Chapter 805

Gao Fei hurried two steps, climbed the hillside, and came to the side of Xiao Ma.

"The richest man, what's wrong?"

"Look over there, there's a strange big bump on the grass!"

Looking in the direction of her finger, I saw a cone-shaped soil bump on the grass opposite, about two meters high and four meters in diameter, which at first glance looked like a grave mound.

Gao Fei approached and observed curiously, and found that the top of the mound was covered with a thick layer of leaves, emitting a rotten smell.

"This mound doesn't seem to be formed naturally..." Ma Yun was thoughtful, "Either it is the tomb of the local aborigines, or some kind of religious altar, like the Nima mound in Tibet."

Tang Ning also walked over, hearing Ma Yun's guess, couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Tang, what are you laughing at?"

"Xiaoyun, I'm thinking that travelers from different places, when exposed to strange things in a strange land, often make similar interpretations based on their own experiences, perhaps this reflects the deep structure of cultural similarities in various countries. "

"However, this kind of interpretation by putting oneself in the other's place can occasionally lead to misunderstandings. The so-called 'Orientalism' is probably the product of such misunderstandings."

"Good guy! Sister Tang, you are talking about structuralism and orientalism. We science students can't stand it!"

Ma Yun scratched her head.

"Well, I'm speaking humanly. When the western colonists who set foot on this land two centuries ago, when they first saw these big mounds covered with leaves, they thought the same as you, and they thought it was the tomb of the local aborigines. mound."

"Until the 19s, a naturalist who came to the island for investigation had a whim: why not peel off the pile of leaves and see what's inside?"

"Oh! And then?" Xiao Ma asked excitedly.

"This scholar scraped open the mound and found that it was full of damp and rotten branches and leaves. Among the rotten and fermented plants, there were a few bird eggs hidden." Tangning revealed the answer with a smile.

"Oh! I see! The heat generated by the compost fermentation is used to hatch the eggs!" Ma Yun clapped her hands excitedly, "So this is the nest of the camping bird!"

"Should we tear open the bird's nest and see if there are any eggs inside?"

Jiang Feng picked up the stick, eager to poke the bird's nest.

"Forget it, forget it, don't do such immoral things!" Gao Fei hurriedly stopped his girlfriend.

"I have seen this kind of bird in a documentary. It is said that it is mainly distributed in Oceania and nearby tropical islands. The camping bird does not incubate its own eggs, but lays its eggs in rotting leaves and soil mounds, and releases them when the organic matter decays. The heat hatches the chicks."

While recalling, Ma Yun took out her mobile phone and snapped a quick photo of the camp bird's nest.

"You may not be able to imagine that such a large mound of soil and the one-meter-deep hole inside were all dug out by male birds alone. The amount of work is equivalent to a man building a building alone!" Tangning told Man Introduced by curious visitors.

"Good guy, this bare-handed construction... No, it should be said that it is the ability to build with bare claws, even the Australian brother sighs."

Gao Fei sighed.

"Only male birds build nests?" Jiang Feng asked wonderingly, "Don't female birds work together?"

Tangning shook her head and smiled, "When the male camping birds are busy on the big leaves, they will drive the females away. They will not call the females over until the nests are completed and lay eggs in the nests."

"It's also the male who looks after the nest and the eggs during the long days when the eggs hatch, digging a hole in the mound from time to time and sticking his head in to check the temperature to make sure the nest is always at the temperature needed for the eggs to hatch. .”

"It's not until seven weeks later that the chicks are out of their shells and emerging from the pile of leaves, and the male is not considered done."

After listening to Tangning's narration, everyone respected Xiongying Zhongniao a little more. He could be called a model husband among birds.

Only Qi Tian was disapproving, and complained in a low voice: "The habit of the male camping bird... can be said to be a typical bird among Guo Nan."

It's a good joke.

But for various reasons, everyone pretended not to hear.

The special policemen continued to walk forward with a smile, and came to a sparse bush. Suddenly there was a sound like a rooster crowing in the forest.

"What is that movement?" Gao Fei listened attentively.

"It's like the chirping of a bird in a camp." Tangning frowned slightly, "The bird's chirping is rapid and intense, as if it has encountered a natural enemy."

Hearing what she said, Gao Fei became more and more curious.

Anyway, it was on the way, so I led my companions to have a look.

A group of seven people walked lightly into the bushes.

In the open space in the middle of the forest, there stands a pile of bird's nests made of mixed soil and leaves.

Countless dark brown ants surrounded the bird's nest, busily moving in and out.

The number of ants is so numerous that it makes one's scalp tingle. At first glance, it looks like brown waves undulating on the grass.

A big bird that looks like a rooster stands on a branch of a tree. Its feathers and comb are black and blue, shining with metallic luster. Looking at the nest that has been invaded by ants, it makes a sad and helpless cry.

"Is that a camping bird on the tree?" Jiang Feng asked Tangning in a low voice, "Why does it look a bit like a rooster?"

"The male camping bird always looks like this," Tangning replied.

"Sister Feng, the Yingzhong bird belongs to the order Galliformes, a close relative of the pheasant." Ma Yun added.

At this time, Gao Fei noticed a group of ants crawling out from the depths of the nest, dragging together a group of fluffy little things.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was a small camping bird that had just hatched. Before it could open its eyes, it was surrounded and killed by ants, dragged out of the nest, and planned to share and eat.

The other ants, smelling the smell of blood, also frantically gathered around, scrambling to eat the young birds.

The father bird hiding on the tree branch spread his wings in grief and indignation when he saw this scene, but he didn't dare to jump down to fight against the crazy ant colony, so he could only let out a helpless cry.

"MD! I can't stand it anymore!"

Wang Daqing couldn't bear it anymore, pulled out his electric baton, blessed "Thunder Slash", and strode towards the bird's nest.

"Brother Daqing! Don't be impulsive——"

Ma Yun tried to dissuade Wang Daqing, but was pulled back by Gao Fei.

"The richest man, let Brother Daqing go."

"But ant colonies are not evil. They are part of the local ecosystem and occupy a stable niche in the food chain. It does seem cruel to devour young birds, but this is a normal predation behavior, and we have no reason to interfere .”

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing at the serious look of classmate Xiao Ma.

"Richest man, don't forget that we are also a part of the ecosystem. Ant colonies preying on young birds is in line with the laws of nature. It is only right and proper. Brother Daqing sees that the ant colonies are unhappy, so it is also a reasonable behavior to exterminate them."

"You're making excuses!" Ma Yun said unconvinced, "The ant colony hunts birds for survival, and we don't eat ants, so why kill them when we have nothing to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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