Savior Simulator

Chapter 806 Variation Echidna

Chapter 806 Variation Echidna
"Revenge for Yingzuo Bird, and vent your anger. Is this enough reason?"

Gao Fei smiled lazily at classmate Pony.

"Don't just think about nature. Nature is 45 billion years old. What big scenes haven't you experienced? There's no need for mere mortals like ants to be sentimental."

"On issues that don't involve the bottom line of being a human being, instead of following the mainstream moral standards against my will and waving the flag, I would rather do as I please, and just seek to understand one idea."

Ma Yun froze for a moment, her eyes became a little confused.

"Although Gao Fei's attitude is not politically correct, I like it."

Jiang Feng smiled and waved out a "Yang Yan Palm", which instantly evaporated a large group of ants.

At the same time, Wang Daqing also smashed the electric baton on the ground, and few ants were directly electrocuted, but the thunder that erupted afterwards killed all the ants within 20 feet.

Tangning seemed touched by Gao Fei's words just now. She took a deep look at him and then unbuttoned her jacket.

"Sister Tang, you want to make a move too?" Ma Yun asked in surprise.

Tang Ning's exclusive occupation is "String of Nature", similar to a Druid. It stands to reason that he is an environmentalist whose mission is to maintain ecological balance. Why would he take action to eliminate ant colonies?

Tangning handed Ma Yun the jacket she took off, and said calmly, "I respect the laws of nature, but I also hate ants."

As soon as the words fell, her body disintegrated into countless birds of paradise, like a cloud of colorful clouds pounced on the bird's nest, pecking at the ants.

Qi Tian lacked group attack methods, and his big mantis didn't have any moves suitable for dealing with ant colonies, so he could only watch the fun from the sidelines.

"We walked all the way, and we didn't see half of the ant nest. How could there be a large group of ants nearby?"

Qi Tian looked around, wondering to himself.

"Xiaotian, that's a group of army ants, and there's a shoveling ant nest!"

Ma Tao scolded with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Huh? Don't army ants build nests?"

Not only Qi Tian was surprised, but Gao Fei also heard of it for the first time, so he quickly turned on his phone and Googled it.

Just like what Ma Tao said, army ants do not have the habit of building nests. They are like a group of ferocious rogues. .

At this time, there was a rustling sound in the bushes, as if something was peeking out.

Gao Fei turned his head to look at the place where the abnormal movement came from. The shadow covered by the branches and leaves looked like a wild boar.

The mutated praying mantis next to Qi Tian was very vigilant, and immediately raised its catching foot, and squeaked at the bushes to remind its owner to be careful.

Ma Tao raised a finger and hissed, signaling his companion not to disturb the guy hiding in the dark.

The unknown beast in the bushes hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't stand the temptation, and bravely crawled out.

This guy is as strong as a wild boar, with an off-white head, brown fur, and needles of different lengths on his back.

Strangest of all is its mouth, which looks like a curved tube.

"What is this, it looks so strange!" Qi Tian was full of doubts.

"It's a bit like a hedgehog..." Ma Tao guessed.

"How can there be such a big hedgehog!" Ma Yun shook her head again and again.

"Or a porcupine."

"The mouth of a porcupine is not like that," Goofy said in a low voice.

The strange animal with thorns all over its body seemed to see that Gao Fei and the others had no intention of harming itself. It trotted past them all the way, approached the nest of the camp mound, and stuck out a long and thin tongue from its tubular snout, skillfully Prey on army ants.

The monster's tongue was covered with mucus, and after sweeping around in the grass, it was covered with dense army ants. It retracted into its mouth, chewed slowly, and it was delicious!

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei realized why its mouth looked like this. It turned out to be an anteater-like animal with a slender, tubular mouth, which is conducive to exploring the ant nest in depth.

Gao Fei raised his phone to take a photo of it, and used the image search function to find the corresponding species. The most reasonable answer seemed to be an animal called echidna.

The echidna looks like a hedgehog, but in fact it is far from the hedgehog in terms of kinship, but a close relative of the platypus, a relatively primitive mammal.

The thorns on the hedgehog are solid and grow firmly on the body. There are no barbs, and they cannot be shot out to hurt people.

The spines on the echidna's body are hollow and barbed. It is said that they can be shot out like arrows. After a period of time, new needles will grow at the place where they fell off.

Irian Island happens to be one of the main habitats for echidnas, and this one is also true.

However, the problem is that the echidna is about the size of a hedgehog, but this one is like a wild boar, which is ridiculously big!
After a little thought, Gao Fei could only come up with a logical guess.

The echidna in front of me is probably a new species that has been mutated by magic.

He opened the astrolabe to investigate, and the result gave him a small surprise.

In Tiangong's database, you can find ordinary echidnas, but this large mutant has not been included yet.

"Xiao Tian, ​​that's a mutant echidna, are you interested in domesticating it as a second natural companion?" Gao Fei asked Qi Tian.

"Okay, let me try!" Qi Tian rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Beware of the echidna's spines, it is said that they can be shot out like crossbow arrows to stab people." Ma Tao reminded.

"Brother Xiaotian, go boldly! I'll cover you!"

Like a robot cat, Ma Yun found a simple tower shield made of thick wood from the astrolabe, and activated it with a spell.

The activated tower shield floated into the air, and under Ma Yun's mental control, it floated towards the mutated echidna along with Qi Tian.

The mutated echidna, which was devouring the army ants, maintained a high level of vigilance. When it noticed that Qi Tian was approaching, it immediately let out a roar of "Yo Yo", which was full of warning.

"Hey, big furball, don't be so fierce! I just want to get to know you and make friends."

Qi Tian's hippie smile looks like a hooligan who stops a pretty girl on the street and asks for WeChat.

Relying on the beast tamer's professional ability "wild identity", plus a perception attribute of up to 20 points, Qi Tian was always able to easily tame wild animals in the past, but today he was a little surprised.

The mutated echidna didn't like him, turned his back to the sky, raised his spiked butt, and shot four spikes at him with the sound of breaking wind!

Fortunately, Ma Yun reacted quickly enough to remotely control the floating tower shield in time to block Qi Tian, ​​and all four spikes were blocked by the shield.

The two-foot-long spikes, nailed to the one-inch-thick shield, pierced through it, revealing a little edge!

Such strong penetrating power!

Gao Fei watched from the side, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

The spikes shot by the mutated echidna may not be as powerful as rifle bullets, at least not inferior to strong bows and crossbows.

(End of this chapter)

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