Savior Simulator

Chapter 768 The Freddys

Chapter 768 The Freddys

"My dear, don't worry! When I put on my armor, take my shield and my sword, I'll go down and chop those thieves into pieces, so that you and the children can have a good meal!"

From the upstairs room, a man's rough voice came.

"Oh! Carl, what nonsense are you talking about? He's not a man-eating monster!" Mrs. Freddy glanced at Gao Fei and the others vigilantly, and turned to complain to her husband: "If you want to scare the thief in this way, I'm afraid it's useless... In my opinion, they are very brave!"

"Honey, if there are only those little thieves downstairs, you are fully capable of getting rid of them by yourself."

From the upstairs room came Carl Freddy's impatient reply.

"My dear, the more you talk, the more you go too far, you must have drunk too much!" Mrs. Freddy pretended to be wronged, "I am just a weak little woman, you husband, how can you let me face the cruelty alone? Where are the thieves! It's terrible!"

"Enough!" Lisa couldn't bear it any longer, "Temperor! I've seen your true colors, stop acting like this lame scene!"

The Judge cannot rub sand in his eyes.

With the help of "Detecting Thoughts" and "Detecting Lies", Lisa has already seen that Mrs. Freddy is talking nonsense.

If this woman really had any fears, it wasn't the strangers who broke into the house at night, but she was worried that the other party would escape from her palm and expose the bloody deeds she committed in the basement of the workhouse.

Mrs. Freddy pretended to be a weak woman, only to buy time, so that her husband and adopted ogre sons could come to help her against the intruders and catch them all.

"I'm sorry, the three ogres that you and your wife raised, as well as the displacement beast, have already been dealt with by us."

Lisa directly broke Mrs. Freddy's mind, and then used the "command technique".

"The temptress with bloody hands, get out of here and subdue me!"

The magical edict was imposed on Mrs. Freddy, but it failed to achieve the effect Lisa expected.

The temptress just changed her face slightly, but she resisted the "command technique" with willpower, and still stood motionless at the top of the stairs.

"If you don't listen to good advice, don't blame us for being rough!"

Claire sneered and whistled.

Simba the Lion, following orders from his mistress, galloped up the stairs, tried to throw Mrs. Freddy down, and dragged her down.

"Ha! Stupid bastard, do you really think I'm easy to bully!"

Mrs. Freddy smiled ferociously, dodged the lion's pounce calmly, pulled on her slippers, and kicked Simba seemingly casually.

The lion seemed to be hit by a shell, and its sturdy body floated up into the air. It was kicked by Mrs. Freddy and fell heavily down the stairs, vomiting blood and screaming in pain.

Seeing this scene, Mario, Claire and Lisa were all stunned.

Gao Fei was also secretly speechless.

Worth!This woman has so much strength!
Quickly replacing the "Paladin Mask" with the "Priest Mask", Gao Fei ran to Simba's side to heal him and restore his blood.

As soon as the lion stood up, there was the sound of heavy footsteps at the top of the stairs. A middle-aged man in chain mail, holding a steel shield, and a large sword slung across his back appeared beside Mrs. Freddy, looking down vigilantly.

"He is Carl Freddy!" Mario reminded his companions in a low voice.

"Huh? Aren't you the Mario Ricardo who came to my house during the day?" Mr. Freddy's eyes fell on Mario's face, "Break into a private house in the middle of the night, what are you trying to do!"

"Hehe...Mr. Freddy, what good things did you and your wife do in private, haven't you figured it out yet?" Mario asked back with a sneer.

Carl Freddy's expression changed immediately, and he pulled out the great sword slanted behind him with his backhand.

The cold air emanating from the blade was as cold as the killing intent in his eyes!
Gao Fei immediately saw that Carl Freddy was holding a cold-type enchanted weapon.

Although it is not yet at the level of "Shuangming", it can be called a rare sword.

In addition, the heavy steel shield held by Freddy's left hand also emitted magical fluctuations.

Gao Fei quietly opened the astrolabe to check the details of Carl Freddy.


The "combat style" that Carl Freddy is good at is dual wielding of sword and shield, and he has also mastered "Strength", "Proficient in Blocking", "Proficient in Shield Bash", "Proficient in Heavy Attack", "Powerful Attack", "Following the Trend" Slash" and "Whirlwind" and other feats.

In terms of professional ability, the most important thing to watch out for is the warrior's unique "perseverance" - every 20% drop in health, the attack roll, immunity resistance and weapon damage will be upgraded by a level, literally meaning that the more frustrated the stronger.

Goofy also wanted to check the details of Mrs. Freddy, but Carl Freddy jumped down the stairs suddenly, so he had to close the astrolabe first and focus on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

Lisa, Claire, and Mario, who had long been wary of the actions of the Freddy couple, immediately showed their pistols, long whips, and hand crossbows, and attacked Carl Freddy in mid-air.

In the closed basement, the sound of gunfire was extremely loud.

The bullets Lisa shot at Carl Freddy and the crossbow bolts Mario shot were all bounced off by the +1 heavy steel shield in the opponent's hand, and sparks burst out in mid-air.

Only the leather whip swung by the Beast Taming Girl hit Carl Freddy firmly, causing 6 points of damage, and wrapped around his waist by the way.

With all her strength, Claire whipped Carl Freddy, who was in mid-air, out.

Unexpectedly, this man was unflappable in the face of danger, he kicked the wall with his foot, bounced back with his strength, and swung the Frost Great Sword in the air.

The sharp sword blade contained extremely cold magic power, as if an ice storm was blowing out of thin air, and the bitter sword energy enveloped everyone on the ground.

Goofy, Lisa, Mario, and Claire retreated in a hurry, dodging the "whirlwind" move in a dangerous way.

The lion Simba was the closest to Carl Freddy, and he couldn't dodge for a while. He was hit by a big sword, and blood was spattered on the spot!


A huge bloody wound opened on the lion's back, and a layer of crimson frost condensed on the flesh cut by the sharp blade.

Mrs. Freddy seemed to enjoy the lion's lamentation, and stood on the stairs gloating and laughing.

Gao Fei ignored the investigation of this temptress, quickly drew his gun, and fired two shots at Carl Freddy who had already landed on both feet, preventing him from chasing and killing Simba who had been seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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