Savior Simulator

Chapter 862 The Unicorn Rabbit

Chapter 862 The Unicorn Rabbit

Gao Fei turned his head and saw a chubby gray rabbit squatting by the campfire, digging his head into picking up the cake crumbs that fell on the ground.

After taking a closer look, Gao Fei raised his eyebrows in surprise.

This rabbit has a single pearl-colored horn on its forehead, about a foot long, with a texture like ivory. There are three symmetrically arranged vertical lines from the tip to the root, and its structure is similar to the blood groove of a bayonet.

Based on this detail, it is not difficult to see that this unicorn is by no means an ornament, but a real weapon for killing enemies.

"What a cute little rabbit!" Ma Yun's eyes lit up.

"Yeah! It's cute and looks delicious."

Jiang Feng looked the unicorn rabbit up and down with the eyes of a gourmet.

"Sister Feng! Tutu is so cute, how can you bear to eat it!"

"Otherwise? This guy came to our door to give us an extra meal. It's already here, why are you being polite?" Jiang Feng turned his head and looked at his boyfriend with a narrow smile on his lips, "Chef Gao, the roasted rabbit meat is not delicious. Medium? Add more cumin chili flakes."

"No hit! No hit!"

Ma Yun was so anxious that she reached out to hug the weird rabbit with long horns on its head to protect it from the evil hands of the foodie heroine.

"Don't touch it!" Tangning grabbed Ma Yun with a very serious expression, "That one-horned rabbit is much more dangerous than it looks, if you get stabbed by its horn, the consequences will be very serious!"

Jiang Feng was about to pull the rabbit's ears, but when he heard Tangning's words, he quickly withdrew his hands in fright and looked wary.

"Sister Tang, is this mutant rabbit ferocious?" Gao Fei asked.

"The unicorn rabbit is more docile than ordinary rabbits, and it is not very afraid of people, but its horns are very dangerous, equivalent to an enchanted piercing weapon. Unless the stabbed creature passes the Fortitude saving throw, it will suffer 1 point of agility every round. The damage and agility attributes are reduced to 0, and the wounded will become a stone statue."

Hearing Tangning's explanation, Gao Fei became more and more curious. He opened the astrolabe and scouted the unicorn rabbit.

There is a picture book in the database, the full name is "Dang's Unicorn Rabbit".

No wonder Tangning knew this mutant creature very well. It turned out that she first discovered the Unicorn Rabbit on Irian Island, and named it after her own surname.

The unicorn rabbit is a small magical beast with 16 health points and attributes: strength 6, agility 17, constitution 14, intelligence 3, perception 14, charm 10.

In addition to the talents that ordinary rabbits also have, such as "Sense of Smell", "Delicate Movement" and "Proficient Jumping", the Unicorn Rabbit also masters "Weapon Finesse" and "Ability Focus (Petrification)".

As Tang Ning introduced just now, the sharp horn on the forehead of the unicorn rabbit is equivalent to a +1 enchanted natural weapon, with a base damage roll of 2d4.

The most powerful part of this magic horn is that it can secrete toxins that can petrify flesh and blood.

Counting the additional bonus provided by "Ability Focus (Petrification)", the creature stabbed by it must pass a DC 16 Fortitude saving throw to resist poison erosion, otherwise the body will gradually become stiff until petrification.

The creature stabbed by the unicorn rabbit can still be restored to health after being treated with detoxification methods such as "first aid", "air therapy", and "secondary recovery" before it is completely petrified.

Once the toxicity has fully erupted, the agility attribute has returned to zero, and the body has turned into a stone statue, it is too late for the above methods to heal, and it is necessary to use special methods such as "breaking the barrier", "turning fossils into flesh" or "ruby reversal ray" to undo the petrification. Turn back into flesh and blood.

Knowing that the unicorn rabbit is very dangerous, student Xiao Ma is still reluctant to kill this docile and well-behaved animal, breaks up the half of the sago cake he has left, and feeds it to the unicorn rabbit.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ma Tao squinted at the gray rabbit with its first horn, and suddenly had an idea: "If we cut off the horn of the one-horned rabbit, wouldn't we get a very powerful petrified knife?"

"I tried it, but unfortunately, there is no such good thing." Tangning shook her head lightly, "If the horn of the unicorn rabbit is separated from its body, it will lose its petrification function. It is only equivalent to a refined dagger."

"The refined dagger is not bad." Ma Tao exhaled the smoke ring, and said lightly: "Considering the collection value, at least it is more valuable than ivory handicrafts. Rare things are more expensive."

Ma Yun wanted to persuade her elder brother not to be so cruel, but she was worried that she would suffer from the "Virgin's disease" if she was laughed at, so she secretly winked at the one-horned rabbit, suggesting that it should run away.

The one-horned rabbit is quite clever, and after understanding the painstaking efforts of classmate Xiao Ma, he immediately buried himself in the bushes and ran away without a trace.

Ma Yun looked at the teammates sitting around the campfire, and was relieved that no one got up to hunt down the unicorn rabbit.

Seeing Xiao Ma's frightened look, Gao Fei must have taken everyone's nonsense seriously, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

Not long after the one-horned rabbit escaped, the night wind sent an unusually strong fragrance of flowers.

Gao Fei smelled the fragrance of flowers and felt inexplicably in a trance. He quickly covered his nose, feeling alert.

Turning around, the companions beside him had different expressions.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Tangning and Pep also covered their noses with vigilance in their eyes.

Ma Yun and Qi Tian, ​​who were weak in physique in the team, looked a little dull, stood up, and walked towards the direction of the fragrance of flowers.

Wang Daqing was the only one who was completely unaffected by the fragrance of the flowers. He realized that Ma Yun and Qi Tian were not in the same mood and behaved abnormally, so he hurriedly stopped them.

"Xiaoyun! Xiaotian! What's the matter with you two? It's like sleepwalking, doesn't it matter?"

Pushed and yelled at by him, the two suddenly woke up, their faces were at a loss, as if they couldn't remember what happened just now.

At this time, Tangning's singing sounded in everyone's ears.

The magical power contained in the "Shenqu" is like a cool stream, which cleanses the body and mind through the ear holes, and immediately restores everyone's drowsy brains to sobriety.

"The fragrance of flowers wafting in the wind seems to have a hypnotic effect, and it is probably emitted by some kind of mutated plant." Gao Fei guessed.

"I have stayed on this island no less than ten times. The last time was two months ago, and it was the first time I encountered such a strange thing."

Pep's face was ugly.

He always felt that this small island in the middle of the river was safe, so he brought his teammates to camp, but he didn't expect that the island was not peaceful.

First he met the unicorn rabbit, and now he was almost hypnotized by the mysterious fragrance of flowers, and accidents happened one after another, which only shows that he is incompetent as a guide, and he feels deeply guilty for this.

"Two months is not long, but it is not short. During this period, there was a silver flash, and it is not surprising that mutant creatures appeared on the island."

Gao Fei comforted Pep a few words, and then said to his teammates:

"Hunting and killing wild mutant creatures is not within the scope of our mission, but since we met and it was the opponent who made the first move, we can't treat it as nothing happened."

"Sister Tang, Brother Pep, and Comrade Xiao Jiang, let's follow the direction of the fragrance of flowers and find out what monster is playing tricks in the dark. The others stay in the camp to avoid being stolen by monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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