Savior Simulator

Chapter 706 Finding the Wax Golem

Chapter 706 Finding the Wax Golem

Once the "disguise technique" is dispelled, won't the wax golem mixed in the wax figure reveal its true colors?

There is one technical detail, however.

High-level constructed creatures such as "golems" usually have very high magic resistance. Some exaggerated statements even directly call them "magic immunity".

Can the "dispel technique" break through the super high magic resistance of the wax golem?

What a coincidence!
"Dispel" is precisely one of the very few spells that completely ignore magic resistance, it is simply a magic weapon specially used to solve this problem!

Gao Fei couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Thanks to the risk of offending Father Gallup in the last chapter, I stole the "Dispel" from him.

However, in a flash, he realized that he had actually complicated a simple problem.

If he hadn't stolen the "Dispel" in the last chapter, wouldn't this puzzle be unsolvable?

But in fact, it's not.

I have to admit that the game designer was very thoughtful when designing this puzzle.

Even if the high-flying Spell Thief hadn't stolen any spells, he could still find that disguised wax golem among the many wax figures just by relying on his own professional ability.

What method should be used?

The answer is the "eye of insight" that "Spirit Thief" originally had, and was completely obscured by the astrolabe during the past adventures!
Wax golems are naturally good at "disguise", right?
As long as it can cast a spell, even if it only has such a spell, things will be easy.

Ordinary wax figures have absolutely no ability to cast spells.

Gao Fei only needs to open the "Eye of Insight" and glance over. The only guy in the crowd with his own spell list is not a wax golem, who else could it be?

Granny bear!

I made a mistake and wasted 7 magic points!
Gao Fei's first "dispersion technique" covered more than 20 wax figures, not including wax golems.

Afterwards, he didn't need to cast spells, he directly opened the "Eye of Insight", and soon found the disguised wax golem.

"The truth is shocking, the wax golem actually pretended to be the victim's corpse!" Gao Fei raised his eyebrows in surprise, "This makes me wonder whether this so-called poisoning case will be self-directed and self-acted ?”

"Wow~Mr. Wayne, you are amazing!" Eva applauded, "It only took 2 minutes to find the wax golem, and it exposed the core trick of this reasoning script in one sentence. Louise was right. You are indeed a genius detective!"

"I knew that Rogge would be able to do it!" Jiang Feng also smiled with pride on his face.

"Louis, Rogge, to tell you the truth, the reasoning script for today's exhibition is my idea."

Eva lowered her voice so the rest of the audience in the arena wouldn't hear her spoiler.

"As Logue pointed out, no one was actually murdered at all, and the deceased acted out himself, pretending to be a dead body in order to escape a fraud lawsuit that would land him in jail."

"Ms. Eva, the puzzle you designed is very ingenious, but the reason why the murderer directed and acted himself is a bit too far-fetched."

Goofy told the truth.

"Hey! The secret room murder reasoning, the important thing is the arrangement of the tricks, the reason for the murder and so on. That's something that the 'Socialist' will pay attention to, and we 'Benge faction' don't care!"

Eva shrugged arrogantly.

Obviously, this line does not fit the identity of a dancer at all, and nine out of ten are private goods that Inanna secretly stuffed in through Eva's mouth.

Gao Fei felt that this line was not well designed, and it was somewhat superfluous.

Jiang Feng didn't take it seriously, and smiled and clapped his hands in agreement.

"Eva is right! We just need to know who the murderer is, how he killed it, and why did the murderer kill him?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested! I don't have the time to learn about his tragic life experience and mental journey. I just want to see the murderer be found out and get the punishment he deserves!"

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

Gao Fei spread his hands and smiled wryly, secretly complaining:
"Brother played the male lead, obviously wanted to cosplay Sherlock Holmes, Director Yin, how are you, I made a Conan theatrical version for me! You really belong to me!"

After the wax figure exhibition, the audience who wanted to watch the song and dance show bought tickets at the entrance of the hall, sat on the sofa smoking a pipe, chatted, and waited for the song and dance show to start.

After playing the wax golem of "fake death" for an hour, Eva greeted him as soon as he got up, and asked him to follow him back to the choreography classroom for a final rehearsal.

Jiang Feng looked at the wax golem's submissiveness and was being ordered around by Eva. He couldn't help feeling sympathetic, and even expressed his emotion to Gao Fei in the private chat channel.

"You say this wax golem is so pitiful. It works two jobs and is squeezed from morning to night. It earns a lot of tickets for the boss, but it doesn't get anything for itself. Social animals don't bring such misery!"

Gao Fei felt the same way, so he continued the conversation along this topic.

"In fact, in the fantasy world, constructs including golems are like industrial robots commonly used in reality. If you regard them as an advanced labor tool, there seems to be no problem, but if you regard them as laborers, There will be a lot of serious social problems."

"In reality, it has become a common trend for robots to replace manpower and save labor costs. In the past, with Bluestar's technological level, strong artificial intelligence could not be produced. We only need to worry about unemployment and do not need to consider the rights and interests of robots."

"But since the outbreak of the demon tide, the situation has changed."

"The periodic increase in the concentration of Blue Star's magic power brings us a path of supernatural technology parallel to technology. Along this path, we can also create intelligent golems, especially the existence of Tiangong, which makes this path becomes more feasible."

"If there are 'intelligent robots' like wax golems in our lives in the future, they should be used as tools, or given certain human rights, so as not to squeeze too hard, arouse resistance, and stage a living omnic What about the crisis?"

Goofy sighed.

"We are still too young and have little knowledge to answer these serious questions. We can only be keyboard warriors in the game and imagine paths that have never been imagined."

Jiang Feng nodded deeply, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He took his boyfriend's hand and said in a low voice, "Look! The wax golem is shaking! It seems... very scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Gao Fei asked casually.

"As soon as Eva approaches, the wax golem trembles. Who do you think it is afraid of?"

"If the wax golem is afraid of Eva, I don't understand." Gao Fei frowned slightly, "Leaving aside what Eva has to fear, the wax golem is just a construct, not a body of flesh and blood , it stands to reason that there should be no such emotion as 'fear'."

(End of this chapter)

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