Chapter 863
"Brother Fei! Can you take me with you?" Ma Yun's eyes were full of eagerness.

She noticed that the direction of the fragrance of flowers was exactly the direction where the gray unicorn rabbit escaped just now. She was worried that the rabbit would be in danger, so she also wanted to follow to see what happened.

"Okay, let's come together." Gao Fei readily agreed.

The five-man team left the camp.

Tang Ning was afraid that her companion would be lost again by the fragrance of flowers, so she continued to sing "Tranquilization Song" as she was on her way.

She also reconfigured the free feat, and specially replaced it with "Echoing Sound".

If an accident occurs during the expedition and Tangning has to stop singing, "Sound Surrounding the Beam" can make the special effect of "Shen Shenqu" last for 9 rounds, during this period, it is enough for everyone to deal with the crisis.

Pep took the turkey and walked at the front of the team to explore the way.

The night is dark, the full moon is once again covered by clouds, and it may rain at any time.

Under the shade of clouds and trees, the visibility in the forest is very poor.

Both Ma Yun and Gao Fei used the "dancing light technique" to jointly create eight balls of light that danced around the expedition team. The light provided was not enough for everyone to see every plant and tree in the forest clearly.

Fortunately, the turkey is good at echolocation. After walking two steps, it makes a cooing sound, tilts its head, and uses the bone helmet on the top of its head to receive the reflected infrasound waves to detect areas outside of the light.

Led by the turkey, everyone walked through the dense bushes with difficulty.

After walking for about six or seven minutes, a black shadow sprang out from the bushes in front of us. It was the unicorn rabbit that had strayed into the camp just now.

"Wow! Little Rabbit! We meet again!" Ma Yun exclaimed in surprise.

The unicorn rabbit didn't seem to hear her call, it jumped forward without looking back, and disappeared into the depths of the bush in a blink of an eye.

Ma Yun hurried to catch up.

Gao Fei and the others also quickened their pace.

Passing through the bushes ahead, the vegetation became noticeably thinner.

Among the low grass, a tall plant with luxuriant branches stood abruptly, like a pitcher plant magnified a thousand times.

Green vines hang down from the branches, and the ends of the vines are connected with enlarged bottle-shaped organs, and the leaves covering the bottle mouth are tilted upwards.

There are a dozen or so bottle-shaped organs surrounding the mutated plants, all of which are more than one meter long, with a mouth diameter of about two feet and a width of about two feet. The bottom of the bottle almost hangs down to the ground, like a string of huge wind chimes.

The bottle seems to contain liquid, which is blown by the wind, making a splashing sound, and exuding a heady floral fragrance.

The gray unicorn rabbit, attracted by the enchanting fragrance emitted by this giant mutated pitcher plant, ran straight to a bottle-shaped insect trap, put its hind feet on the ground, stood up, and stretched its neck to sniff the fragrance from the bottle mouth. out of the aroma.

This innocent little guy couldn't bear the sweet temptation, so he jumped up and landed on the top of the bottle more than one meter above the ground.

The unicorn rabbit tried to gain a foothold on the leaves, then poked its head into the mouth of the bottle, licking the sweet-smelling honey.

Unexpectedly, the blade under his feet suddenly deflected!

The unicorn rabbit, whose soles were unsupported, fell into the bottle involuntarily.

It panicked and kicked around, trying to grab the wall of the bottle and climb out of the trap.

However, the inner side of the bottle wall was very smooth, and a layer of syrup-like grease was secreted. There was no way to rely on it, and finally it slid all the way to the bottom of the bottle and fell into the honey pool with a plop.

At the same time, the leaves at the top of the bottle-shaped insect trap slowly closed, sealing the mouth of the bottle tightly.

Even if the unicorn rabbit struggles to climb out of the honey pond, it is still unable to push open the leaves of the bottle mouth and escape from the trap.

The liquid secreted by Nepenthes mutant through nectary glands is not only a sweet bait, but also a corrosive digestive juice.

The one-horned rabbit trapped in the cage, most of its body is soaked in the viscous digestive juice, and it will be corroded into pus and blood after less than two hours, and there will be no bones left.

Fortunately, it was lucky, and a savior came at the dying moment.

Xiao Ma was the first to catch up, raised his gun, aimed at the four-meter-high mutated pitcher plant, and pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out, and the bullet hit the thick stem of the mutated pitcher plant, blasting a big hole and splashing juice.

Plants don't have pain-sensing nerves, but they gain 1 point of intelligence after mutation, and they still have the stress response of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

After being shot, the mutated pitcher plant twisted its rhizome immediately, and the dozen or so bottle-shaped capture capsules hanging from the branches also danced wildly like a revolving lantern.

Gao Fei, Tang Ning, and Pep caught up and stood side by side with Ma Yun, pointing their guns at the mutated pitcher plant. They were worried about accidentally injuring the unicorn trapped in one of the insect traps, so they didn't shoot immediately.

"Which insect trap swallowed the one-horned rabbit?" Jiang Feng asked Ma Yun.

"Sister Feng! I can't see clearly this black light!"

Ma Yun stomped her feet anxiously.

"I'll try."

Brother Pep turned and whistled at the turkey.

The turkey understands the owner's intentions, emits a series of cooing lows, and detects all the bottle-shaped insect traps with infrasonic waves. According to the slight difference in echo frequency, it can analyze which bottle is hollow and which bottle is empty. Contains living things.

After some probing, the turkey had already figured it out, took big strides and rushed to the mutated pitcher plant, accurately found the bottle-shaped insect trap that trapped the unicorn rabbit, and grabbed the vines attached to the bottle in one mouthful, Twist it off!

Lost the hanging insect sac, falling on the grass.

The turkey picked it up, turned and threw it towards Pep.

The mutated pitcher plant was robbed of its prey by the big rooster, and trembling with anger, it threw out its vines, trying to entangle the turkey.

A blue-purple shock wave blasted out from Gao Fei's palm!
After the unicorn rabbit was rescued by the turkey, Ma Yun shot without any scruples and fired a "No. 2 bullet"!
The "Magic Explosion" enhanced by "Magic Lance" and "Repulsive Explosion" hits the mutated pitcher plant first, causing 15 points of force field damage to it and adding a powerful impact.

Generally speaking, those who are successfully recruited will be sent flying at least 10 feet by the blast of magic energy and fall to the ground.

However, the roots of the mutated Nepenthes plant are deeply embedded in the soil, and the base is unbelievably stable. Unless it is pulled by a hurricane-level external force, it is possible to uproot it and knock it to the ground.

Gao Fei's "Magic Energy Explosion" and Ma Yun's No. 2 bomb infused with "Thunderwave" were far from reaching the force of a hurricane. It gets out of the soil.

Fortunately, the attack of the two successfully interrupted the movement of the mutated pitcher plant.

The turkey took the opportunity to run away from the mutated pitcher plant, opened a distance of 10 meters, and spewed out a mouthful of flames.

The mutated pitcher plant was engulfed in flames, and a large area of ​​its branches and leaves were scorched.

After being hit one after another, the mutant Nepenthes had been seriously injured, and its roots that took root in the soil could not move quickly.

The data of the mutated pitcher plant has not yet been included in the monster illustrated book. Gao Fei and the others did not understand its fighting style, so for safety reasons, they hid in the distance and launched attacks with pistols and spells.

(End of this chapter)

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