Savior Simulator

Chapter 856 Spit Turkey

Chapter 856 Spit Turkey

The crane camel is said to be the third largest bird in the world, after the ostrich and the emu.

Gao Fei has seen both ostriches and emus in the zoo, but the crane camel on the boat is definitely much bigger than the ostrich or emu. It is two meters high from the back to the soles of the feet. It is simply a bird in disguise. Class of camels!
After inquiring about it with doubts, Gao Fei learned that it was a mutated crane camel, an animal companion that Pep took in, and he even gave it a funny nickname, "Turkey-breathing Chicken"!
Goofy opened the astrolabe out of curiosity, checked Pep's animal companions, and found that the nickname "turkey" is very appropriate.

The mutant crane camel is a "large magical beast (mutated animal)", challenge level 4, born with a strong physique, has 112 points of health, and its attributes are: strength 22, agility 15, constitution 20, intelligence 4, perception 15, charm 10.

In addition to the "toughness" talent, this big bird has also mastered combat specialties such as "dexterous movement", "powerful attack", "multiple attack" and "pounce".

Under normal circumstances, only feline beasts have the talent of "swooping". The mutant crane camel is one of the very few birds that are good at "swooping", and it can be called a veritable "bird of prey".

The bony protrusion on the head of the mutated crane camel, which resembles a helmet, can not only be used as a weapon, but also has the function of receiving sound waves.

The low-frequency sound waves emitted from the mouth of the mutated crane camel spread to the surroundings, reflected back when encountering obstacles, received by the bone helmet on the top of the head, and can understand the surrounding environment, similar to the "echo location" function of bats.

With its bone helmet and well-developed hearing, the mutant crane camel is equivalent to having the ability of "blind sight". While hunting in the dark dense forest, it can still sense the wind and grass around it.

Aboriginal people camping in the wild sometimes see cranes and camels pecking at embers and coke from the campfire. Chicken" nickname.

Gao Fei didn't expect that after the mutation, the crane camel would actually acquire a special physique that is immune to flames, and it could breathe flames like a red dragon.

Take Pep, a veritable "turkey-breathing chicken", who can spit out a flame every two rounds, covering a 30-foot cone-shaped space in front, or a 60-foot linear cluster spray.

Regardless of the breath pattern, it deals 6d6 points of burn damage to creatures in the area and ignites combustible objects such as wood.

On the other side of the hut, Tangning heard the roar of the diesel engine, and brought Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Ma Tao, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing to the pier to meet Pep and introduce them.

After everyone shook hands, Jiang Feng remembered that there was still a big pot of instant noodles cooking in the shed, so he invited Brother Pep to have some breakfast together.

Going back to the shed, Gao Fei saw Qi Tian’s spider angel standing in front of the burning stove, staring straight at the bubbling instant noodles in the big iron pot, and couldn’t stop swallowing. saliva.

The mutated echidna is not interested in human food, so it walks around the stove, sticking out its long and thin tongue from time to time, licking the ants attracted by the aroma of oil and coffee grounds.

There was a new member in the team, and Jiang Feng was worried that the breakfast would not be enough, so he asked Chef Gao if he wanted to order more.

This is of course not a problem.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and took out a string of sausages and two boxes of eggs.

The sausage is sliced ​​and thrown into the noodle soup to cook, then 24 poached eggs are added, and finally a handful of torn lemongrass is added to supplement dietary fiber.

After the noodles were cooked, the special police officers each took out their lunch boxes and gorged themselves around the stove.

Brother Pep's "Turkey-breathing Chicken" saw that the spider angel was also holding the iron basin, so he leaned over with his eyes full of eagerness.

Jiang Feng remembered the rumor that the crane camel swallowed live coals, so he took out an embers of firewood from the hearth and handed it to the turkey.

The turkey tilted its head, looked at the firewood wearily, and showed a trace of disdain in its eyes. It suddenly lowered its slender neck, took a poached egg from Jiang Feng's rice bowl, swallowed it whole, and smacked its mouth unsatisfied. .

Jiang Nvxia was stunned.

"This big bird has also developed a habit of eating cooked food following Pep," Tangning explained with a smile.

"It seems that the rice I cooked is very suitable for it, and the taste is good!" Gao Fei smiled and gave the turkey a thumbs up.

The clever turkey also nodded at him, like a noble diner, expressing his satisfaction at the chef's hospitality.

"Tch! This guy is quite good at showing off!"

Jiang Feng resentfully complained, while forking a soft-boiled poached egg from his boyfriend's bowl to make up for his loss.

Tangning put down the bowl and said to Pep, "Gao Fei and the others are newcomers, and they don't know much about the environment and customs in the south of Irian Island. Next, they will enter the primitive and wild Asmat area. What should be paid attention to during the trip? matter, you tell everyone.”

Under the gaze of everyone, Pep seemed a little shy, and thought for a while before speaking.

"I have three suggestions for you."

"First, mind your own business."

"Second, don't drink unboiled water, and don't bathe in the river."

"Third, remember to apply insect repellent ointment before going out."

This old man cherishes his words like gold, telling you what to pay attention to, but without explaining.

Fortunately, the three suggestions he gave are easy to understand.

Do not drink unboiled water, do not bathe in wild waters, all to avoid infection with parasites.

Apply insect repellent ointment, or in the indigenous way, apply a mixture of oils and herbs on the body, the purpose is to avoid mosquito bites, malaria and dengue fever are no joke.

As for the first piece of advice, "mind your own business", it is mainly out of customs and cultural considerations.

Outsiders do not understand the customs of the local aborigines, misunderstand due to cultural barriers, and then do bad things out of good intentions. Such farces happen from time to time.

For example, some Asmat tribes living in the deep jungle still retain the custom of polygamy. Foreign feminists can’t understand this bad custom and plan to change the custom locally. ...

Of course, it is not so easy to truly do as the Romans do, and it is not necessary.

"For example, some of the most traditional Asmat people still continue the custom of headhunting and even cannibalism to this day. Do foreign tourists have to go to the country to do as the Romans do, killing and eating people with them?"

Tangning smiled and shook her head, then said to Gao Fei and the others:

"Stop gossiping, meddle in other people's business, and ensure your own safety. If the natives are interested in our heads and attack, we are forced to defend ourselves or even kill each other, and we don't need to feel guilty."

"In Asmat's traditional culture, killing and being killed are both indispensable links in the life cycle. There is no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong, this is the law of nature."

(End of this chapter)

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