Savior Simulator

Chapter 774 Crying in the Secret Room

Chapter 774 Crying in the Secret Room
In the basement, Goofy, Lisa, Claire, and Mario are all listening in on Carl Freddy's confession.

Only Simba the lion, who had no interest in what the man had done, wandered around like a police dog, sniffing here and there.

The lion returned to the kitchen where he had fought just now, smelled the corpse of the displacement beast, shook his head in disgust, turned around and walked towards the fireplace, poking his head into the hearth curiously.

At this time, a slight movement suddenly came from the inside of the wall next to the hearth, which aroused the vigilance of the big cat.

Simba leaned over and put his ear against the wall to listen, as if he had sensed something, he turned his head and growled at the door repeatedly.

Gao Fei heard the lion's roar and turned his head in surprise: "Simba, what's wrong?"

"It seems to have found a secret door." The taming girl communicated with her lion, "Musk, let's go and have a look, maybe there are other secrets hidden in this basement."

Mario and Lisa leave Carl Freddy behind to watch, and Goofy follows Claire back to the next kitchen.

As soon as they got to the lion, the two heard a slight cry from behind the wall.

"That's the movement!" Claire patted his forehead, "I almost forgot, when we sneaked in, I heard a child crying in the kitchen, so it was hidden here!"

Gao Fei switched out the "thief mask", looked closely at the wall, and soon found a switch disguised as a wall lamp bracket. When he pressed it down, the wall slammed and slowly opened to one side.

At the same time, Gao Fei received a prompt from the system for a side mission: rescue the street boy Oliver Drizzt!
Behind the secret door, there is only a small room like a birdcage. Except for the fist-sized ventilation window, there is no other channel to communicate with the outside world.

A boy in shabby clothes and a peaked cap curled up in a corner with his knees hugged.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the boy raised his head, his delicate face was stained with tears, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Don't be afraid, kid, we're not bad people." Claire softly comforted the frightened boy.

The boy said nothing, and seemed to distrust strangers.

Gao Fei saw what he was worried about, and said gently: "Freddy and his wife have been punished, we came here specially to rescue the homeless children who were abducted by this evil couple, if you are one of them, you might as well tell us about your experience, maybe We can get you a better place than a workhouse."

After hearing his words, the boy finally felt relieved, stood up trembling, and prayed excitedly.

"Good lady, kind sir, you must have come from heaven, you are the angels sent by the Lord to save me!"

Gao Fei smiled helplessly and asked him, "What's your name?"

"Oliver Drizzt is at your service." The boy politely took off his hat and bowed.

"Wow~ you are very polite!" Claire smiled and praised the boy, "You look like a little gentleman."

"I don't dare to take that." Little Oliver showed embarrassment, "I'm just an unseemly illegitimate child, a lonely waif, thanks to the kind Mr. Brownlow who took me in, regardless of my humble origin, and taught me I can read and write."

"According to this, you have been adopted by a kind family. Why do you want to go back to the street and the workhouse?"

Claire asked in surprise.

"Well..." Little Oliver scratched his head in embarrassment, "Miss, I used to be a member of a group of bad boys. They asked me to steal things. If I didn't want to, they ganged up and beat me up. I was beaten We were beaten badly and had to be at their mercy."

"I was very happy at the Brownlow's house, which made my friends on the street very unhappy. They asked me to steal Mr. Brownlow's money in private. I refused and said I had quit. They threatened to tell Mr. Brownlow that I was also a street pickpocket and let him kick me out..." Little Oliver's eyes were red.

"What a bunch of despicable little hooligans!" Clare said angrily, "This kind of scum deserves to be eaten by the old hag!"

"Sister! Don't talk nonsense!" Gao Fei quickly interrupted the red-haired girl, and then asked Oliver, "So you gave in?"

"I don't." Little Oliver shook his head stubbornly. "Let me steal Mr. Brownlow's money and repay my kindness with revenge. I would never do such a thing."

"and after?"

"I refused the threats from my friends on the street, but I was afraid that they would reveal the bad things I had done. I thought that rather than waiting until Mr. Brownlow learned the truth and kicked me out of the house, I might as well be smart and pack up and leave."

"In this way, I went back to the streets and resumed my status as a street child."

"Not a few days later, I saw a missing person notice posted on the gas lamppost on the street. It was Mr. Brownlow who was looking for me. He also said that he would forgive me for the mistakes I made in the past due to ignorance, and hoped that I could return to him as soon as possible. beside……"

Little Oliver couldn't help sobbing.

"The more kindly Mr. Brownlow treats me and forgives me, the more I feel inferior. I don't want to damage his reputation because of my background and bad deeds..."

"It's fine if you don't want to go back to Brownlow's house, why did you come to the workhouse again?" Claire asked.

"Because... there is food to eat here." The boy said the truth with embarrassment.

"When I beg on the street, I may not always meet well-meaning people to give alms, but here with Mrs. Freddy, as long as I work hard to help her with the work, such as sweeping the floor, chopping firewood, washing clothes, etc., I can always get a piece of black bread to satisfy my hunger."

"Hehe! Our philanthropist, Mrs. Freddy, won't give you bread for nothing. If you eat her bread, you have to be careful not to be eaten by her." Claire sneered.

Little Oliver shuddered, and his face lost all color.

"My friends on the street also said that Mrs. Freddy was not a good person. The orphans she adopted would soon be sent to a ship to be sold abroad to grow cotton in chains on a colonial plantation... ...But I didn't expect that the truth is more terrifying than the legend."

"Did you see the corpse hanging on the hook outside?" Gao Fei asked.

"Well, those three unlucky fellows .

Little Oliver answered with a sob.

"Well, poor child, the nightmare is over, and you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Claire patted the boy's head sympathetically.

Goofy asked Claire to stay here to appease the boy, and went back to the next room by himself, letting Lisa continue to interrogate Carl Freddy, why should a waif be locked up in the brig.

Carl Freddy's confession was somewhat unexpected.

It turned out that Oliver Drizzt, a little tramp, had a more tortuous background than he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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