Savior Simulator

Chapter 787 Mind Blast

Chapter 787 Mind Blast
The group deterrent effect caused by "Mind Blast" is very powerful, and what's even more rare is that it comes with instant special effects, which can be activated with only one bonus or reaction action.

This also means that when Gao Fei is attacked, he can use "Mind Blast" as a means of counterattack to interrupt the opponent's offensive!
"Ms. Metatron, you are really generous!"

After receiving the benefits from others, Gao Fei's impression of the octopus-headed witch also changed.

The "Blast Spirit Seal" is not Gao Fei's own power, and the "Mind Blast" that was inspired has nothing to do with his own spiritual attributes. The difficulty of the will save depends on the Metatron who stamped him with the Spirit Seal.

As a general rule, the difficulty (DC) of a certain spell or supernatural ability's saving throw is determined by both proficiency modifiers and mental attributes.

Metatron relies on the manifestation of intelligence, and the proficiency correction is positively related to the level. After passing the "Shocking Spirit Seal" up to 30 immunity difficulty, it is not difficult for Gao Fei to find that Metatron's level and intelligence attributes are both Ridiculously high!

The ringtone of the incoming call interrupted Gao Fei's thoughts.

"We're having skewers at the restaurant, are you coming?"

Jiang Feng's voice came from the astrolabe.

"Leave me two big waists, I'll be there soon!"

"Hey! Good you bastard, you want to eat roasted kidneys now, what else do you want to do at night, I can't even think about it!"

Gao Fei almost said "I'll eat you tonight", but fortunately he stopped in time.

It would be embarrassing if Ma Tao and the others heard about it.

After filling the small bowl for Huzi with cat food, Gao Fei went to the Tiangong Restaurant to meet his teammates.

"Brother Fei! Here we come!" Ma Tao greeted with a smile, and casually handed over a skewer of roasted lamb kidneys.

Gao Fei sat next to his girlfriend, took a bite of the skewers, and said to Ma Tao: "You asked me to ask the station master if you can take Li Jiajia with you on a business trip. I asked, and the station master said that their team 12 had other arrangements. Go back and explain to Jiajia."

"No need to explain, Jiajia has received a message from the station master. Tomorrow afternoon, she, Hao Le, Han Sheng, and Gangzi will form a team to go to Xiangjiang, join Lin Qi and their 01 team, and arrest the drug dealer Huang to confess. Mutant criminal gang." Ma Tao said while smoking a cigarette.

"It seems that the phenomenon of hero drug abuse is very serious!" Wang Daqing frowned and calculated, "Although the probability of mutation after persuading the drug is only one in a thousand, it cannot stand the large base. If one tenth of the world's population has taken hero Drugs, there are 60 mutants, even if only one tenth of the drug addicts commit crimes, the harm caused is more serious than the outbreak of the devil's tide...Grandma's! Just thinking about it makes me dizzy!"

"That's why I really don't understand why the higher-ups of Tiangong tolerate the 'Holy Blood Knights' to survive until today. This kind of dangerous sign should be completely suppressed from the very beginning!"

Ma Yun couldn't help complaining about the inaction of the top management.

"I don't think popularizing hero medicine is a bad thing. The problem is that this matter cannot be entrusted to black-hearted capitalists who are only interested in profit." Wang Daqing took a sip of beer and said seriously: "Industries that are related to the destiny of all mankind can only be handed over to the government or the like." Only when a public welfare organization like Tiangong is responsible can people feel at ease."

"Brother Daqing, there is one thing to say, the government or public welfare organizations may not be reliable!" Qi Tian shook his head and sneered, "If I was born in a strange small country, and the president was a big warlord who came to power in a coup, the so-called public welfare organizations would all bring An NGO for political purposes, the whole country is in a mess, every day in the streets and alleys for zero yuan, I might as well turn to black-hearted capitalists!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a moment.

"Xiaotian's words are reasonable!" Ma Tao took the lead to break the silence, "In fact, everyone lives in an information cocoon and can only judge right from wrong based on their own experience, and you and I are no exception."

"We feel that the government is more reliable than the company. Tiangong is a non-profit organization that wholeheartedly cares for the well-being of all mankind. Others do not necessarily think so. They do have reasons to believe that a strong government will inevitably suppress individual freedom, and they have reasons to believe that non-profit organizations have unreasonable interests. denounced political purposes."

"Take the registration and certification of mutants as an example. In China, the implementation is not bad. Most mutants are willing to register in Tiangong, accept supervision, and promise not to abuse superpowers. But abroad, this incident has caused very strong backlash."

"Mutants abroad generally believe that requiring them to register with Tiangong seriously violates their privacy. As for how to use superpowers, it is purely personal freedom, and neither Tiangong nor the governments of other countries have the right to interfere."

"Some particularly radical mutants even publicly put forward a claim: In the current situation where there is no express law ruling superpower crimes, even using superpowers to kill people is innocent—because there is no legal provision to sanction them."

"Of course, these crazy views should be opposed, but think about it in your own shoes. If you are a mutant who keeps yourself safe and has done nothing wrong, but you are strictly supervised because your power is too dangerous, can you accept it calmly?"

The question Ma Tao asked reminded Gao Fei of a Marvel movie he had seen before.

Originally belonging to the same camp, the American team and Iron Man had disagreements over whether the superheroes should be responsible for the accidental injuries caused during the execution of their righteous mission, and whether they should accept government supervision. They once turned against each other.

Sitting in the movie theater at that time, I am afraid that I would never have imagined that the fictional story on the big screen will be staged in reality in the near future...

It seemed that they felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, and everyone turned to chatting about some lighter topics.

Including Gao Fei, none of the six members of Team 05 had any experience of traveling abroad, and they knew nothing about Irian Island, a place that lacks a sense of presence in the international community.

After searching on Baidu, I realized that Irian Island is located on the south side of the equator and north of Oceania. The island covers an area of ​​nearly 80 square kilometers. It is actually the second largest island in the world after Greenland!

Irian Island is administratively divided into east and west parts. The east side belongs to the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, and the west side belongs to the Irian Jaya Province under the Republic of Batavia - which is the purpose of Gao Fei and others' business trip land.

The enemies Gao Fei and his party faced this time were mainly mutants and mutant monsters from the "Holy Blood Knights".In addition to the so-called "Twelve Apostles" and "Twelve Angels", the organization also has a large and well-equipped mercenary group.

Being on duty overseas is different from domestic ones. You are not familiar with the place and cannot get the support of the local government. This trip must be extremely difficult and dangerous, and everyone feels unprecedented pressure.

To be on the safe side, Gao Fei suggested that his teammates make full preparations before departure.

"If you still have experience points in stock, don't waste it. Try to upgrade your main and sub-professions as much as possible. Now that you increase your strength, you will have more security when you are on duty."

(End of this chapter)

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