Chapter 857

"Since the traditional ethics of the Asmat people encourage them to hunt and kill strangers, there is nothing to complain about being killed. Just find opportunities for revenge in the future."

"When a man is killed by his opponent, it shows that his enemy is very powerful, very great, and worthy of everyone's awe!"

"If a man's relatives and friends have the opportunity to take revenge in the future, kill this powerful enemy and eat his flesh and blood, they can absorb the power of this powerful enemy, and even take his identity - this is the simple concept of the Asmat people .”

"Contrary to the exotic imaginings of 'anthropologists in easy chairs,' the Asmat are not 'noble savages.'"

"Asmat fighters don't advocate fair one-on-one duels. As long as they can defeat their opponents, sneak attack and deception are reasonable methods. It doesn't matter whether they are despicable or noble. Using methods is part of their strength."

In the end, Tangning concluded in a slightly mocking tone:

"On this issue, the Asmats are not as hypocritical as the Western colonists."

After breakfast, Gao Fei and his party boarded Pep's boat, and the next trip will be on the river.

If there is no accident on the way, the SWAT team will arrive at the third area on the "Arc of Mutations", which is the hometown of Brother Pep - the Asmat area within a week.

In the south of Irian Island, the river is like a natural highway, and the Asmat people's means of transportation is canoes, and even the houses built by the water are also called "boats".

Compared with traditional canoes, Pep's catamaran with a 300-horsepower outboard engine can be called the Rolls Royce on water.

The spacious cabin, in addition to the eight hammocks, has enough space for a "turkey-breathing" bird's nest.

This ship also has enchanting special effects. Whenever Pep goes ashore, he can recite a spell, which can shrink the 15-meter-long x 8-meter-wide catamaran into the size of a palm, put it in his pocket, and carry it with him.

When you need to use a boat, put this model-like boat on open water, and chant the mantra to make it bigger.

After listening to Brother Pep's introduction, Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully, then turned to look at Ma Yun.

"Brother Fei, don't need to say more, I understand what you mean."

With Pep's consent, student Xiao Ma drew an analysis array on the deck, and used the professional expertise of an artificer to analyze the enchanting process of this magic ship.

After being busy for a while, she successfully cracked the mystery of the ship's ability to zoom freely. The answer is the 3-ring "shrinkage technique" of the "School of Change".

Ma Yun extracted the configuration of the "shrinking technique", then opened the astrolabe, and snapped a photo of the configuration of the spell.

"The richest man, what are you doing?" Gao Fei asked inexplicably, "According to the practice in the game, shouldn't you write the spell configuration into your own magic book?"

"Brother Fei, modern technology is changing with each passing day, you can't always look at new things with old eyes!"

Student Xiao Ma put one hand on his hip, posing triumphantly:

"In the game, I struggled to copy spells with a quill pen dipped in ink. The conditions were limited and the tools were simple, so there was no way."

"In reality, there is no need to be so troublesome. Just use the astrolabe to take pictures of the analyzed spell configurations, and then click on this small app developed by Tiangong to automatically scan the photos and grab the text and graphics corresponding to the spells. and data, transcribed into my electronic magic book."

"After the automatic processing of the program is completed, manually correct it, correct typos and garbled characters, and it will be done."

Gao Fei scratched his head, thinking that this is not just an OCR software?
Good guy, the profession of mages has also launched a "paperless office". It really deserves to be the first productive force in the fantasy world!
Gao Fei also copied a copy of the spell that Ma Yun analyzed and stored it in the imitator's spell book.


Level 3 "Shrinkage": Designate a group of non-magic objects whose three-dimensional scale does not exceed a certain limit, so that their length, width, and height are all reduced according to a fixed ratio, and remain in the reduced state for 1 day/level.


The material size and reduction ratio that can be processed by "Shrinkage" depends entirely on the level of the caster.

Take Ma Yun as an example, the 8th level "Artificial Master", plus the 4 additional spellcasting levels provided by the "Skilled Spellcaster", there are a total of 12 spellcasting levels, and at most the length, width, and height can not exceed 64 feet. The three-dimensional size of the object is reduced to 1/16, which is equivalent to reducing the volume to 1/4096.

At the same time, the weight of the object is also reduced to 1/4096 synchronously with the volume.

In the fantasy world, the "shrinking technique" has a wide range of applications in the commercial and military fields, and can greatly reduce logistics costs, reducing the freight of long-distance containers by three orders of magnitude.

In the military, the mobility and portability of heavy weapons are also inseparable from the guarantee of "shrinking".

To give the simplest example, shrinking a 200-ton steel ingot into an iron block that can be picked up with one hand and throwing it from a high altitude can easily destroy an ironclad battleship.

Such tactics are not new in the game world, but in the real world, if Tiangong is willing, he can create a "Big Ivan" that can be carried in his jacket pocket at any time.

So Gao Fei really thinks that "Tiangong" should be, and can only be, a pure public welfare organization.

It's not that the high-ranking members of Tiangong have lofty morals, but the state of their realm, and they have nothing but public welfare to seek.

Like the "shrinking technique", which can bring about a technological revolution and destroy the world, as many as there are in Tiangong, it can destroy Blue Star's most powerful aircraft carrier fleet in 10 minutes.

Tiangong can't find a comparable hostile force in this world. If it is not for the common interests of all mankind, Gao Fei can't think of any other career worth pursuing.


Originating from the snow-capped mountains in the middle of Irian Island, the Digur River is 525 kilometers long, flows through the Savan Valley, and finally flows into the Arafura Bay. It is the most important water system in the southern part of Irian Island.

During the rainy season, the widest part of the river can reach two kilometers, and the two banks are either swamps or dense rainforests.

There is an ancient myth about the Asmat people who live in swamps and rainforests.

In mythology, the Digur River is also a mysterious "Styx", through which mortals can reach "Savan", and ghosts and gods can return to the world.

"Savan" is the underworld in Asmat mythology, the home of the ancestors' souls.

There are many two-way passages between the world and the underworld, and the Savannah Valley is the most famous entrance to the underworld.

In addition to the Savan Valley, there are many whirlpools on the Digul River. The Asmats believe that these whirlpools are also the entrance to Savannah, which can send the souls of drowning people to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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