Savior Simulator

Chapter 758 New Adventures

Chapter 758 New Adventures
"Which Glinda are you talking about, Miss Wizard?" asked the Lion to Dorothy.

"Of course it is the most powerful one among the four witches of the East, South, West, and North, the southern witch Glinda who rules Quedlin Township." Dorothy replied.

"Is Glinda a good witch, then?" asked the Lion worriedly. "If she is as bad as Ivanora or Theodora, don't expect her to be of any help to you!"

"Why don't you think of the best?" The Tin Woodman gave the Lion a look, and scolded him for saying something dejected when Dorothy finally pulled herself together, "Perhaps Glinda is as warm-hearted as Edpel, the Witch of the North, Help."

"Speaking of Ms. Edpel, I suddenly remembered that before we came to the Emerald City, she persuaded me to find Glinda, and said that Glinda was good at teleportation magic."

"It's a pity that I didn't accept Ms. Edpel's suggestion and insisted on coming to the Emerald City to seek help from Master Oz, which resulted in many twists and turns..."

Dorothy couldn't help feeling a little remorseful.

The Scarecrow hesitated, but finally broke the silence.

"Dorothy, my friend, I have heard about Ms. Glinda's reputation. If the rumors are true, even if you went to her before, you may not be able to get what you want."

"Oh? What do you mean, Glinda is a bad witch?" The lion asked eagerly.

The Scarecrow shook his head with a wry smile.

"Dear Dimitri, you can't always look at the world with black and white, good or bad eyes. In fact, Glinda is neither as cruel and evil as Theodora and Ivanora, nor Not as warm-hearted and kind as Edpel, she has the most complicated personality among all witches."

"I've heard people in Quedlin Township talk about Glinda. She is a beautiful Eladrin mage whose personality changes with the seasons."

"Joyful and humorous in spring, violent and aggressive in summer, gentle and kind in autumn, melancholy and depressed in winter."

"If we're going to Grinda for help, it's best in spring and autumn, not in summer and winter."

"When I go to her in summer, I'm afraid I have to fight her first, but in the whole winter, this melancholy witch shuts herself in the castle, sentimental alone, and closes the door to thank guests."

"Vita, you are very knowledgeable. It is really a wise decision for Master Oz to appoint you as Regent!"

Dorothy looked at the Scarecrow appreciatively.

"But I have a question. When you said 'we', did you include yourself?"

"Of course!" the Scarecrow said without hesitation, "The road from Emerald City to Quedlin Township is long and difficult. I don't trust you to go on the road alone. Of course, I will accompany you on the adventure."

"Excellent! I thought so too!" cried the Lion.

"I'm the one to count." The Tin Woodman said calmly but firmly, "Thanks to Dorothy, I have found my heart, and how can a man with a heart have the heart to let his friend set foot on the full road alone?" A difficult and perilous adventure."

"Thank you so much, my dearest friends!" The girl's eyes turned red with emotion, "Especially Vita, if you go to Quedlin Township with us, won't you be unable to perform your duties as the regent of Emerald City? "

"Well, I've thought about it."

Vita patted his straw-filled forehead to show that he was using his brain.

"I plan to select seven smart and prestigious citizens in the Emerald City to form a committee."

"When I am out on an adventure, this 'committee of seven' is responsible for handling the affairs of the city, and then sends me a report regularly, and I will make instructions in the reply letter."

"That sounds reasonable, even more reasonable than appointing a regent."

The Tin Woodman once again showed his talent for bad jokes.

"The only fly in the ointment of this solution is that the letter exchange is protracted, and in case of any emergency, it will inevitably be delayed." The Scarecrow added.

"Oh, dear Vita, I can help you solve this problem!" Dorothy rushed to say, "I have learned the third-level magic 'SMS'. Using this magic, even if it is thousands of miles away, it only takes three minutes to complete the task." In seconds, you can convey your message to the committee!"

"In addition, I will also create a communication crystal with 'SMS' attached to it, and give it to your committee. If they are in a hurry, they can contact you through this crystal at any time!"

"A perfect solution!" The Scarecrow clapped his hands approvingly. "Dorothy, Nick, and Dimitri, my dear friends, it's time to prepare for a new adventure!"

"I will select the members of the 'Committee of Seven' as soon as possible, and arrange the affairs of the city. Then we will go on the road together, go to Quedlin Township, and visit Glinda, the Southern Witch!"

That's how things settled.

The four friends have planned their itinerary, and this chapter has come to an end.

Xiao Ma, who had watched the play for a long time, finally received a system prompt.

"Achieve the story milestone of this chapter, astrolabe energy +1!"

Ma Yun's artificer has been upgraded to level 9.

Proficiency modifier +1, HP +4 (38).

Learn the professional ability "Fate Demon Conversion". For every 2 magic points spent, you can restore 1d6 points of health for yourself.

In addition, beginning at 9th level, artificers can transcribe and learn 4th-level spells.

Toto, Ma Yun's familiar, has her Hit Dice increased to 9 HD.

Proficiency modifier +1, HP +14 (122).

Scarecrow Vita, promoted to level 4 trickster.

HP +10 (86); attribute +1 (intelligence 21).

Sneak attack damage rolls, increased to 2d6.

Nick the Tin Woodman, promoted to Level 4 Adjudicator.

HP +10 (98); attribute +1 (perception 20).

A new usage of "channeling energy" is derived, called "channeling confession".


Channeled Confession: The arbiter expends 1 channel to force a confession from one creature within 30 feet.The opponent can resist the "leading confession" with a successful Will saving throw.


A level 4 adjudicator can also choose a 1st-level magic spell.

After careful consideration, Nick chose the "blessing spell", which increases the attack roll and immunity resistance of all teammates.

Dimitri the Lion, promoted to level 4 warrior.

HP +12 (117), attributes +1 (strength 25).

Starting from level 4, Dimitri is immune to all fear effects and has become a veritable "warrior"!
There are no bonus classes in this chapter.

There are three candidates for specialties, the first two are old faces, "magic enlargement" and "spell silent casting".

The last candidate is "Skilled Spellcaster"!
"Ooooh~ Skilled spellcaster! Choose it and choose it!"

Jiang Feng urged Ma Yun eagerly.

Classmate Ma gave her a puzzled look.

"Sister Feng, it's just a specialty, why are you screaming excitedly..."

However, when she saw the introduction of "Skilled Spellcaster", she couldn't help screaming excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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