Savior Simulator

Chapter 877 Hydraulic Cannon

Chapter 877 Hydraulic Cannon

These big spiders made of rock and wood were born to be cannon fodder, driven by the spider angel, they swarmed towards the crocodile angel.

Taking advantage of Angel Crocodile's siege, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, and Qi Tian's other pet mutant echidna hid in the construction spiders and continued to output long-range firepower with all their strength.

However, everyone soon discovered that it was difficult for the bullets and the spikes fired by the mutant echidna to penetrate the thick scales of the crocodile angel, and it was painless to hit the giant crocodile.

Ma Tao frowned, decisively switched his sub-profession to an astrologer, imprinted the "fragile mark" on Angel Crocodile, and raised his hand to shoot a magic missile.

Five purple light balls hit the back of the giant crocodile one after another, without being hindered by the scales, causing a total of 42 points of damage.

Seeing that this trick worked, Ma Yun also followed her brother's example, switching to an astrologer, and bombarding the crocodile angel with magic missiles that ignore armor.

After being hit by two rounds of missiles in a row, Angel Crocodile groaned in pain, raised its tail, and the ball-inflated hydraulic bladder suddenly shrank, and a large amount of mud stored in the bladder was squeezed out through the cavity at the end of the tail, fanning out. .

The thorny vines that entangled the crocodile angel, as well as the group of construct spiders on the opposite side, were all torn apart and blasted away by the impact of the high-pressure liquid flow.

The obstacles blocking Angel Crocodile have been cleared away, only three young special police officers are still standing in front of it.

"Mamma Mia! This monster is so perverted!"

Ma Yun exclaimed in shock.

At the same time, Xiao Ma didn't stay idle, he activated a giant tower shield as quickly as possible, and the remote-controlled giant shield floated into the air, blocking the second wave of hydraulic cannons sprayed by Angel Crocodile.

The half-foot-thick hardwood skin tower shield was smashed by the crocodile angel, completing its short but glorious mission.

The water stored in the tail of the crocodile angel can only fire three shots at most.

Having fired two cannonballs in a row, but failed to kill the opponent, Angel Crocodile realized that he had underestimated these three humans, and what awaited him might be a more protracted and bitter battle.

The contempt in the giant crocodile's eyes had now turned into vigilance. While staring closely at Ma Tao and the others, it crawled backwards, approaching the edge of the swamp, and plunged its tail into the water, intending to pump water.

As long as you keep fighting near the water, there will be a constant supply of ammo available.

Before the battle started, Ma Tao had already taken Angel Crocodile as an imaginary enemy. He secretly observed the tricks it used to slaughter the Asmats. Goofy borrowed the "Frost Star Wand".

At this moment, seeing Angel Crocodile sticking its tail into the swamp, he immediately raised his wand and released "Frost Nova".

A ring of pale ice exploded around the root of the crocodile angel's tail, instantly freezing the surrounding waters within 20 feet.

The crocodile angel was hit by the "Frost Nova", and the wet skin covered with muddy water was covered with frost, and the whole tail was frozen in the ice, which could not be pulled out for a while.

Ma Yun raised her gun to aim at the crocodile angel trapped in the ice, and was about to shoot the No. 6 bullet infused with "fireball".

However, it occurred to him in a flash that when the shot was fired, the high temperature released by the fireball explosion would definitely melt the frost, which would help Angel Crocodile get out of the predicament.

This kind of blatant and unhelpful behavior will probably drive my brother mad on the spot, and he will nagged in her ear countless times in the days to come...

When Ma Yun thought of this consequence, her head hurt, and the muzzle of her gun dropped.

The crocodile angel is not as big as Bai Chang, and his strength is astonishing.

Ma Tao added another shot of "Frost Nova", but he still couldn't completely freeze Angel Crocodile's actions.

With a violent effort, the monster pulled out the large lump of solidified ice together with its tail from the swamp, shook its body, and the frost on its surface cracked and peeled off.

After taking the hero medicine, the crocodile angel's tail also evolved. It was so flexible that it didn't look like a reptile. When it swung its tail, it threw the ice cubes frozen in muddy water, like a cannonball hitting Ma Tao.

"Brother Tao, be careful!"

Qi Tian pushed Ma Tao away in time, but he was splashed all over by the ice fragments that exploded the moment he hit the ground, and the place that the anti-riot suit could not protect was covered in blood and flesh.

Ma Tao picked up the shotgun, fired two shots in a row to drive Angel Crocodile back, and ran back to Qi Tian to heal his wounds.

Fortunately, it was only a flesh injury, which looked scary, but not serious.

Ma Yun was also worried about Qi Tian's injury, and wanted to visit him, but the huge body of the crocodile angel lay in the middle, separating her from Ma Tao and Qi Tian, ​​and she wanted to slip under the eyes of this giant beast. So easy.

Ma Yun quickly blessed herself with the "flying technique", and spread a pair of transparent magic wings behind her back, slowly floating into the air.

The crocodile angel noticed her move, raised his tail, pointed at the girl in the night sky, and prepared to spray the last hydraulic cannon to shoot her down from the sky.

At this time, Ma Yun was already more than 40 meters above the ground. She wanted to fly higher, but when she saw Angel Crocodile raised her tail, she knew that she couldn't wait any longer, so she pulled the trigger decisively and fired before the other party fired.

The No. 1 bullet infused with "Shape Shifting" roared out of the chamber, hit Angel Crocodile's forehead, barely pierced through the scales, and had already exhausted its kinetic energy, causing negligible damage.

However, the purpose of Ma Yun's shot was not to injure the enemy.

When the bullet hits the giant crocodile, the spell effect is activated.

The crocodile angel felt dizzy for a while, and when he woke up, he had already exchanged places with the magical girl hanging high in the night sky.

This giant crocodile has no ability to fly. It kicked its legs in a panic at high altitude, but it still couldn't stop its body from falling. It flew across the night sky in a free fall posture, and finally fell heavily on the ground. The mud splashed and a big hole was smashed into the ground.

After successfully executing the transposition tactic, Ma Yun was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the crocodile angel propped up and staggered out of the mud pit. Except for his eyes being a little dull, it seemed that he had suffered a slight concussion, but he was fine. .

"Wow! This guy fell from a height of more than 40 meters, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's a hell!" Ma Yun couldn't help but marvel.

Ma Tao was also shocked by the powerful vitality of the crocodile angel, but he was more worried that his sister would be hated by the giant crocodile, chasing and biting her.

"Ma Yun! What are you doing standing on the ground in a daze, hurry up and fly!"

Ma Tao scolded his sister angrily, and cast spells at the same time.

He first summoned the angel of the holy light, and then opened the "spiritual body guard" centered on himself, actively blocking the crocodile angel.

After the "spell expansion" super magic "spiritual body guard", the radiation radius reaches 10 meters (30 feet), and inside this circle of golden light, there are two light shields with a shorter radius, which are provided by the angel of the holy light. The 20-foot "menacing aura" and the 10-foot "anti-evil magic circle".


It's the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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