Savior Simulator

Chapter 705 Guessing Game

Chapter 705 Guessing Game
In order to verify his guess, Gao Fei used the astrolabe to detect the dancing Eva, but he could only see the professional level of the other party, and the rest of the details were "temporarily unable to detect high-level NPCs".

This is enough.

Eva is a 10th-level "sword dancer," combining the agility of a thief with the showmanship of a bard.

This kind of dance is not only beautiful, but also contains magical powers that make people fascinated, and can even kill people invisible.

As a high-level "sword dancer", Eva entered the dance industry. This is a typical dimensionality reduction blow. No wonder she became famous at a young age and has many fans.

Eva ended the impromptu performance with applause, smiled and bowed to the audience gathered around the door, and put back her high heels.

A bell rang outside the door, reminding the audience that it was time to visit the wax figure exhibition.

Eva offered to be a tour guide for Louise and Roger, leading them into the wax museum.

The light in the hall is dim and the tone is depressing.

The cello played a gloomy melody, which perfectly set off the atmosphere of the murder scene.

The venue was set up like a dance party.

More than 60 well-dressed and lively male and female guests are all wax figures, including the "victim" who fell by the fireplace and bled from the corner of his mouth.

"The wax figure that fell to the ground is a simulation of a wealthy businessman who is also the owner of this house."

Eva introduces Louise and Roger to the theme of the wax exhibition.

"Just as he was giving a big banquet to the guests, he suddenly died of poison, which caused panic in the ball hall. The wax figure exhibition shows this scene."

"As visitors, we may as well use our brains to guess who among all these wax figures is the murderer who poisoned and murdered while admiring the exquisite art of making wax figures."

Having said that, Eva made a playful grimace.

"Wax figures don't testify with their mouths. If we make wild guesses, we can make up a set of reasonable logical chains at will, proving that any wax figure is suspected of committing a crime, and there is no correct answer to this game."

"In order to avoid such controversy, we have to add a constraint to the game, that is, we must find a 'wax golem' from all these wax figures, and obtain key testimony from it."

"Ms. Eva, can the wax golem talk?" Rogge asked curiously.

"The wax golem can only speak what its master tells it to say, and under normal circumstances, it cannot speak freely according to its own thoughts." Eva replied.

"You mentioned thoughts, which is very strange." Louise joined the chat, "As far as I know, the intelligence attribute of wax golems is only a pitiful 1 point, which is not at the level of cats and dogs. The machine imitates human pronunciation and repeats the instructions instilled in it by the master, there is no free will!"

"Eva, my dear friend, how can you use such a noble word as 'thought' on a wax golem?"

"Yes, generally speaking, wax golems are not worthy of thoughts."

Eva's smile was slightly bitter, and she changed the subject immediately.

"Mr. Wayne, Louise said that you are a famous detective in Binhai City. You must have solved many suspenseful cases, right?"

"Uh... not too many. The detective agency I started with my friend has only taken three cases so far."

Roger showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

The cases he handled, including the grocery store exorcism case, as well as the devil haunting case and the kidnapping case at the police chief's house, did not have any links that required brain-burning reasoning, and they were not worth showing off.

"It's only been half a year since you opened the business, and it's already very impressive to successfully solve three cases. Even the police chief's wife praised you for being brave and resourceful, and worthy of the title of 'Great Detective'."

Eva praised Rogge first, then changed the subject and challenged him.

"Mr. Detective, with your professional vision, it must be very easy to find the wax golem among all the wax figures?"

"Of course this can't be difficult for Rogge!" Louis rushed to say, "Within an hour, he will definitely find out the wax golem!"

"Ordinary people need an hour. Mr. Wayne is a detective. How can he be on par with ordinary people? I think five minutes is enough for him." Eva had a narrow smile in her eyes, "How about it, Mr. Detective?" Do you dare to accept this challenge and show your ingenuity?"

Roger didn't want to show weakness in front of his sweetheart, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

"Great, let's start now!"

Eva took out her pocket watch and counted him down.

Rogge walked into the venue and spent 2 minutes observing 65 wax figures with different postures and expressions. His eyes were dazzled and he couldn't find out which wax figure was different.

He wanted to touch the skin texture of the wax figure, but was stopped by the venue staff, who politely reminded him: "You can only see, not touch."

Now Rogge was completely at a loss, and could only pray silently in his heart.Ask your own guardian angel for help.

At the same time, both Jiang Feng and Gao Fei received system prompts.

It's time for a seance!
With 3 minutes left, Goofy must find the wax golem on his own.

Jiang Feng couldn't help, so he could only watch from the sidelines, anxious.

"Eva, this little girl, you have a bad heart! You made me look ugly in public!"

Gao Fei couldn't help but slander.

It occurred to me that Eva's surname is also "Vida". From this, it can be seen that the plot of the wax figure exhibition is mostly written by Inanna Vida herself.

Our second-generation official lady probably brought herself into the role of Eva. No wonder Eva's personality is full of Mary Su's breath...

Just complaining won't solve the problem.

Time is passing minute by minute.

Although failing to complete this side mission will not affect the direction of the main plot, it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

After a little observation, Gao Fei concluded that it was impossible to solve the puzzle in just 3 minutes with his own brain, and he had to use some means other than reasoning.

For example, use the astrolabe identification.

The species type of the wax golem is a constructed creature, so it must be different from ordinary wax figures!

However, the Rita Immortal was stubborn, and it turned out that this trick didn't work.

System prompt: The guessing task is in progress, you cannot use the astrolabe to cheat!
Worth!Is this all within your calculations?
Gao Fei stroked his chin, trying to make another plan.

The astrolabe cannot be used, but I can always use magic, right?

Drawing 7 points of magic power, Gao Fei swayed a faint green light curtain at the exhibition site where the wax figures gathered.

The 3rd ring "dispel" can designate a creature or a field as the target of the spell, covering a spherical space with a radius of 20 feet and a flat projection of about 150 square meters.

Why use "dispel"?
The reason is simple.

The method used by the wax golem to change its body shape and appearance is essentially the 1st ring "Disguise".

Spell effects below level 3 will be unconditionally dispelled by the "dispel".

(End of this chapter)

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