Savior Simulator

Chapter 767 Shifting Beast

Chapter 767 Shifting Beast

You have to ask, in this world, what creature does the displacement beast hate the most?
The answer is undoubtedly Blink Dog.

vice versa.

Displacement Beast and Flash Dog, these two groups of magical beasts have a deep-rooted hatred, once the two sides meet each other, they will fight to the death.

This pair of rivals engraved in the depths of their blood and passed down from generation to generation are well described in the illustrations of Shifting Beast and Blinking Dog, which left a deep impression on Gao Fei.

Just now, he had an idea and thought of a clever plan to use the relationship between the old enemies to divert the hatred of the shifting beast.

The next question is, how does Goofy conjure a flashing dog?

In fact, it's easier than a magician conjuring a pigeon out of thin air out of a top hat.

Goofy switched the "thief mask" to "Paladin mask", summoned the paladin mount "Celestial Bull", and then used the imitator's professional ability "Master of Disguise" to cast a free 2-ring "Transformation".

Under normal circumstances, the "transformation technique" only works on the caster himself, and can only turn into creatures of the same type whose size difference does not exceed one level.

According to this rule, as a human being, Gao Fei would never be able to turn himself into a dog.

However, nothing is absolute.

If the spellcaster has a magic pet, natural companion, or paladin mount, he can share spells that are only valid for himself with the above-mentioned contracted companions through a magic link.

At this moment, Gao Fei is using this method to bless the "transformation technique" on the celestial bull.

Celestial bulls look like ordinary bulls, but are actually magical beasts.

Blink Dog is also a magical beast.

Celestial bulls are large creatures.

Blink dogs are medium-sized.

Both belong to the same biological type, and the difference in body size does not exceed one level, which just meets the law of transformation.

Surrounded by golden magical aura, the strong bull turned into a big yellow dog with pointed ears in just three seconds, and roared provocatively at the displacement beast.

In fact, the "shape change" spell doesn't turn the Celestial Bull into a real Blinkdog.

What has changed is only the size and appearance, and the attributes are still the attributes of a bull, and it does not have the iconic flashing ability of the flashing dog.

However, this level of camouflage is enough to fool the not-so-intelligent Displacement Beast.

If a thing looks like a Blinkdog, walks like a Blinkdog, and barks like a Blinkdog, then in the eyes of the shifter, the other party is an abominable Blinkdog!

The ancestral hatred made the Displacement Beast burn with rage, throwing aside other opponents, and rushed to the "Flash Dog" desperately, biting frantically.

Mario seized this good opportunity and closed his eyes decisively.

The halo around the shifting beast is a kind of visual illusion. If the opponent closes his eyes and is not disturbed by the illusion, he will not suffer the 50% miss rate penalty.

Of course, the premise of doing this is to be able to accurately judge the position of the Displacement Beast without relying on vision.

Mario Ricardo, as a veteran thief, happens to have the ability to "distinguish position by listening to the wind"!

Relying on his keen sense of hearing, Mario quickly walked around behind the shifting beast, taking advantage of the monster being attracted by the flashing dog, he double-wielded short swords and launched a backstab!
After hitting with both hands and adding a "flying cut", Mario hits all three swords.




After this combo, three-quarters of the displacement beast's health was destroyed.

The Displacement Beast suffered severe injuries, blood flowed horizontally, screamed and screamed under the stimulation of the pain, and suddenly threw two thorny tentacles backwards, entangled Mario before he could retreat.

At the same time, the iron plate hanging on the collar resonated with the roar of the shifting beast, buzzing and trembling, and flashing magical aura.

This weird scene made Gao Fei have a bad feeling.

The iron plate on the shifter's collar seems to be some kind of magical device, which is sounding a silent alarm.

Mario also sensed that the situation was not good, and he tried his best to pull the thorny tentacles wrapped around his body, and at the same time urged his companions to take action quickly to kill the displacement beast.

Lisa fired a "Holy Fire".

Claire also threw out the "Whip of Thorns" and forcibly pulled the displacement beast away, preventing it from turning around and biting Mario.

Simba the lion and the fake flashing dog also rushed to beat the shifting beast.

However, under the influence of the constant "shifting technique" on this monster, most of the sieges by the crowd were in vain.

Seeing this, Gao Fei decisively switched the "warlock mask" to "warlock mask", raised his hand and blasted a violet shock wave.

The "Magic Energy Explosion" enhanced by "Tracking Magic Explosion" is not disturbed by phantoms, and is automatically locked on the shifting beast.


This "Magic Explosion" was superimposed with the special effects of "Magic Lance", "Repelling Demonic Explosion" and "Tracking Demonic Explosion". The shifting beast flew out of the door, hit the meat cutting board with its head, and its brains burst on the spot.

Gao Fei hurried back to the kitchen, tore off the iron plate from the body of the shifting beast, and was about to use the astrolabe to identify it, when there was a sudden movement from the stairs above.


The door at the top of the stairs was open, and a woman appeared at the head of the stairs holding a candlestick, looking down while still calling:

"Katie? Katie? In the middle of the night, why are you yelling? Could it be that little troublemaker named Oliver is being misbehaving again and trying to escape from the confinement room?"

Gao Fei guessed that the so-called Kitty was the nickname of the Displacement Beast, even though that monster didn't look like a kitty cat no matter what.

As for the "troublemaker Oliver" that the woman said, Gao Fei has not seen it yet, and it seems to refer to the crying child he heard before.

Looking up at the stairs, Gao Fei saw a young woman in a nightgown, tall and plump, with a rather gorgeous appearance, under the light of a candlestick. She must be Mrs. Freddy, the manager of the workhouse.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, Mrs. Freddy froze for a moment, then bared her teeth and growled at Gao Fei, her beautiful face was distorted, like a raging female beast.

This is obviously not how an ordinary woman should behave when she bumps into a stranger who breaks into her home in the middle of the night.

Goofy also noticed that around Mrs. Freddy's neck was an iron pendant of the same style as the Displacement Beast, and around her waist was a black leather belt exuding magical aura—this was the same as her gorgeous lace satin The nightgown was very mismatched.

"Oh! God! A group of thieves broke into my house. It's terrible! Carl! Carl, come and catch the thief!"

At this time, Mrs. Freddy seemed to have finally remembered her identity as a rich lady, and pretended to be shocked, standing at the stairs and yelling.

She pretended to be pitiful while asking for help, her eyes were still staring at Gao Fei and the others fiercely, and the tip of her tongue greedily licked her red lips, as if she was about to be unable to hold back the bloodthirsty desire in her heart, and she might pounce down at any time and choose someone to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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