Savior Simulator

Chapter 759 Making a Sand Golem

Chapter 759 Making a Sand Golem
"Wow! It's too strong! It's too strong! 'Skilled Spellcaster' is the eternal god! Give me a legendary feat, and I won't change it!"

Gao Fei can fully understand why Xiao Ma is so excited.

"The richest man, you are now a level 9 artificer, proficiency correction +4, and you have obtained the feat of 'Proficient Spellcaster', adding 4 additional spellcasting levels, which is equivalent to a 13th level spellcaster."

"This has gone way beyond the minimum requirement of reading the Sand Golem Crafting Manual, what I would call a game designer's mercy."

Gao Fei joked with a smile.

Under normal circumstances, Ma Yun would have to be at least level 11 to read the "Sand Golem Making Manual", but with the "Skilled Spellcaster" feat, she can use this strange book now.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! I've decided! I'm not in a hurry to find Glinda. I want to stay in the Emerald City for one more month and go on the road after I build the sand golem!" Ma Yun said excitedly.

Even with the assistance of the "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual", it would take at least a month in the game to complete this large-scale construction project.

Fortunately, the game is not exactly the same as reality after all, and players don't really need to spend a month in reality.

Both enchanting and construction projects in the game can use astrolabe energy to simplify the process.

Every astrolabe energy consumed can quickly complete a whole day's construction work.

Ma Yun has a total of 19 astrolabe energy. Start work today, and after entering the game tomorrow, spend another 11 astrolabe energy to get a brand new sand golem and take off directly!

Under the repeated urging of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, Xiao Ma, who was obsessed with making golems, reluctantly logged off.

It was already 4:30 in the afternoon, and everyone was so hungry that they shabu-shabu hot pot together in Tiangong Restaurant.

While eating, the three of them were still discussing the next game progress.

Ma Yun has already used up the energy of today's astrolabe, and plans to build golems tomorrow. The module "The Wizard of Oz" cannot advance the follow-up plot for the time being.

According to the meaning of Xiao Ma, a girl with internet addiction, after eating this hot pot, I don’t know whether it should be dinner or lunch, and everyone will go online again to help her solve Chapter 8 of the berserker module "Prince's Revenge" and explore "King Olaf" Mausoleum" to get the holy weapon holy axe.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng shook their heads together, telling her that this idea is extremely unreliable!
"The chapter of King Olaf's Tomb is the most difficult and longest adventure in the entire Berserker module. At the beginning, I played this level with your brother Fei, and Xiaotian helped me. It took a whole day to get through it. During the It almost flipped over several times."

Jiang Feng said to Ma Yun with a wry smile.

"When we finish eating, it will be at least 5:30, and there is no time to get through this level."

"Tomorrow is Monday, you have to get up early to go to class, you can't stay up late!" Gao Fei also persuaded Ma Yun, "You have been playing like crazy for two days, you should calm down." "

"That's alright..." Student Xiao Ma felt aggrieved, "If you don't play games, what are your plans for tonight?"

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other, both a little embarrassed.

To be honest, of course the two of them want to go to the training hall to sweat first, and then go home to take a couple bath and have a good time.

However, in front of classmate Xiao Ma, I am too embarrassed to show my affection publicly.

"Xiaoyun, your hair is half long and not short, it's messy, you look like a slovenly boy, you should take care of it."

Jiang Feng smiled and stroked Ma Yun's no longer fluffy hair.

"After dinner, let's go to the beauty parlor next to Tiangong Mall to take a sauna, have our hair done, and relax in a spa, how about it?"

"Great! I heard that the special police are free of charge in beauty parlors. I've wanted to experience it for a long time!"

All girls love beauty, and Xiao Ma is no exception.

"Where's Brother Fei? Do you want to do hair too?"

"Okay, but with my hair, just cut it twice, and I'll wait for you in the lounge after it's over."

Gao Fei touched his head.

If it wasn't for his girlfriend and Ma Yun, he wouldn't even have to go to the shop for a haircut. He would cut it casually in front of the mirror, and then use the "disguise technique" to repair it. He can do whatever hairstyle he wants, saving money and saving money. How nice it is to save time!

But you can only think about it in your heart, if you say it face to face, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun will definitely laugh at "Steel Straight Man".

The entertainment and leisure facilities provided by Tiangong for its employees are of impeccable quality.

Gao Fei took a bath, sat in the sauna for a while, came out and ate two pieces of iced watermelon, and then went for a haircut.

Within half an hour, he walked out of the barbershop refreshed, looked in the mirror, and thought, who is this handsome guy?

Why are you so handsome? !

Sitting on the soft sofa in the lounge, there are several bottles of beer in the ice bucket on the left, and a cigar box on the right.

Gao Fei looked up, and it turned out that the lounge he walked into was a smoking area, and the next door was a non-smoking area.

He doesn't smoke himself, but he doesn't hate the smell of cigars, so he doesn't bother to move.

There were several young SWAT officers in the room, and they all seemed to be waiting for their girlfriends. Some were smoking and chatting, while others were playing arcade games.

Gao Fei stood in front of the arcade machine and looked at it for a while, couldn't help itching his hands, so he threw coins and played against the trendy man in a floral shirt next to him.

The two played three rounds of "The King of Fighters XV", and Gao Fei chose the most familiar "Three Artifacts" team - Kusanagi, Yagami and Kagura.

The characters chosen by the flower shirt brother are the version answers Vanessa, Ralph and Terry.

In the first game, Gao Fei was frequently won by the opponent's starting player, Vanessa. When he was pressed in the corner, he was beaten crazily and suffered a series of three.

In the second game, Kusanagi, who flew high and defended the bottom, saw the opponent's second-ranked Ralph, and declared GG after a set of two kills.

In the third round, Gao Fei used his prehistoric power to finally beat Terry, who was defending the bottom of the opponent, but he was already exhausted, and was finally taken away by a "fruit orange", losing all face...

"Brother Honglong, your arcade level is far inferior to actual combat!"

The little brother in the flower shirt, who won the duel and still taunted Gao Fei, he patted the joystick, turned his head and left.

"Brother Honglong, don't go, how about having a drink together?" Hua Shirt happily chased after him.

"Next time, definitely next time!"

Gao Fei ran to the non-smoking area next door in embarrassment. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a group of girls smiling like flowers around the claw machine, and suddenly felt that the whole world became refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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