodded, opened the magazine of the revolver, and took out the "No. 6 bullet".

Qi Tian took the magic injection bullet from her, loaded it into his pistol, turned around and said to the spider angel: "Beauty, take me to the spirit world immediately!"

The spider angel stretched out a pair of catching legs, embraced Qi Tian, ​​his body quickly faded, and led him across the barriers of the planes and sneaked into the edge of the spirit world.

There is no gravity in the spirit world, Qi Tian and Spider Angel can walk directly in the air and chase Spider Angel.

For creatures living in the material world, spiritual beings can neither see nor touch; on the contrary, spiritual beings can see the scene of the material world, which is unilaterally invisible.

Qi Tian led the spider angel and quickly caught up with the crocodile angel floating in the mud. The master and servant teleported back from the spirit world and happened to land on the crocodile angel's back.

The crocodile angel noticed a heavy foreign object suddenly appearing on his back, stopped vigilantly, turned his head as hard as he could, and aimed at his back.

Restricted by its physiological structure, the crocodile's neck is not flexible enough, and the angle of twisting in all directions is very limited. It can barely see the people on its back, but it cannot bite these two uninvited guests.

Qi Tian found a wound with peeling scales on Angel Crocodile's broad and flat back like a deck, held a gun against the wound that was still bleeding, and fired bullets at zero distance!

Accompanied by a dull roar, "Bomb No. 6" penetrated deeply into Angel Crocodile's body.

The severe pain from the back drove the giant crocodile into a frenzy, roaring and rolling in the mud, setting off turbid waves.

It wanted to shake off the assassin on its back, but it was too late.

The spider angel had already led Qi Tian into the spirit world.

A hundred paces away on land, Ma Yun saw that Qi Tian succeeded in backstabbing and escaped back to the spirit world. She immediately concentrated her mind, recited the mantra silently, and remotely detonated the "fireball technique" infused in the bullet.

A large cloud of flames exploded from Angel Crocodile's back, followed by a surge of blood, like lava erupting.

The "Fireball Technique" exploded in the body, and there was no random fluctuation factor in the damage dice, and the value was automatically full, causing 60 points of damage to the Crocodile Angel.

This is not counting the shot that Qi Tian fired before, and the additional damage caused by the subsequent bullet being blasted and melted by the fireball.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, a large hole two feet in diameter exploded on Angel Crocodile's back, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

This giant beast, which had been badly injured, was lying in the swamp stained red by its own blood, and had already fallen into a coma, drifting with the waves like a broken ship.

Ma Tao performed the "Level 3 Monster Summoning Technique" three times in a row, summoned three crocodiles, and ordered them to drag the crocodiles back to the shore.

These three crocodiles are all three meters long. Although they can't compare with the crocodile angels, they can be considered strong among ordinary crocodiles, with 22 points in strength.

Three crocodiles swam up to the crocodile angel, bit its tail and two hind feet respectively, and together they dragged the unconscious monster back to the shore.

Qi Tian rode a spider angel back from the spirit world, saw the giant crocodile lying on the shore, and said worriedly: "This monster is too big, when it wakes up and regains its strength, it may still resist."

Ma Tao lit a cigarette, frowned and said, "I can't help it. For Tiangong's scientific research...ahem, it's more about earning more experience points. It's better to catch a job."

"Well... let me make this big reptile smaller."

Ma Yun cast the "reduction technique" on the unconscious giant crocodile, reducing its size by one level, then took out a bundle of the thickest nylon cables from the astrolabe, and after the spell was activated, tied the crocodile angel firmly, Make sure it cannot break free.


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(End of this chapter)

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