Savior Simulator

Chapter 775 Orphan Twist

Chapter 775 Orphan Twist
In fact, that kind old gentleman, Mr. Brownlow, has been looking for the illegitimate son of his late friend Edwin all these years, and Oliver is the son of his old friend he is looking for so hard.

Before his death, Edwin left part of the family property to the illegitimate son, and entrusted Brownlow to retrieve Oliver, who was taken away by his mother since childhood, as the child's guardian.

Mr. Brownlow went to the hospital where Oliver was born, and finally found out his life experience. He was about to go home and tell him the good news. Because of his own fault, the kind-hearted Brownlow family was implicated.

Mr. Brownlow was eager to find little Oliver back, so he posted missing person notices on the street, offering a reward of two thousand gold pounds.

The three homeless men saw the missing person notice and remembered that they saw little Oliver fishing by the river the day before yesterday, and heard that the child said that he would go to Mrs. Freddy's workhouse to make a living.

Obsessed with money, the three rushed to the workhouse excitedly to ask the Freddys if they had taken in a street boy named Oliver Drizzt.

Seeing that these three guys had ulterior motives, Mrs. Freddy cast a charm spell to induce them to tell about the reward.

The Freddys saw no point in dividing the bounty among the three tramps, so they killed them and hung them up in the slaughterhouse in the basement for breakfast for the foster sons of the ogre.

After some inquiries, the couple learned that Oliver Jr. was the heir to the property of a deceased rich man in the city.

Mrs. Freddy originally planned to fatten up the skinny little Oliver and eat him. When she heard the news, the old hag became greedy and couldn't bear to eat little Oliver.

The couple conspired to use little Oliver to seize the inheritance of Edwin's family.

It's a pity that little Oliver didn't listen to them, angered Freddie and his wife, locked him in the basement, let him reflect on it.

Knowing the ins and outs of the whole incident, Gao Fei and his party sent little Oliver to Mr. Brownlow's house.

The old man Brownlow was very grateful, and he readily distributed 2000 gold pounds to the four of them according to the reward price marked on the missing person notice, as a reward for finding the child.

After completing this side mission, Gao Fei said to Lisa with emotion: "Little Oliver escaped from the devil's lair and inherited a large amount of inheritance. It can be said that he survived a catastrophe, and there must be future blessings."

At this time, the system sent a reminder to reach the milestone of the plot, and the energy of the astrolabe +1!

Goofy's Mimic is upgraded to level 8.

HP +7 (58), attribute +1 (charisma 21).

Attribute replacement, upgrade from "proficient" to "proficient".


Proficient in replacement: Meditate for 1 minute to complete attribute replacement.


Gao Fei's magic pet "Eye of the Bead Ball" has also been upgraded to a level with his master.


The imitator is promoted to level 8, and 12 of the 8 "Magic Masks" develop new abilities.

"Berserker Mask" has added "Wild Intuition", which is equivalent to gaining the benefits of "Intuitive Evasion" and "Reflex Evasion" at the same time.

"Rogue mask," sneak attack damage roll increased to 4d6.

"Poet's Mask", learned "Shenqu Comedy".

During the performance, abnormal mental states such as "rage", "fear" and "charm" can be suppressed within 60 feet around.

"Mask of the Priest", channel power up to 4d6.

"Ranger mask", learn "walking through the forest", walk on quicksand, mud, ice and overgrown difficult terrain, the speed will not be affected, and will not be entangled by activated plants.

Gao Fei's "Warlock Mask" has always retained the 1-ring "Entanglement Technique" imitated from the tree spirit Enya, which can be combined with "Linbu Step" to form a simple and practical tactical combination.

Wear "Warlock Mask" and "Ranger Mask" at the same time, and then spread "Entanglement" on the battlefield.

It seems that both the enemy and the enemy are trapped by vines, but in fact only the enemy suffers. Gao Fei himself can use the "forest walk" to freely shuttle among the vines everywhere, gaining a huge advantage in mobility.

This routine is applicable to all terrestrial hostile creatures!

Miss Lisa plays a very important role in this chapter, and she performed brilliantly. At the end of the main storyline, she was promoted to level 7 "Judger".


One of them, the 3-ring divine spell that had to be chosen in the "judgment domain", was the extremely cost-effective "dispel spell".

The second 3-ring divine spell can be chosen at will, as long as it does not conflict with one's own beliefs.

Gao Fei suggested that Lisa take "Spiritual Body Guard" as an elective.

This 3rd-level divine spell can create a spherical enchantment that moves with the caster itself, with a radiating radius of 15 feet.

Hostile creatures that enter the area take 3d6 points of radiant damage each round and have their movement speed halved.

Compared with mages or warlocks, a major weakness of priests is the lack of field-controlling spells.

For example, "greasy spell", "shining dust" and "spider web spell" are not included in the list of regular divine spells. If a priest wants to learn such spells, he can only choose the corresponding field, and the field is related to belief and professional model. You can choose.

In this case, the "spiritual body guard", which has the dual effects of "killing" and "controlling the field", is extremely valuable.

In particular, Lisa, a female clergyman with a weak natural strength attribute, is inferior to those macho priests who are used to wearing heavy armor, holding a large shield, and wielding a morning star hammer to knock people's heads. The shortcoming of melee.

Sister Claire has been promoted to level 7 "Beast Tamer", HP+8 (54).

Automatically learn the 2nd ring "Transformation", awaken the "telepathy" ability, and can share life with animal companions.

Mario is promoted to level 8 thief, HP+8 (61), attribute +1 (agility 21), and has learned "stealth expert".


Stealth Expert: When the character is in the shadows, he will automatically enter the invisible state.


This chapter is perfectly cleared, and Goofy gets a reward job, which is Carl Freddy's "Warrior".

It's a pity that he has already taken this job in the two-player module "Hong Kong Raiders", which is a bit of a waste.

Among all the pure kitchen knife professions, the strongest on the offensive end is recognized as "Berserker", and the strongest on the defensive end is undoubtedly the warrior.

Gao Fei dares to say that no one understands "Berserker" better than him.

But even in terms of attack power, he didn't think that Berserkers would definitely win over Warriors.

In the PK between the two sides, the Berserker must output damage with all his strength in the shortest possible time, and strive for a set to take the Warrior away.

If the warrior is beaten to the brim, but fails to complete the beheading, I am afraid that something terrible will happen next...

The three bonus feats in this chapter are "Proficient in Shield Bash", "Proficient in Blocking" and "Wild Casting".


(End of this chapter)

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